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Everything related to our favorite Scottish duo.

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Hello everyone. New BoC fan here

My name is Afit and I've just joined this forum. Been lurking here for a month and the forum made me eager to join since the RSD Incident. The people here look nice. Most of them joined before 2010. :O

I've been a fan of Boards of Canada for 3 months. The first track I listened is A Is To B As B Is To C. I had a thought,"what kind of music is this? Sounds strange, sounds weird". But shortly after I got their discography, I played them, just before I took a bath. When I was in the bathroom, I heard a beautiful piece of guitar, kinda rock-ish, with emotional drums that caught my attention. It's Dayvan Cowboy :)

It's such a perfect mate when I was on a road trip to a beach! Then I dig deeper and now my absolute favorite is Olson. Touching and so warm. . .

Nice to meet you guys :)

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I was relatively active here a few years ago but my old account is muerte because the email it's linked to is also 6ft under. ... file&u=862

Funnily enough, I thought to myself a few weeks ago "I haven't been on Twoism for ages, I'll poke my nose round the door" and everything's going bananas. I turn my back for 5 minutes...

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Cab Dreaming wrote:I was relatively active here a few years ago but my old account is muerte because the email it's linked to is also 6ft under. ... file&u=862

Funnily enough, I thought to myself a few weeks ago "I haven't been on Twoism for ages, I'll poke my nose round the door" and everything's going bananas. I turn my back for 5 minutes...

I remember you well! That KLF avatar was ace 8)

Slow down...

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vyonizr wrote:Hello everyone. New BoC fan here

My name is Afit and I've just joined this forum. Been lurking here for a month and the forum made me eager to join since the RSD Incident. The people here look nice. Most of them joined before 2010. :O

I've been a fan of Boards of Canada for 3 months. The first track I listened is A Is To B As B Is To C. I had a thought,"what kind of music is this? Sounds strange, sounds weird". But shortly after I got their discography, I played them, just before I took a bath. When I was in the bathroom, I heard a beautiful piece of guitar, kinda rock-ish, with emotional drums that caught my attention. It's Dayvan Cowboy :)

It's such a perfect mate when I was on a road trip to a beach! Then I dig deeper and now my absolute favorite is Olson. Touching and so warm. . .

Nice to meet you guys :)

Welcome. I'm actually quite jealous of you. If you're only 3 into your BOC listening you've probably so much amazing stuff to catch up on. :D

Slow down...

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Mexicola wrote:
Cab Dreaming wrote:I was relatively active here a few years ago but my old account is muerte because the email it's linked to is also 6ft under. ... file&u=862

Funnily enough, I thought to myself a few weeks ago "I haven't been on Twoism for ages, I'll poke my nose round the door" and everything's going bananas. I turn my back for 5 minutes...

I remember you well! That KLF avatar was ace 8)

I actually didn't think anyone would remember me, I've been off for about 2 years! But then in BoC years I think that works out at about 3 and a half hours so maybe it isn't as long as I thought...

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Fernando, 33, from Paris.

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I'm Tom, 17 from Australia and i found out about this forum at the start of the whole record store day and ensuing code game thing and i've been reading just about every new post in the new release speculation thread since. I've been into BoC for just under a year and i'm glad i found this place because it seems to have a really positive vibe which is pretty rare for an internet forum.

Anyway i look forward to posting here!

Calvin wrote:i love message boards and i dunno how many people from Collected Animals are on here but hello if you are here.

You're cloudpleaser right?

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Hello! I think some of you might recognise my username from the past week, either over at WATMM or buried within the hectic boc IRC channel from the last week or so. Long time lurker, but the big news within the last 24 hours (8 years?) makes it feel like an appropriate time to make it formal.
'All data that exists is both reality and fantasy. Whichever it is, the data a person collects in a lifetime is a tiny bit compared to the whole.'

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Hello people.

Just thought I'd say hello as I'll probably be here saying things about things from time to time.

So, hello. :)

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Hi, I'm kristin, 32. I posted here for a hot minute like 6 years ago, then my internet died and I moved to an off the grid intentional community, but I'm back for awhile and just in time for new boc! Been a fan a long time.

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rainier wrote:and I moved to an off the grid intentional community

That's interesting. Care to explain more?

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Sure :) I moved from Olympia, WA to the blue ridge mountains in North Carolina to do an apprenticeship with an herbalist who set up a homestead out there back in the 70s. It's right on the border of the national forest.

