Moderators: mdg, Mexicola, 2020k, Fredd-E, Aesthetics
Najlepsiejszy wrote:Dance on a hill during Red Moon, spit 3 times behind your backs, do 5 jumping jacks. The Lucifer, Prince of Darkness himself will appear with his penis tied around his waist. You have to play chess with him. If you win, then there is a slight change of an EP coming out
Najlepsiejszy wrote:Najlepsiejszy wrote:Dance on a hill during Red Moon, spit 3 times behind your backs, do 5 jumping jacks. The Lucifer, Prince of Darkness himself will appear with his penis tied around his waist. You have to play chess with him. If you win, then there is a slight change of an EP coming out
Najlepsiejszy wrote:Dance on a hill during Red Moon, spit 3 times behind your backs, do 5 jumping jacks. The Lucifer, Prince of Darkness himself will appear. You have to play chess with him. If you win, then there is a slight change of an EP coming out
d e n wrote:if the pattern of past releases continues there should be an EP coming soon... wasn't long between Music/Beautiful Place and Campfire/Trans Canada Highway
Berselius wrote:d e n wrote:if the pattern of past releases continues there should be an EP coming soon... wasn't long between Music/Beautiful Place and Campfire/Trans Canada Highway
Well, the pattern says: LP, EP, LP, LP, EP, LP... so I think the next relesase would be a new LP, perhaps in 2017/2018 or so.
portiss wrote:Good bump.
To be fair, what Joyrex said kind of get me excited! It does make sense to me in some sort of weird way that they wouldn't want to wait a few years to release something again. The whole Record day extrafaganza, in my mind it was some way of saying that they'd be back for a good period of time now. But I'm probably too hopefull.
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