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Come on MDG. Gives us something for the weekend. Throw us a bone man.

(BTW this juvenile wimpering from a 40+ yr old is nailed on to work)
rED ORAnge YELLow grEEn blUe inDIGo violEt
ricHArd OF yorK GAvE baTTle in vAIn
Released! Oh Yes! Gonna Buy It Vinyl!

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Milky wrote:^^^Nailed it. Maybe the box means they're now getting back on track with music.
I personally am really mixed about the website updates .They could really be actual news, or they could just be something the people in charge of the websites did for god knows what reason. Maybe to shut up all the fans who bitch about how there hasn't been an update in 5 years (Note: I'm no exception to these bitchy fans).

I also think BoC might have gotten a bit annoyed and disappointed at the reception their music has gotten. I don't mean popularity, but first off, they seem to be grouped with Electronic acts they're nothing like. Remember how they said that they want Campfire to get the out of the dance section in music stores? And how they've never made a dance album in their careers as musicians, but they still get put there?

And then it seems like they got tired of the whole pagan/satanic association with their music. Fans got too carried away with the whole numerology and deep meanings, which is why Campfire was a pretty big turn from Geogaddi. Not as much hexagon, 666, etc. To be honest, they sort of brought that one on themselves, though.

I think this might also be something that's hurting their motivation to put out a new album. This is all just my speculation, though. Feel free to tear it apart and give reasons to believe otherwise. My brother and I came to this conclusion about BoC and their fans when we were talking BoC the other day.

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mdg wrote:
celadon wrote:Come on MDG. Gives us something for the weekend. Throw us a bone man.

(BTW this juvenile wimpering from a 40+ yr old is nailed on to work)

All I can say is that it was never traditional for an audience to be privy to the machinations of an artist, filmmaker, musician, or author until the internet (and specifically blog websites) were invented.

By the time Peter Jackson releases his new movies, some of his audience will have already seen much of the film on his Facebook blog and other websites.
Do any of you guys remember the days when something wonderful just appeared out of the blue, without having had it all explained away and spoiled in advance?

I'm old enough to remember discovering and hunting down records in the early 90's before most homes had internet access. And not knowing anything about the artist beyond the sounds emanating from the speakers and the artwork on the sleeve. It seemend then that there was very little info surrounding releases and certainly a lot less speculation or theorising. Although there is a tendency now to over-romantisice such things, there was a sense of mystery and something magical about that (but then again that may have been something to do with being a teenager at the time..haha).

Sometimes modern day information overload doesn't really leave much to the imagination. I'd imagine if Captain Beefheart was starting up today, there mightn't be the same sense of mystery, awe and otherworldyness associated with his music. Because they'd probably be discussing his favourite cereal on Pitchfork or have him up on MTV Cribs :) Although in this day in age I think we're all guilty to some extent with these things. I know I find myself browsing Youtube for performances and anticipating gigs or release dates online. And as a music fan, I do enjoy sharing my thoughts about these on a's fun. However there are those disciplined enough not to give in to these things and just take the music for what it is.

Personally I like BoC's approach, I wouldn't have it any other way. They care to much about the quality of the content to inundate us with watered down records year after year. And they don't care enough about the Media side of things to get involved too much. I'm sure a record will come to us when they feel inspired enough. I'm sure deep down many people here would agree even though we're all dying to hear something..haha

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dp wrote:Whining about our Whining.


Bryan wrote:Didn't realize you were so close to the guy. Does he take his tea hot, or cold?

Lol, wow. I didn't realize my post would be controversial. I thought it was common sense. When has asking MDG for news ever worked?

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Last edited by coffee grapes on Sat Feb 18, 2012 6:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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mdg wrote:All I can say is that it was never traditional for an audience to be privy to the machinations of an artist, filmmaker, musician, or author until the internet (and specifically blog websites) were invented.

