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Do BOC have accounts here? Other than MDG, do the actual brothers?
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Sky and Trails wrote:What are the odds that he deleted his channel because the record label or the brothers themselves directly threatened to make him disappear? I'm not implying that anyone is a murderer, but I'm not not implying it. ;)

In actual seriousness, this seems more like the symptom of anxiety caused by nervousness for someone putting themselves out there in such a way to such a community. I believe if I were to create something like that and share it with this forum that I would probably end up freaking myself out because of the exposure and then running and hiding in order to keep the inevitable panic attack at bay. :)

I think some people went in too hard on him. Even if it was just a dumb marketing campaign cashing in on the "BoC Mystique", some comments were needlessly aggressive.

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babylulu wrote:
Sky and Trails wrote:What are the odds that he deleted his channel because the record label or the brothers themselves directly threatened to make him disappear? I'm not implying that anyone is a murderer, but I'm not not implying it. ;)

In actual seriousness, this seems more like the symptom of anxiety caused by nervousness for someone putting themselves out there in such a way to such a community. I believe if I were to create something like that and share it with this forum that I would probably end up freaking myself out because of the exposure and then running and hiding in order to keep the inevitable panic attack at bay. :)

I think some people went in too hard on him. Even if it was just a dumb marketing campaign cashing in on the "BoC Mystique", some comments were needlessly aggressive.

Man.. that makes me sad. I feel for the guy now, or girl, or whoever it was. I really just wanted to hear more. It was absolutely amazing sounding and I spent a great deal of time enjoying it. That's the kind of content that I like.

We need to come up with something for times like this. As a community, maybe we need to praise each other when we create things like this. Instead of demanding proof that something is definitively BOC, maybe we simply applaud each other for our efforts to flatter the brothers with our imitations.

And maybe, just maybe, when we do things like that we own up to the fact that we did it with some pride in our abilities.

If that person is reading this I just want them to know that they can come hang out with me anytime. I will treasure the time spent with them.
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Sky and Trails wrote:
babylulu wrote:
Sky and Trails wrote:What are the odds that he deleted his channel because the record label or the brothers themselves directly threatened to make him disappear? I'm not implying that anyone is a murderer, but I'm not not implying it. ;)

In actual seriousness, this seems more like the symptom of anxiety caused by nervousness for someone putting themselves out there in such a way to such a community. I believe if I were to create something like that and share it with this forum that I would probably end up freaking myself out because of the exposure and then running and hiding in order to keep the inevitable panic attack at bay. :)

I think some people went in too hard on him. Even if it was just a dumb marketing campaign cashing in on the "BoC Mystique", some comments were needlessly aggressive.

Man.. that makes me sad. I feel for the guy now, or girl, or whoever it was. I really just wanted to hear more. It was absolutely amazing sounding and I spent a great deal of time enjoying it. That's the kind of content that I like.

We need to come up with something for times like this. As a community, maybe we need to praise each other when we create things like this. Instead of demanding proof that something is definitively BOC, maybe we simply applaud each other for our efforts to flatter the brothers with our imitations.

And maybe, just maybe, when we do things like that we own up to the fact that we did it with some pride in our abilities.

If that person is reading this I just want them to know that they can come hang out with me anytime. I will treasure the time spent with them.

Agreed. It was a really nice mix of tracks, guy wasn't even claiming it was Boards lol.

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Honestly, the follow up video felt iffy to me. At some moments he sounded genuine, but I couldn't help but sense red flags, like claiming ignorance of BoC and thinking they were a singular person. I feel like even if he didn't know who they were, he would have looked them up after seeing all the mentions. Of course, this all happened so quickly that I can't really make a concrete judgement.