It's a really neat place, huge garden full of medicinal and generally interesting plants. There are a couple of structures on the premise, I lived in a little loft that used to be a chicken coop and there's a yurt and a cabin and a little hobbit hole. It's not really a fully structured intentional community, but there are usually several apprentices there at once (there were 8-12 when I lived there). One of the greatest experiences in my life.

We had some solar power, but we went mostly without electricity except to listen to music or watch the occasional movie. We mostly just ran around in the woods and went swimming in the creek all the time when we weren't working in the garden and apothecary (we compounded herbal formulas and prepared medicines for local Chinese medicine practitioners).

this is a pic of my little house

About half the apprentices were huge BOC fans too.

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That sounds amazing. I've always been really interested in spending some extended period of time off the grid. My current situation makes that impossible, but at some point in the next 10 or so years I hope I can have an experience as you had.

Also, welcome back.

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Well, I have to say I am wondering why I have not registered to this forum before.

I'm a big BoC fan, I have loved their style since I heard a track from Geogaddi playing on the radio back in the mid-2000s. I love the band's music, but above all what I've always liked about them is that they are very complex, and have a thoughtful, refined style, but at the same time very accessible, and especially, I noticed, even to people who don't like electronic music.

In a way, BoC have always been my secret weapon. If wherever somebody asks me for a good entry point into electronic music, I point to BoC. When people tell me I only listen to weird stuff, I make them listen to Music Has the Right to Children...

There is something about their harmonies that is just so mysterious and powerful. What's not to love ?

Anyways, this was long overdue.

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Hi there

A long time BoC fan and sometime lurker of Twoism from Helsinki, Finland here.

I got introduced to BoC back in the tail end of 90s when I was feverishly following the completion of Radiohead´s upcoming album Kid A, and was said to be heavily influenced by the sound of Warp, and especially a band called Boards of Canada. So after some further digging of other Warp-related stuff, I ventured to a record shop in Helsinki and decided to blind-buy ABPOITC as it was only an EP and a fresh release at the time.

The sound immediately striked a chord with me and hit the right nerves. It really was (and still is) music that is unlike any other in existence, tapping into childhood memories and something undefinable. It kind of further deepened my fascination of electronic music´s uncharted territories, as I was mostly listening to stuff like The Prodigy, Chemical Brothers, Daft Punk etc.

Needless to say I haven´t looked back ever since. The releases for Geogaddi and TCH felt monumental back in the day, and Tomorrow´s Harvest is no different.

Oh well, better late than never.

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Just joined up.

First heard BOC around 1999 or 2000 via MHTRTC.

Very curious about the new album. I wasn't sure if there was even going to be a new album.

I've been getting back into Campfire Headphase lately and didn't realize how the good the album is til now I think. I think I had put it on the backburner because I was too enthralled (still, even years after first hearing it) with MHTRTC and also Geogaddi.

Anyway, good to be here. Thanks.


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Hey all! I'm quite a recent and young (15 years old!) BoC listener. I actually used to be into more house music, and was a big Deadmau5 geek, not so much anymore. He posted something or other about Boards, apparently he's a fan. I was curious about BoC, so I hopped on YouTube to find some BoC music. Mind. BLOWN. I instantly downloaded Mp3s (didn't have money for cd at the time, sorry! I redeemed myself by getting a cd and vynil of tomorrow's harvest!). BoC is now easily my favorite and most listened to band, and opened my up to other great artists like squarepusher, Aphex Twin and Autechere. And this was only back in December! I was really glad to be here on Twoism for the RSD mystery, andnI can't wait for Tomorrow's Harvestn :D Cheers everyone!

member of pablo col.

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Hi 19 year old girl here! huuuuge BOC fan since 2008 :P

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I started lurking the boards during the old tunes leaks and switched to this one after red moon. I actually shared this account with a friend but still haven't bothered to register a new one. I didn't imagine my 20's would be over by the time the new album released but here we are. It's pretty weird feeling the years stack up now.. Anyway I'm in Colorado now and I try to spend as much time as possible in beautiful places out in the country. I'm better at lurking, but it's been really cool seeing this community come out and say hello.
I also discovered this band while reading the dairies and interviews for Radiohead's Kid A! :D

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Welcome to all of you! Most us try to keep it friendly around here. If you get critisized for asking any "stupid" questions and people rebuke you for it, take it with a pinch of salt. Some of us have been here for 8 years+. You probably won't get ridiculed by them, but redirected to where you can find the information you need. Please take advantage of the "boc pages" hot link in red at the top of the page for a comprehensive history of the band. Once again, welcome! I hope you all pre-ordered the new album and are ready to share a new ride with the new and old members.
"It's been a long time..."


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