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I did remix the political subject matter over a BoC song to justify its existence on this thread though.

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Mexicola wrote:Prove? It's speculation, as the title of the thread says. Besides, since when we're we able to prove much (any?) of the meanings BOC instill into their art? Ambiguity comes as standard, and surely that's half the fun.

i know that, just the poster seemed convinced it is, it doesn't even sound like him.

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How fitting would it be that Trump brings down this epic thread? If this is the Harvest from "Tomorrow", no wonder the album had such an ominous tone, heh.
There are a lot of different 'me's, you know. There's the mad me, when I get angry.

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Valotonin, you sweet summer child...

Yikes. Why do so many Trumptards like BoC?

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Please. Let's just not. What would you all like to hear next anyways? Some early Nick Drake-ish guitar psychedelia for summer? Maybe some more world-consuming harvest music? Or some hardcore Telephasic Workshop Arbeit?

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I apologise for building upon the political direction that this thread had started to be pulled down.
The video was posted somewhat ironically for all of those that didn't latch onto that fact.
I don't know why the world has become so heated over political opinions recently. I am the kind of person with friends with a diverse range of political opinions and on occasion we discuss them and disagree but remain friends and never resort to insulting each other.

I replied because I was unhappy with the fact that people where seriously trying to reel Boards of Canada into this. Applying your own political meaning to something is fine but going so far as to claim that an album made >Four Years Ago< is bleak sounding because of they telepathically knew Donald Trump would become president and that the last track had a Russian title because of the Conspiracy theory surrounding his ties to Russia is probably too far as far as I am concerned. I am also not a Trump supporter so someone calling me 'Trumptard' because I think that he isn't quite as evil as people make him out to be was a bit of a surprise. I like him as a person but I don't like some of his political decisions.

The album title was created as far back as 2006.

Everything fun, everything nice is being ruined by people trying to involve the subject of how negatively they feel about Trump into it. Maybe if the album was made this year, I wouldn't have an issue with this speculation but it wasn't. Obama was president and Trump hadn't even announced that he was going to run and I don't think he even knew if he was or not at that stage as he had turned it down the year before.

Boards of Canada ----- An entire universe ----- Donald Trump
Quite the separation.

I came here to read what people had to say about music, not to find myself once again feeling compelled to tell someone that the Russia conspiracy theory has more evidence against it than for it.

I want a Campfireogaddi sounding album next, Chronical.

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No problem with this discussion but might be better to carry it on in another thread guys. Also,please play nicely everyone ;-)

Slow down...

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Ok, getting back on topic here...

I've been thinking a lot lately about the 48/84 occurrences that Opothecary has been pointing out, as well as the general direction BOC will go thematically with the next album. Since TH was so thematically dense, it seems apparent that the follow-up will be equally as rich. And something in my gut tells me the next album may have something of a dystopian overtone. Seems the only logical step for the next release.

1984 was written in 1948, was it not? And I believe the core of the novel was written in Scottland...

I may be reaching here, but we need to consider that if Opothecary is correct, then are these number merely hinting at a release date, or is there a bigger connection to the theme of whatever they've been brewing up?

Some food for thought.

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The book was published in 1949, but was written from '47-'48. Final manuscript was sent to publisher on December 4th, 1948 (12X4=48). Further, book was published on June 8th, 1949 (6X8=48).

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wow. 1948 one of my favorite book. hope it's true.

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arvy wrote:wow. 1948 one of my favorite book. hope it's true.

(1984) :D

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tsyque wrote:The book was published in 1949, but was written from '47-'48. Final manuscript was sent to publisher on December 4th, 1948 (12X4=48). Further, book was published on June 8th, 1949 (6X8=48).

Sounds good to me.

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Alright. Here's my theory for new material which isn't quite as exhausted or intricate with numbers. Im a concept man. Thats why I liked the concept of TH clues etc. My idea is that BoC have gone utterly the opposite direction if actually releasing something with fanfare.and its actually sitting somewhere waiting to be found.

Theory: its already here.

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Dayvan Cowboy
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Astoria Sound wrote:Ok, getting back on topic here...

I've been thinking a lot lately about the 48/84 occurrences that Opothecary has been pointing out, as well as the general direction BOC will go thematically with the next album. Since TH was so thematically dense, it seems apparent that the follow-up will be equally as rich. And something in my gut tells me the next album may have something of a dystopian overtone. Seems the only logical step for the next release.

1984 was written in 1948, was it not? And I believe the core of the novel was written in Scottland...

You know, this post got me thinking back to last year when I made this post, back before everything changed:


I think this idea is more relevant than ever, we are kind of on that road to dystopia in western culture, we had an election fueled by 2 very different flavors of populism, we ended up with the authoritarian flavor.

If you think about it, the same path that one might take to favoring this type of authoritarianism in modern times is a massively scaled up secular version of what Koresh was up to, or even something like the Manson family. This happened before in Germany in the runup to WW2. I think ultimately humanity has this nature inclination to be a part of something bigger as a collective, but there are potential positive and negative takes on that - just look at what we're doing here on Twoism.

There's certain personalities in the world that hunger for a certain strain of leadership where they feel they will be treated well if they foist adoration upon their leader and turn their back on their ability to make their own choices and forsake their individuality. The information overload presented by the internet in general can lead down a road of selective information consumption, someone in life feels downtrodden by their circumstances, and they finally feel like someone understands them as they read Fox News every day, and eventually they move closer to the fringes, the information intake equivalent of covering your windows with tin foil and never leaving the house again. This information may not be factual but it IS comforting. It's a personal choice - do we accept reality or seek comfort?

So yeah, I really like the idea of a spiritual successor to Geogaddi - one was about mathematics, nature and the power men wield over their fellow man using religion or the occult as an aid. Make it about our modern culture, put your favorite populist leader in place of Koresh, touch on the ongoing decline of our natural world and let social media take the place of scripture, sprinkle in a little 1984 and you have something pretty intriguing.

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Dayvan Cowboy
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I love the torture part of 1984, when that double-face system guy was breaking the main's character spine, I am normal? Fuck, was reading this book years before, but still vivid in my mind, I'm not british, but this book really managed to resonate with me. I think, what I like, is that it was not just about one part of the world which went totalitarian, but the whole globe went this direction, there are no good and bad , but each side have their own truth, about good and bad.

Also, I'm sceptical about they will go in this direction, they like turn 180 with each release, so it's more possible it will be more TCH part 2, tho I could be wrong

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I can't see them doing a similar thing again,
An ep would lead off but then I'm going by past patterns. I just can't, and that's what I love about them. New ideas new stories

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when is a new album coming out?

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Heard yes twin

Slow down...

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Dearest whiney...

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