zeoevil wrote:Orbited insanitarium wrote:phpBB [media]
Thousands and thousands of posts about Boards of Canada, each more climactic than the last! Constant, dizzying, twenty-four hour, yearlong, endless posts about Boards of Canada! Every letter of them massively mattering to someone, presumably. See it all, all here, all the time, forever, it will never stop, the posts about Boards of Canada are officially going on forever! It will never be finally decided when Boards of Canada will release an album! There is still everything to post about, and forever to post about it in! So that's twoism! Coming up! Post about Boards of Canada! Listen to Boards of Canada! Listen to it! Listen to it! It's gonna move... Listen to Boards of Canada! It's Boards of Canada!
Yeah, it is one just to consume, another to carry that shit in your head, probably, 24/7. In other words, ones fun, others hard work.