I've been listening to BoC for several years now.
My cousin, a member here (dp) told me about this forum not too long ago so I figured I'd check it out.
I've lurked a little bit and after reading some very interesting posts (and noticing a Stars of the Lid fan

I first discovered BoC when I was in about 8th or 9th grade (I'm a junior in college now). My dad was working as a substitute teacher and he brought me home a newspaper article from a high school he had been teaching at. The article was about how to make the perfect playlist, and it went on to explain what types of songs one should use and how they should be structured, etc. At the end of the article the writer included his own playlist, and one of the songs on it was "Dayvan Cowboy" by Boards of Canada. I'd never heard anything quite like it before and immediately fell in love. That led me to MHTRTC, which I also instantly loved, and of course Geogaddi, which only recently began to grow on me (it's now my favorite album).
Anyway, it's nice to be here and I'm looking forward to getting to know some of you.