Rewind back to Biz's post from a few pages back, I feel like either the bocset or LP5 are imminent, and as Biz said, likely bocset.
Warp don't have much on the horizon and this Zine definitely looks like it'll be it. As Biz said, every artist Stargate have mentioned on their cover has been interviewed, on top of that, I'm sure that Stargate have seen the BoC fans comments and yet they remain silent... NDA perhaps?
The question is, does the bocset get announced before the interview, or the same day? Normally I would believe the release to be announced before an interview, but in a situation like this, I believe they should announce it on the same day.
Guys... We really could be drawing near the end of this thread. I know it seems like I'm putting a lot of faith into this, but it does feel like this is the way it should be announced. No monolithic blowout, no complex ARG, just a small announcement for the fans.
After all, the bocset is truly for us right? The fans.