Welcome to the new discussion thread for anything related to the forthcoming release. This is the place to share your thoughts, theories, questions, and any remarks. But please, keep it focused on the subject at hand.
- Stay on-topic:
All posts should be directly related to the new release(s).
Off-topic messages will be quietly removed, as we aim to keep the signal clear. - Be formal:
This thread is for thoughtful, informed discussion.
While we appreciate creativity, let’s keep things focused and avoid wandering too far into detours. - An informative space:
This thread is especially important for our newer members, who may have many questions about the upcoming release(s). We want to keep the conversation grounded, dense and helpful as we piece together the details.
As of now, all other threads related to the new album will be closed. Let’s keep things organized and focused in this one space. A summary of the previous and ongoing topic can be found in the News & Findings topic.
A quick note:
The previous thread has been closed due to its size causing some issues with our database. It’s almost fitting, in a way - a thread so large it couldn’t be contained anymore. So, we’re starting fresh, clearing the static to make way for clearer discussion.
Thank you, and let’s look forward to what’s ahead!