That being said, if it really was a cheap ARG stunt, all I have to say is go back to the drawing board.
In here is a tragedy, art thou player or audience?
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Did anyone ever start a separate thread devoted to this? Because I would love discussion of the actual content of the tape. There were some things happening that were extremely interesting to me and I would love to discuss it with others who might also be interested.
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I saved the mp3 of the "Thirft store" tape before the uploader took down his channel in case anyone wants to listen. ... sp=sharing

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Synima wrote:I saved the mp3 of the "Thirft store" tape before the uploader took down his channel in case anyone wants to listen. ... sp=sharing

Havnt been around the forums in awhile. Whats this from? Took a quick listen and jogged through afew parts and it sounds boc influenced, but not the actual brothers i'd say?

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Hey Synima welcome to the forum! Big fan of Fernweh btw

I also have a screen recording of the video but it seems we've got that covered :wink:
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Didn't see the vids or hear the music but I feel for the guy for some reason. Whether this was an attempt at a fake for fun or not these things always end up negative. The way some fans go in on people with such entitlement is really awful and cringey. You all know who you are. I get the need, the desperation, the disappointment but the aggression is crazy. The kid probably felt embarrassed by his failed attempt for lols or fun because he got such negativity thrown at him and deleted himself out of shame.

Not to bring up my fun little troll again but it was to done to highlight how mental us BoC fans are and how we easily find stuff that isn't there out of sheer want for a crumb from BoC but since it's gotten worse. Of course i'm talking about a few people not all so if you take offence at this then maybe look at yourself and see if the shoe fits. Most of you will just shrug at this and get on with life, as you should.
When and if BoC release old material we'll know, if we get an arg for new material, we'll know, it will feel right and the new material will again sound totally different again so maybe ignore all that they have done before for clues.

I always said that it's impossible to replicate their sound and I tried myself and failed, even with an arsenal of old gear. Some people can get closer but none have gotten a convincing copy of timbre and musical content.

Basically, some of you lurking, get a life!
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Geogandhi wrote:Didn't see the vids or hear the music but I feel for the guy for some reason. Whether this was an attempt at a fake for fun or not these things always end up negative. The way some fans go in on people with such entitlement is really awful and cringey. You all know who you are. I get the need, the desperation, the disappointment but the aggression is crazy. The kid probably felt embarrassed by his failed attempt for lols or fun because he got such negativity thrown at him and deleted himself out of shame.

Not to bring up my fun little troll again but it was to done to highlight how mental us BoC fans are and how we easily find stuff that isn't there out of sheer want for a crumb from BoC but since it's gotten worse. Of course i'm talking about a few people not all so if you take offence at this then maybe look at yourself and see if the shoe fits. Most of you will just shrug at this and get on with life, as you should.
When and if BoC release old material we'll know, if we get an arg for new material, we'll know, it will feel right and the new material will again sound totally different again so maybe ignore all that they have done before for clues.

I always said that it's impossible to replicate their sound and I tried myself and failed, even with an arsenal of old gear. Some people can get closer but none have gotten a convincing copy of timbre and musical content.

Basically, some of you lurking, get a life!

fully agree with this post, the last few days on this thread have been too obsessive for me. It's giving me more reasons to get away from the internet for a while.
Like I said a few pages ago, it's tiresome and overwhelming.

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I listened all the way through about 4 times yesterday. After the 4th play I was convinced of its authenticity but after reading a few comments here regarding the explanation video (which I haven't seen) I couldn't say for sure.

A lot of people were quick to point out wrong chords, bum notes etc. but to my ears it all sounds like it's played and recorded on the right hardware. And although the level of detail lacks in comparison to official releases, it could be a selection of album offcuts / early demos (circa Boc Maxima / Twoism).

One thing that really stuck out was the track beginning at about 22:20. A fully resonant, filter sweep with lfo comes in at around 22:45 which is the sort of sample you'd hear on a lot of dodgy early 90s Roland synths such as the JX-305 and MC-303. At the same time a fairly pedestrian single-note guitar riff chugs away, and the two combined sound so odd that it's almost if someone is taking the piss. With that in mind, I have a strong hunch that it's a genuine BoC recording.

