happy_cycling wrote:Societas gives us a good idea of what's in store for the future of the BoC sound and tone; honestly, I think TH also gives us a bit of a peek into the future direction as well. If they did a space album and it's pretty likely that they will, based on everything in the past year, it would be a sound mixture of TCH and TH. With the atmospheric/spacey sound of TH interlaced with the guitars/melodic style of TCH. Obviously, I can't just boil an entire BoC album down to one sound, but I think that is the base direction they would take. It won't be as dire and desolate as TH, I definitely think it will be more hopeful and cheerful than previous releases.
I never thought of reading into Societas as the future sounds of BOC until people started pointing it out. There's definitely some reoccurring trends on it, I feel Associations, Prospect and Vulcan Mind Probe are all cousins and sound a lot like "space age bachelor pad music" as I've heard them described.
BOC have stated they like creating alternate paths in musical history and I feel that the combination of certain tracks on Societas will form the new path for BOC. I think the Minute Maid commercial about squeezing all the oranges together to make Minute Maid demonstrates this process and what we might have is the raw material that they use.
The way you describe the combination of TCH and TH sounds a lot like Sometimes, since the beginning of it is very "astral" while the rest of it sounds like the happy melodic style of TCH.
Regardless if we figure out the new sound, though, what makes this exciting is how they tie it all together with song titles, art and musical themes. What makes the first three albums so legendary for me are how they tie the brilliant music together in this ambiguous, unique outsider way that only BOC can do. That's what keeps me hyped.