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Hello all.

I've been listening to BoC for several years now.
My cousin, a member here (dp) told me about this forum not too long ago so I figured I'd check it out.
I've lurked a little bit and after reading some very interesting posts (and noticing a Stars of the Lid fan :D) I figured I'd sign up.

I first discovered BoC when I was in about 8th or 9th grade (I'm a junior in college now). My dad was working as a substitute teacher and he brought me home a newspaper article from a high school he had been teaching at. The article was about how to make the perfect playlist, and it went on to explain what types of songs one should use and how they should be structured, etc. At the end of the article the writer included his own playlist, and one of the songs on it was "Dayvan Cowboy" by Boards of Canada. I'd never heard anything quite like it before and immediately fell in love. That led me to MHTRTC, which I also instantly loved, and of course Geogaddi, which only recently began to grow on me (it's now my favorite album).

Anyway, it's nice to be here and I'm looking forward to getting to know some of you.

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Another lid fan? Double welcome for you then!

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Thank ya much! I'm dying to hear another album from them. Not to imply that And Their Refinement hasn't held me over though.

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narghile wrote:Thank ya much! I'm dying to hear another album from them. Not to imply that And Their Refinement hasn't held me over though.

Don't think you'll have much longer to wait, judging by their posts on FB in the last 48 hours :wink:

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Mexicola wrote:
narghile wrote:Thank ya much! I'm dying to hear another album from them. Not to imply that And Their Refinement hasn't held me over though.

Don't think you'll have much longer to wait, judging by their posts on FB in the last 48 hours :wink:

Wow, that's fantastic news! I never even thought to look them up on Facebook.

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I am from Serbia, 35 years old depressive man, love electronic music a lot, big tits ladies, spicy food, burbon and every kind of beer too.

But electronic music is on place no 1.
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Bored by Canada wrote:Hello,

I am from Serbia, 35 years old depressive man, love electronic music a lot, big tits ladies, spicy food, burbon and every kind of beer too.

But electronic music is on place no 1.

Welcome! Add 5 years, change Serbia for UK and 'ping!' you've basically got me. :wink:

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Sherbet Head
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Bored by Canada wrote:Hello,

I am from Serbia, 35 years old depressive man, love electronic music a lot, big tits ladies, spicy food, burbon and every kind of beer too.

But electronic music is on place no 1.

You are literally my favorite person in the world.

20 year old bipolar American, also love tits and bourbon, and all music is my #1

Welcome to the boards!
"Life is a stupid, meaningless thing that has nothing to teach you." -Slavoj Zizek

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I'm 16 years old (17 in early as can be may) and have been listening to BOC since 2010
I have to say, out of any other forum I've ever been too, after lurking for a bit, y'all seem like real chill people with awesome taste in a lot of stuff! :)
Last edited by StormedZone on Wed Jan 08, 2014 2:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
Why can't everyone just be?

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StormedZone wrote:Yello'!
I'm 16 years old (17 in early as can be may) and have been listening to BOC since 2010
I have to say, out of any other forum I've ever been too, after lurking for a bit, y'all seem like real chill people with awesome taste in a lot of stuff! :)

Welcome! I guess I forgot to mention I'm 20, 21 in just a few short months (FINALLY).

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Bored by Canada wrote:Hello,

I am from Serbia, 35 years old depressive man, love electronic music a lot, big tits ladies, spicy food, burbon and every kind of beer too.

But electronic music is on place no 1.

Welcome man!

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hi. i'm several. 22 y/o living in the great (and rainy) state of WA. been listening to BoC since about 2009 so i dont know why i haven't found this forum sooner! :shock:

hope to have a good time here :)

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Hello, have skimmed past this forum a few times over the years but haven't gotten around to joining until now. I look forward to poking around and discovering some neat tunes. Decided to register after stumbling upon the new Eyesix and Scyye releases on Sparkwood, clearly some magic shit is going down in this community.

Last FM:

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Hey all. I'm a guy in NYC and BoC has become a shameless obsession of mine. I've frequented bocpages for years but now I've finally remembered to create a Twoism. Hoping that I'll find lots of good information and whatnot here, you seem to be a pretty intelligent crowd here.

Not much more to say. I made the pin in my avatar picture out of copper a few years ago, it's based on the Geogaddi album cover.