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Do you know how many synths Roland sold? How many are still in existence? How easy it is for any moron to move a filter slider? To press record on a cassette 4 track?

Come on man! and this is having not even heard it myself.
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Although, just listened to a snippet and it sounded a pretty good effort ;)
Will listen in full later.
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Geogandhi wrote:Do you know how many synths Roland sold? How many are still in existence? How easy it is for any moron to move a filter slider? To press record on a cassette 4 track?

Come on man! and this is having not even heard it myself.

I'm not entirely sure you grasped what I was trying to get at.

I'm aware that there is a reverence toward certain Roland devices such as the SH-101, Jupiter 8, etc. but JX-305s and MC-303's are not rare and they're considered to be pretty terrible. What I mean is that the elements are noticeably clashed to the point of being bizarre. BoC like to take the piss, they're not poindexters but at the same time they are absolute poindexters.

Another interesting point to mention:

At the very end of the same track I've mentioned above, the drum pattern skips so that the structure of the melody and rhythm is altered, changing how it's heard. To me that's not an error in the recording, it's intentional. A similar thing happens when listening to Lick (OTV2) in that it can effectively be listened to it two different ways:

I could be totally wrong obviously but to discount everything as fake isn't much fun is it?

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I got you, all good.

I'd rather applaud the kids skill to get to the sound than attribute everything ever made in this ilk to BoC. The dude has done a good job of replicating the sound from the tiny bit I have heard. but did he need to do it? maybe, yeah, it's a good way to learn, but to post it up as a bit of fun? he'll have learned a bit on that front.

If you want to imagine that BoC will reveal that they dropped a secret tape in a thrift store in that interview then do that by all means, who knows, it might come correct. You're right, that's the fun and I never said that there is any harm in that, we love the fun of it. My point was always, know what you're getting into before diving down the rabbit hole, expect to be disappointed but have fun anyway, leave the aggro out of it.
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The audio (with new visuals) was posted on FB about an hour ago if anyone hasn’t listened to it yet. It’s actually not bad.

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Geogandhi wrote:I always said that it's impossible to replicate their sound and I tried myself and failed, even with an arsenal of old gear. Some people can get closer but none have gotten a convincing copy of timbre and musical content.

A silver lining.
Marcus wrote:Concerning the obvious borrowing, it has mostly been very flattering to hear. The only time it felt awkward was when the track list for "The Campfire Headphase" was released and some people started spreading songs that they had made themselves on the internet under the name Boards Of Canada, with titles taken from the album. They include children's voices, hip hop beats and all of our features.

It’s good in a way,
continues Marcus.
Those who make carbon copies of our music in this way show that it is possible to parody our sound. Therefore, these parodies become motivation for us to find new ways of expressing ourselves.

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Davism wrote:The audio (with new visuals) was posted on FB about an hour ago if anyone hasn’t listened to it yet. It’s actually not bad.

Who posted it?

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I thought it was good enough to warrant discussion and would have loved to take a deep dive into the music, composition, techniques, etc.

But there is a number of people here that seem to feel the need to enforce a certain way of looking at these things.
I'm not angry at whoever created that tape and music. I actually want more and would genuinely love to talk to the creator of it.

I admit that i saw some aggression and that was incredibly weird and hostile. I also apologize if I had any part in that. But this weird thing where the speculation of a "fake" turns into a complete and thorough tearing down of someone or something they have created, it's a little much.

Perhaps, the real annoyance is a bunch of die hard fans thinking they somehow know better than anyone if something is or isn't BOC.

Marc Maron once said that the worst person to have lunch with would be a vegan atheist. I think that it might be even worse if that vegan atheist was a fan of BOC.

I'll say again, I'm new here. Maybe there are unspoken rules I'm not picking up on. Or maybe everyone is just pissed that there still isn't a new album from BOC.
But i really enjoy the wild speculation and how the excitement can build up within a few hours. It's easy to get caught up in it.

I like that.
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