By the time Peter Jackson releases his new movies, some of his audience will have already seen much of the film on his Facebook blog and other websites.
Do any of you guys remember the days when something wonderful just appeared out of the blue, without having had it all explained away and spoiled in advance?

Quoting again, as Fearless Flounder did above, because I think you guys missed it before MDG apparently changed his mind.

Not to add fuel to the fire, but (a) I happen to agree with his sentiment (b) this is as good as saying 'I know what's happening, but I'm not telling (which is just fine by me) and (c) apologies MDG if I'm shining a light on something you regretted 30 secs later.

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Thing there is, I know Peter Jackson is making a new film, I know roughly when it's going to be out, and although I choose not to spoiler any of it for myself, if I haven't heard any more news by the end of the year I can reassure myself that it's still being worked on with a quick google. I can get on with my life the rest of the time just enjoying other films and not constantly be asking myself "whatever happened to that Hobbit film?" every time I see the LotR DVDs on my shelf. I don't harbour a suspicion that Peter Jackson things "for god's sake, my fans are such impatient assholes, I wish they'd just leave me alone, I don't want to deal with them" in the back of my mind when I talk to other LotR fans.

When the film comes out I will go into the cinema and see it, unspoilered, with eyes that are seeing it for the first time. And it will be wonderful, no doubt.

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Said it before and I'll probably say it again: it's a generational thing. Those people (like me) who are pre-internet had no choice but to wait, wait, wait, wait for (sometimes non-existant) news about our fave bands. We're probably better placed to 'deal with it' and - yes - there was definately something all the sweeter when that new LP dropped and you knew fuck-all about it as it started to play. The excitement!!

Despite why mini-rant the other day about the whole black-box thing, if I'm being honest, I still admire them for being so bloody minded.

Honestly, would you REALLY want them any other way? I mean, then they just become like any other band, right?


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Mexicola wrote:Said it before and I'll probably say it again: it's a generational thing. Those people (like me) who are pre-internet had no choice but to wait, wait, wait, wait for (sometimes non-existant) news about our fave bands. We're probably better placed to 'deal with it' and - yes - there was definately something all the sweeter when that new LP dropped and you knew fuck-all about it as it started to play. The excitement!!

Despite why mini-rant the other day about the whole black-box thing, if I'm being honest, I still admire them for being so bloody minded.

Honestly, would you REALLY want them any other way? I mean, then they just become like any other band, right?


i completely agree. it really is a generational thing, like you said. the internet's helped to make things a lot more impulse-driven, and a lot more i-need-the-facts-now, kinda (for lack of better, less hyphenated words).

that's why i find a sort of romanticism about going to a record shop and picking an album from a band i knew nothing about, as i'm sure many did back in the day.

that, and the fact that anonymity on the internet allows people to be unafraid to show the nastier side of human nature with very little real-life consequence.

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It's so invasive though. You've got to watch it. Much as I love the internet (I mean, I'm HERE right?), it's like a cancer. It's sneaks up on you if you're not careful.

Recently my broadband died on it's arse for a few days and I was at such a loose end it was ridiculous. Not ten years ago I was still refusing to get a mobile phone because I quite liked being 'out' thank you very much. Today, I've never been bettered connected to the World and yet - ironically - less a true part of it.

I'm not going to start quoting 'The internet is evil - wake up!', but honestly, there are times when I wonder if they had a point.

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I won't lie, the Internet has enabled me to find out about and access an absolute ton of all kinds of strange and obscure music that I wouldn't have otherwise had the opportunity to hear. Even back in the days of Fanzines, word of mouth etc there's no way I would have heard the same stuff. So it's been great in that way.

Although I must admit that it has changed how I listen to I experience music. And not for the better. It's always something I try to keep in check but i have noticed that i react to music differently online. Also, as someone pointed out, peoples lives have changed in a kind of fickle, quick fix culture when it comes to leisure time, entertainment and and music listening habits.

