Negamuse wrote:
I mean I don't know, but I imagine it's the same kind of thing with Aphex in that they have made so much money off having them on the roster they're given a pretty big leeway to do what they want, when they want. They know whatever they put out, in their own time, is guaranteed to make them a mint. I'm not sure what BoC would do if Warp started pressuring them for releases "right now"... but lets say they did what a lot of artists do and put out a contractual obligation album, only to self release the "real" next album down the line... doesn't make sense for Warp to do that. But they seem pretty chill about letting people do their own thing anyway really, they Are Reasonable People after all.
This to be honest. BoC and Aphex have become the figurative jewels in the crown of Warp Records, and as such, I assume they are aware that whatever they release from these artists will generate them revenue to a significant extent regardless of length between releases etc. They probably have far more flexible contracts than some less popular artists on the label, but at first during the MHTRTC era, they were on a standard contract. This is all conjecture, though.