It's up to all our other non-US members on the forum. GET. THE. FUCK. OUT. THERE. GUYS!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously, though. We should keep the love in the twoism family. I.E. GO FIND THEM BEFORE SOMEONE AT WATMM DOES!
Moderators: mdg, Mexicola, 2020k, Fredd-E, Aesthetics
fujee wrote:Good work krs! Super exciting!
krs wrote:
Seriously, though. We should keep the love in the twoism family. I.E. GO FIND THEM BEFORE SOMEONE AT WATMM DOES!
chronical wrote:G-Guys, do you think I should visit the record stores in my small town in Switzerland tomorrow?
Although I don't think they would ship it here..
krs wrote:chronical wrote:G-Guys, do you think I should visit the record stores in my small town in Switzerland tomorrow?
Although I don't think they would ship it here..
It's definitely worth a try, my friend! Get out there and see! Maybe you'll discover some awesome new music in the process.
IronMark wrote:I think I've missed this in the manic haze of updates being thrown out today but where was it said that there are 6 copies of this distributed around record stores all over the place? I'm not doubting it's true or anything, I've just missed where this part of it came from.
Vostok wrote:Someone in the /mu/ thread theorized that the other 5 records are in the other Geogaddi listening party locations.
London, New York, Tokyo, Edinburgh, Paris, and Berlin
thepastinsidepressant wrote:as i've said already, this is risky business. it did suggest to me alright that there were going to be only 6 of these scattered about, in 6 time zones just like their Geogaddi listening party in 6 time zones. I personally feel they've gone back to dark experimental cryptic mode from this period and one of the posters on watmm heard this but he was blasted. TCH was a breather. Those saying 'boc wouldn't be into this sort of stuff" well you might want to revisit Geogaddi. That said album is also due next for reissue and about time.
the risk is this, these may not give the result they want. nobody else has come forward, many boc fans don't bother with these forums, one or 2 of these may end up on ebay with frantic messages to the seller for more information on it. Scattered result.
The movie references they make, 1977 on that AtalantaFugiens video, 1977 Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind 5 note message, no it does not sound like EYDIAB. listen again.
IronMark wrote:I think I've missed this in the manic haze of updates being thrown out today but where was it said that there are 6 copies of this distributed around record stores all over the place? I'm not doubting it's true or anything, I've just missed where this part of it came from.
fujee wrote:I bet one of the records is in Edinburgh and one in London. Boards of Canada have released the golden tickets, this is all so very Charlie and the Chocolate factory.