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I don't know if I ever introduced myself so let's do it!
I am french guy, electronic music lover since a long time. My first experience with electronic music was with the track Alberto Balsalm by Aphex Twin, that I discovered when I was 12-13 (quite young, I remember that song used to freak me out a bit :)).
I discovered BoC when I got into high school and I immediately fell in love with the band. Since then, my love for BoC kept growing and I am really excited for the new album! I have the three albums on CD and Geogaddi on vinyl (18th birthday gift from my gf, best gift ever).
I am currently studying medicine and struggling with myself to get into music making! Lack of music theory knowledge isn't helping me, but I'm planning to buy some books :)

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Dayvan Cowboy
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Hello all,

My names Matt. Got into BoC around the time MHTRTC was released. I'm an avid record collector, been collecting since I was a kid. I got into 'electronic' music heavily 93/94 when I started DJing. I got into writing/producing electronic music about 4 years ago. I'm also into photography, cinema (Herzog, Jodorowsky and Kubrick enthusiast), literature (Kurt Vonnegut is a favorite) and any kind of creative expression.

Nice one to all the old school Twoism members here. You've been really welcoming and helpful considering the massive influx of new members on here since RSD. I've been a lurker for a few years but haven't really felt the need to contribute until the RSD vinyl appeared then the first code. Glad I've made the effort now, what a lovely bunch you are :)
Last edited by WeHadNormality on Tue Jul 02, 2013 7:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Hello there, I've been lurking on Twoism for years without an account, but today I've finally decided to join the forum. I discovered BOC in '98, at that time when you could blindly buy anything with the Warp label stamped on it and be sure that it was going to be great.
Btw, anyone else living in Barcelona?

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Dayvan Cowboy
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Well, been lurking on here for a while now, I find in the few other forums I post on that it's the music threads I'm most active in, so might as well join a music into BOC years ago but started picking up on the whole hauntology and 70s/80s childhood nostalgia thing more recently and fell in love with BOC all over again....then heard there's a new album coming which led me here.

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WeHadNormality wrote:Hello all,

My names Matt, 33 from the U.K. Got into BoC around the time MHTRTC was released. I'm an avid record collector, been collecting since I was a kid. I got into 'electronic' music heavily 93/94 when I started DJing. I got into writing/producing electronic music about 4 years ago. I'm also into photography, cinema (Herzog, Jodorowsky and Kubrick enthusiast), literature (Kurt Vonnegut is a favorite) and any kind of creative expression.

Nice one to all the old school Twoism members here. You've been really welcoming and helpful considering the massive influx of new members on here since RSD. I've been a lurker for a few years but haven't really felt the need to contribute until the RSD vinyl appeared then the first code. Glad I've made the effort now, what a lovely bunch you are :)

Welcome Matt.

Been meaning to ask - who is the learned looking gentleman in your avatar there?

Slow down...

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Mexicola wrote:
WeHadNormality wrote:Hello all,

My names Matt, 33 from the U.K. Got into BoC around the time MHTRTC was released. I'm an avid record collector, been collecting since I was a kid. I got into 'electronic' music heavily 93/94 when I started DJing. I got into writing/producing electronic music about 4 years ago. I'm also into photography, cinema (Herzog, Jodorowsky and Kubrick enthusiast), literature (Kurt Vonnegut is a favorite) and any kind of creative expression.

Nice one to all the old school Twoism members here. You've been really welcoming and helpful considering the massive influx of new members on here since RSD. I've been a lurker for a few years but haven't really felt the need to contribute until the RSD vinyl appeared then the first code. Glad I've made the effort now, what a lovely bunch you are :)

Welcome Matt.

Been meaning to ask - who is the learned looking gentleman in your avatar there?


The man in my avatar is Jake Williams, the subject of Ben Rivers short film This Is My Land and feature length film Two Years At Sea.

Here's the trailer for the latter:

While we're on the subject of avatars, what a great picture of Stanley that is.

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WeHadNormality wrote:Here's the trailer for the latter:

While we're on the subject of avatars, what a great picture of Stanley that is.