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Welcome, neat pin!
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Hello there
I'm a 17 year old boy from Slovenia.
In the summer of 2011 I was just randomly browsing through youtube (I think I was listening to some Dreadzone..) when suddenly, at the random videos on the side I saw one called ''Boards of Canada - Everything you do is a Balloon''.. and I stared at the little image for a few seconds thinking '..the hell... is that a monkey? *click*'
And then, the rest is history, of course.
I'm into vinyl heavily but so far owning only Tomorow's harvest (that I preordered, and refused to listen to on youtube even when it was already out until my very own LP arrived! I was absolutely convinced that there is no way the new album could NOT be awesome and it didn't disapoint~)
Now I'm slowly going to collect all of their albums on LPs~
Interestingly enough I've only ever met one person online who listens to BOC by complete coincidence, and that was the great Lazy Game Reviews on youtube.
I'd love to meet other people who listen to this band seeming as noone I ever show them to likes them P:
Tove out.

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TovePochemuchka wrote:Hello there
I'm a 17 year old boy from Slovenia.
In the summer of 2011 I was just randomly browsing through youtube (I think I was listening to some Dreadzone..) when suddenly, at the random videos on the side I saw one called ''Boards of Canada - Everything you do is a Balloon''.. and I stared at the little image for a few seconds thinking '..the hell... is that a monkey? *click*'
And then, the rest is history, of course.
I'm into vinyl heavily but so far owning only Tomorow's harvest (that I preordered, and refused to listen to on youtube even when it was already out until my very own LP arrived! I was absolutely convinced that there is no way the new album could NOT be awesome and it didn't disapoint~)
Now I'm slowly going to collect all of their albums on LPs~
Interestingly enough I've only ever met one person online who listens to BOC by complete coincidence, and that was the great Lazy Game Reviews on youtube.
I'd love to meet other people who listen to this band seeming as noone I ever show them to likes them P:
Tove out.

Welcome Tove 8)

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i have been posting for a bit but i guess i will introduce myself.
i'm a 19 year old female artist thing called emily living smack dab in the middle of the US. boards fans are a rarity here in missouri. i was first exposed to BoC when i was about 12, i used to watch david firth's cartoons a lot (yeah salad fingers, he has others too and he uses their music in many of them). i was always fond of the music and always noticed the credit given to BoC and Aphex Twin but didn't actually take the time to hear more of their stuff until i was probably around 14 or 15. needless to say, the music and i have been in a love affair ever since.
i've occasionally lurked these forums for awhile now but only recently decided to join as you can see. it's nice to be here!

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flim wrote:Hey guys, just thought I would finally get round to introducing myself. My name Is Marty, from Ireland, a beeps n doots / noise maker for a few years now. I have been under a number of different names (Flim/Kitao/Uridium/Dj Slippytit/Bol-X) but have finally settled on the 'Bocuma' moniker for the past 6 years or so.

1st time discovering Boards was when in collage in 1999. I got back from HMV with a copy of Aphex Twins ambient works II, I popped into the pub for a quick pint (as you do) before I got home to listen to it.
My mate/barman working at the time seen my purchase and before I even got home to listen to it he wanted a lend of it, trading me with a copy of Music Has the Right to Children that he had on him. Have to say I was reluctant at 1st trading but after listening I was hooked and have been ever since. Funny tho I never got round to listening to that Aphex Twin cd untill about 6 months later :) :D

Oh forgot to mention that I'm 35 (not sure if it matters) besides you can spot the older members a mile off, as we are more twisted by the bricks around us! ;) :D

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flim wrote:My mate/barman
very british!
flim wrote:working at the time seen my purchase and before I even got home to listen to it he wanted a lend of it, trading me with a copy of Music Has the Right to Children that he had on him. Have to say I was reluctant at 1st trading but after listening I was hooked and have been ever since. Funny tho I never got round to listening to that Aphex Twin cd untill about 6 months later :) :D
that is a genuinely cool story haha!

uf0party wrote:when i was about 12, i used to watch david firth's cartoons a lot (yeah salad fingers, he has others too and he uses their music in many of them). i was always fond of the music and always noticed the credit given to BoC and Aphex Twin but didn't actually take the time to hear more of their stuff until i was probably around 14 or 15.
same deal here. actually I thought it was nice but just kind of forgot about it until one of my friends, steve, was like "hey here's an album you should listen to", and i did, and now some(!) years later i am a full blown nerd with a serious problem. :P

anyway, official welcome to you both.


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