It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance! My nickname is my year of birth in roman numerals, as the digital version is apparently already in use. I live in the Netherlands, and work as a psychiatric nurse.
There is much music I like, and probably much, much more that I don't. I think that I do not generally like cliché music that is thematically based on and/or build around simple sentiments. This is not meant as a Declaration of Acceptable Taste, but as an attempt to capture my musical (dis)taste in words.
Music that I do like, should capture, move, enchant or intice me in one way or another. This includes some psychedelic and post-psychedelic 60s and 70s acts, several other acts on the Warp10 label (though not to the same degree as BoC, and in most cases not even beyond checking out just some random tracks), some ambient, some - and I like to stress I'm talking about a very small minority here - black metal acts, some punk, even some - but even less than black metal or punk - hip hop, some classical stuff, some medieval stuff, some lounge, some space age bachelor pop and things that I forget to mention.
Some names might be helpful, not in order of preference: The Nice, Beatles, Incredible String Band, Boards of Canada (duh), Aphex Twin (AFX), Autechre (AE), pre-DSotM Pink Floyd, Tangerine Dream up to and including Phaedra but not most of what they did after that, Genesis up to And Then There Were Three, Brian Eno (especially his corborations with Harold Budd and Robert Fripp), Burzum, Botanist, Ildjarn, Veles, Akitsa, Klabautamann, Dead Kennedys, Cypress Hill, Strawinsky, Debussy, Mussorgsky, Clemencic Consort, Atrium Musicae de Madrid, Les Baxter, Martin Denny.
I must say that over the years I have become less enthusiastic about getting more new music into my home. The main reason for this is that I still enjoy music that I first heard years ago, and still play it on a regular basis. BoC are a good example.
Although not a follower of Nosnam Selrahc, he was a devoted family member.