Thank you and, well, thank you! :lol:

Always good to have another Kubrick fan on the forum. Think I noticed you referring to Tarkovsky too?
You're going to fit right in! 8)

Slow down...

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Mexicola wrote:
WeHadNormality wrote:Here's the trailer for the latter:

While we're on the subject of avatars, what a great picture of Stanley that is.

Thank you and, well, thank you! :lol:

Always good to have another Kubrick fan on the forum. Think I noticed you referring to Tarkovsky too?
You're going to fit right in! 8)

Cheers :D

Some else made the reference to Tarkovsky and a link to that stunning scene in Zerkalo, but yeah, I'm a fan of his work for sure. As for Kubrick, his films are pretty much perfect. I've been obsessed with 2001: A Space Odyssey for years.

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Hi! I have been lurking this site since the RSD info started leaking. I think i may have done the same around the Campfire Headphase launch. I have been an obsessed fan since i heard MHTRTC in 1999, and it remains my undisputed favorite album to this day.
I am a musician and started off as a child the same way the brothers did, bouncing sounds from tape to tape to make a wobbly warm feeling. I spent 6 years perfecting an album that tries to recapture my childhood recordings, and the BOC influence is undeniable on at least a few songs.

It's on bandcamp for free listening/download, i am really proud of it and just want the most people to hear it possible. ... omniishell

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Omnii wrote:

Hello Omnii. I'm really enjoying this. Nice one. :D

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WeHadNormality wrote:
Omnii wrote:

Hello Omnii. I'm really enjoying this. Nice one. :D

Thanks for checking it out! I'm happy to be here :)

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Lots of new welcomes!

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hi im part of the 2013 influx of new members haha.

anyways i first was shown boc about 3 hours after taking lsd the first time and in short i have had a pretty full on love for their music ever since.
I release music under a few different names and run a digital label. i also study design.

look forward to nerding out on here. good stuff!


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I'm aktrotiri.
I'm a fan of BoC located Somewhere in New York.
I like radios, photography, collecting vinyl, and playing with synths.
I am an amateur musician and radio operator.

I've used marijuana twice, neither of which to Boards of Canada (Fun Fact!)
cool artists: the flaming lips|tame impala|telegraphy|shortwaves|MIWON

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Hi, i'm Nick, nice to meet you.. my facebook is here -

i'm on there pretty much all the time.. :)

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Hi Akrotiri, welcome here :)

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Hi I'm Jim, 38, from the UK, living in Rome, IT for the past 12 years. Boards of Canada are my favorite band and have been for some time.

Got into them in 98 when a work colleague played MHTRTC. Blew me away and sent me back to when I was a kid. Attended the Warp 10 gig and The Lighthouse Party (when the smoke/fire alarm went off before their set and everyone thought it was a new track :D )

I've been a reader of Twoism on-and-off for some time but cant resist the chance to chime in now the long long wait is over for a new album.

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Hey all!

The name's Joseph! I'm 22 years old, and hail from Upstate New York. I've been listening to BoC ever since The Campfire Headphase came out, and I've been lurking Twosim for the better part of a year. With the release of TH just days away, I thought it might finally be time to be an active member here.

My favorite BoC release is MHTRTC, and my favorite song is a three-way tossup between Roygbiv, 1969, and Everything You Do is a Balloon. Unfortunately, I do not own any of the band's physical media (I'd kill for any of the vinyl), yet that will soon change on the 10th.

Cheers! :D
1969 in the sunshine...

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Psilcosyn wrote: (when the smoke/fire alarm went off before their set and everyone thought it was a new track :D )

Hahahaha that's classic

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Alright so I've been listening to good old Boards of Canada for almost 6 years and I will say my favorite "era" regarding their music is the Old Tunes era.

I decided to join this site partially because the Tomorrow's Harvest hype like most new members haha.

Regarding more personal details, I am 20 years old and live in Los Angeles. I am a comic book fan and I like play fighting video games at a competitive level. I like to also make those fancy fan-videos to Boards of Canada like everyone else so if you ever wanna check them out feel free haha.

Looking forward to meet new people here!



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