Moderators: mdg, Mexicola, 2020k, Fredd-E, Aesthetics
outhudd wrote:Barcode on the tape is from this: ... ase/324166
Frindia wrote:Funny to me how when something is mentioned days prior, a clue or troll pops up right behind. e.g. Sundown mention from mods on Reddit then the slowed down fan video on BoC fb, Heard From Telegraph Lines mentioned from Fredd-E then a fan video once again on their fb. Can’t forget tonxism mentioning the pronunciation of closes the night before the supposed “prank” post of the liner notes. Now this. Someone just mentioned the 15 year anniversary to Dayvan Cowboy being released yesterday (August 18, 2006) now this TCHep ordeal. Hm.
Orbited insanitarium wrote:Since we’re all an the subject of cassettes, does anybody here still make mixtapes? CD-R, Cassette or USB?
I’ve been making a series called conditi-4nal musick (which is a terrible title)
Image of the 3 previous tapes of mine here
mechanismj wrote:Orbited insanitarium wrote:Since we’re all an the subject of cassettes, does anybody here still make mixtapes? CD-R, Cassette or USB?
I’ve been making a series called conditi-4nal musick (which is a terrible title)
Image of the 3 previous tapes of mine here
Those look fun! I do love a good mixtape.
outhudd wrote:Barcode on the tape is from this: ... ase/324166
SamuraiDrifter wrote:Frindia wrote:Funny to me how when something is mentioned days prior, a clue or troll pops up right behind. e.g. Sundown mention from mods on Reddit then the slowed down fan video on BoC fb, Heard From Telegraph Lines mentioned from Fredd-E then a fan video once again on their fb. Can’t forget tonxism mentioning the pronunciation of closes the night before the supposed “prank” post of the liner notes. Now this. Someone just mentioned the 15 year anniversary to Dayvan Cowboy being released yesterday (August 18, 2006) now this TCHep ordeal. Hm.
The Closes liner notes were a prank. The dude was talking about it on Discord as he was making them.
sdowww wrote:all hoaxes are orchestrated on the TMW discord
SamuraiDrifter wrote:sdowww wrote:all hoaxes are orchestrated on the TMW discord
Most of 'em at least. And then Reddit eats them up hook, line, and sinker.
Orbited insanitarium wrote:SamuraiDrifter wrote:sdowww wrote:all hoaxes are orchestrated on the TMW discord
Most of 'em at least. And then Reddit eats them up hook, line, and sinker.
I wonder about that post on reddit in may where there was a strange sticker on the packaging of geogaddi in a record shop that read ‘xx.xx.ii.ism’ it’s seems BoC reddit is an entirely different place compared to here, are hoax’s so rampant in a fanbase that remains relatively active even with a BOC having a Small (Apologies) cult following. Though the fakes are entertaining, I somewhat feel like our time (as fans) is to be better spent. Well, reading that back it sounds like a real downer, (Better inject some positivity) * plaque predictions (PPP) here we come!
SamuraiDrifter wrote:sdowww wrote:all hoaxes are orchestrated on the TMW discord
Most of 'em at least. And then Reddit eats them up hook, line, and sinker.
Orbited insanitarium wrote:Though the fakes are entertaining, I somewhat feel like our time (as fans) is to be better spent. Well, reading that back it sounds like a real downer, (Better inject some positivity) * plaque predictions (PPP) here we come!
Echelon wrote:Orbited insanitarium wrote:Though the fakes are entertaining, I somewhat feel like our time (as fans) is to be better spent. Well, reading that back it sounds like a real downer, (Better inject some positivity) * plaque predictions (PPP) here we come!
If BOC won't release any lore or material, release some yourself.I personally don't mind the fakes, but I've gotten to a point where even I know when something's fake AKA it comes from Reddit. Hexagon Sun have never had a presence on there.
As for the Pioneer Plaque Speculation, well, my only guess is we're getting an announcement on the day it was posted. Now if only we knew when that was exactly. The sixth or seventh of September maybe?
Echelon wrote:I know when something's fake AKA it comes from Reddit. Hexagon Sun have never had a presence on there.
Orbited insanitarium wrote:Here’s to link for the video with the comments
Amen, brother.bleak. wrote:Hallelujah!
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