If BoC represent some kind of step outside that in the way that they conduct themselves and how they release records then brilliant. More power to them. Now hurry up lads ;)

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I hope wherever the brothers Sandison are, they are having a nice day today :)

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I'm content with listening to other music and making music while I wait.

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I just keep listening to MHTRTC and Geogaddi back to back.

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Seeya_Later wrote:I'm content with listening to other music and making music while I wait.

Couldn't agree more!

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adelinyenmah wrote:
Seeya_Later wrote:Question: Does BoC actually consider this long wait to be a good strategy to build fan anticipation? Because as far as I can tell there really aren't as many people who are waiting like us. Most people will be like "Oh, a new Board of Canada album. I remember them. Old school, man!" and then they might not even get a copy.

Lack of fan communication would probably work for a band like Radiohead, who everyone listens to whether they actually like them or not.

Basically, Warp will have to advertise the crap out of their next album, because there's a chance that it might go unnoticed by a lot of people. People know Autechre because they have a steady flow of releases. People know Aphex Twin because he has enourmous of fanboys who idolize him (and not to mention, he still does shows). BoC has neither of those points.

I also think it may fail to generate buzz because most people wouldn't realize the significance of a new BoC release.

I'm thinking BoC isn't enough of a heavy-hitter to be pulling this "we can take our sweet time because that will make it more successful" approach. Regardless of whether the music is any good.

If that's not what they're doing then whatever. I hope they aren't.

Honestly I don't think they give a fuck, and I say that with no hostility. I doubt their lives are centralized completely around making music anymore (and making money off of said music). They don't seem like the kind of group that tries to sell themselves - If the album is good it will get recognized. Also I think you're underestimating how large their fanbase is..

I have to agree, I dont think they give a fuck either and to me that is a very healthy thing. I live in a land (okay the US) where just about everything is geared towards making cash and it gets me down sometimes. I miss good old scots rationale and a sense of perspective. I dont think money is their main driver even though we all like to have it. The Album - if it ever comes along - will easily buy them each a nice house if they dont have nice houses already. Anyway, I'm slavering. My point is that Good Art with the side bonus of money is better than mediocre product aimed at the mass market. Its better for the soul.

Anyway, lets face it - its pretty clear they dont give a fuck.

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I don't think it's that they "don't give a fuck" in the self-centered and negative connotation, but just that they've got more to do. Do realize that we're talking about two guys who are now in their 40's. This is not 1997, where BoC was at one time hard at work on tons of different tracks. Like has been said, they're probably just focusing on life, like most human beings do.

Or are working on some huge project.

Or are being lazy laying around doing nothing.

Or are dead.

Or are apart from each other and have been now for years.

My point is, it's not our place to worry about or really even question what it is they're doing. It'd be nice to have some information, but if you put yourself in the same place, you can clearly see how annoying it must be to be known for one thing and be questioned about it frequently by anyone outside of your friends, family and co-workers.

That being said, I think we should wait at least until the start of next year before pestering MDG for updates. for fog machine.

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lol, you guys come to this conclusion every 15 pages of this thread or so.

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Kinski wrote:lol, you guys come to this conclusion every 15 pages of this thread or so.

Oh it doesn't usually take us that long!! :lol:

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Rodheh wrote:I don't think it's that they "don't give a fuck" in the self-centered and negative connotation, but just that they've got more to do. Do realize that we're talking about two guys who are now in their 40's. This is not 1997, where BoC was at one time hard at work on tons of different tracks. Like has been said, they're probably just focusing on life, like most human beings do.

Or are working on some huge project.

Or are being lazy laying around doing nothing.

Or are dead.

Or are apart from each other and have been now for years.

My point is, it's not our place to worry about or really even question what it is they're doing. It'd be nice to have some information, but if you put yourself in the same place, you can clearly see how annoying it must be to be known for one thing and be questioned about it frequently by anyone outside of your friends, family and co-workers.

That being said, I think we should wait at least until the start of next year before pestering MDG for updates.

What if they are dead and it comes out? Will this thread come to an end? Lol.


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