Cyclosa wrote:I do agree that TH has great depth and layering which can still make you hear new things 5 years later, but those things don't necessarily make me appreciate the songs that much more. I mean its cool and all but gems like Olson or Under the Coke Sign do not have this crazy amount of depth to them but are far more enjoyable to me than Uritual or Collapse.
I also tried listening to Palace Posy many times hoping that it would click with me since its concept or structure supposably is very unique, but I just can't get into that track.
TH has too many of these moments to me where i find myself giving it another try just because BOC produced it. Sorry for going offtopic.
I see what you mean, even though I'm in the 'TH is a masterpiece' camp. For one person it clicks, for another it doesn't and that's the cool thing about subjective experience. Actually the first 10+ or so listens it didn't really click with me either, just a few tracks I sort of liked and certain tracks (especially Jacquard Causeway!) I really disliked at first. But as others said the more I listened to it the more it grew on me. Nowadays I can honestly say that I rate it as highly as Children and Geo. It's a weird thing how that happens, kind of magical in a way.
Harvest wasn't the most challenging album for me to get into though, that award goes to Confield. But once it clicks, it's gold.