This is such a blast. April has turned into a "Boards of Canada Appreciation Month" of sorts for me. Not that I've ever really stopped listening to them, but it's been a while since I've gone through their entire catalog and soaked it all in. I'm finding a new appreciation for tunes like "Everything You Do is a Balloon", "Julie & Candy (live)", "An Eagle in Your Mind", & "Sherbet Head". I've always liked them of course, but they seem to be resonating with me differently now. In a good way.
I'm sure a few jaws will drop at this, but I've also found my connection with Geogaddi after all these years. It just never really clicked with me the same way MHTRTC and TCH did. I'm in tune with it now and it truly a deep and amazing listen.
These guys really transcend music for me, in the way that Star Wars transcends movies. They're a part of me now, who I was, and who I've grown to be. I'm sure the brothers never intended to create such fanaticism with their music, but they've created something that has deep inner meaning to me, and I take comfort in knowing I'm not the only one.
Ah, to go back to the first time I heard ROYGBIV, or when I really got into Telephasic Workshop. The all night study sessions in college, the summer road trips listening to TCH with my wife, and the anxiety ridden days where I struggled to get through tough times but always found solace in BOC's music. They've helped me through both tough times, good times, and everything in between.
I cannot wait to see what the future holds with this new album. I'm ecstatic.
I know, I know, "but that's the way we ALL feel!" I just wanted to share my thoughts.