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39 and ditto. Gave up long ago. Some things just aren't meant to be.

Slow down...

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mechanismj wrote:It's official. I've completely lost faith in humanity. ... -sold-out/

kanye is crazed .

i don't care for his music however he was a surprise guest at this mos def/robert glasper show this past april and i have to admit when he came out the energy inside the theater became electric , really wild. it definitely helped being supported by an actual band though.

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Happy Cycler
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I gotta rant about something close to home.

The new people, and their posting threads of their music.

What gives you the right? There are already predetermined threads if you have a myspace or a soundcloud or a bandcamp or a dickballfuckoffcuntshit. Get people knowing your name before you shit on our lovely clean board.
Album threads from regulars I get, I mean they're a full completed work which is not just a piece you knocked off in a day, and as thus you have a thread devoted to it.

But as someone who considers himself a musician in some sort of capacity, I find it offensive when someone feels that they're better than us, better than ImplodedView, better than Kyriakos, better than TapeSounds, Flamingo Pudding, etc etc. ...
All the musicians who respect and use the board as a way to talk about music instead of something they can dump their lame BoC ripoff shit, rack up plays on bandcamp and leave.

that too, it's often uninspired drivel. The actual musicians (the ones I listed plus many more) here actually try to push some sort of creative envelope. The people who post their stuff without much thought just think we're all BoC cock suckers who will take up any thing which sounds remotely hazy or nostalgic. Hey, we just got a new BoC record, fuck off for a while, we don't need you.

alright i'm done.

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I need to say this as well;

What the fuck is the saying "For what it is"

what the fuck does that mean? people say "this is good 'for what it is'".

It's like saying "This crunkcore album is awful, but it's better than other crunkcore, so for what it is, it's good"

no it's not, you're just comparing shit to shit.

Like someone fucking said a stupid action film was good "for what it was".

no you fucking dick face, there's good action films, and there's shit action films. It's a shit film, take the dick out of your fucking face and swallow the cum with whatever pride you have left you cunt, you like stupid films, admit it.
or go and watch Arnie films from the 80's/early 90's,

I mean I'm all for opinions, and I like shitty movies, but I'm not gonna sugar coat it. "for what it was" The Expendables was a good film. No it wasn't, it was a popcorn munching explosion fest. I enjoyed it though.
Stop trying to put yourself above others by using stupid words. Stupid.

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Sherbet Head
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Kinda angry that I'm not angry about anything enough to want to rant about it, apart from the fact that I'm not angry... which makes me angry >_<

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The Telepathic Kid wrote:I need to say this as well;

What the fuck is the saying "For what it is"

what the fuck does that mean? people say "this is good 'for what it is'".

It's like saying "This crunkcore album is awful, but it's better than other crunkcore, so for what it is, it's good"

no it's not, you're just comparing shit to shit.

Like someone fucking said a stupid action film was good "for what it was".

no you fucking dick face, there's good action films, and there's shit action films. It's a shit film, take the dick out of your fucking face and swallow the cum with whatever pride you have left you cunt, you like stupid films, admit it.
or go and watch Arnie films from the 80's/early 90's,

I mean I'm all for opinions, and I like shitty movies, but I'm not gonna sugar coat it. "for what it was" The Expendables was a good film. No it wasn't, it was a popcorn munching explosion fest. I enjoyed it though.
Stop trying to put yourself above others by using stupid words. Stupid.

LOL great rant.

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Mexicola wrote:

39 and ditto. Gave up long ago. Some things just aren't meant to be.

I'm 32, finally grew my first ever beard I can be proud of. Everybody hates it.

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Dayvan Cowboy
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The Telepathic Kid wrote:I gotta rant about something close to home.

The new people, and their posting threads of their music.

What gives you the right? There are already predetermined threads if you have a myspace or a soundcloud or a bandcamp or a dickballfuckoffcuntshit. Get people knowing your name before you shit on our lovely clean board.
Album threads from regulars I get, I mean they're a full completed work which is not just a piece you knocked off in a day, and as thus you have a thread devoted to it.

But as someone who considers himself a musician in some sort of capacity, I find it offensive when someone feels that they're better than us, better than ImplodedView, better than Kyriakos, better than TapeSounds, Flamingo Pudding, etc etc. ...
All the musicians who respect and use the board as a way to talk about music instead of something they can dump their lame BoC ripoff shit, rack up plays on bandcamp and leave.

that too, it's often uninspired drivel. The actual musicians (the ones I listed plus many more) here actually try to push some sort of creative envelope. The people who post their stuff without much thought just think we're all BoC cock suckers who will take up any thing which sounds remotely hazy or nostalgic. Hey, we just got a new BoC record, fuck off for a while, we don't need you.

alright i'm done.

This made my day. I've gotten angry before and this was sort of along my train of thought. I'm embarrassed too because I used to post that sort of stuff 3-4 years ago.

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Sherbet Head
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I'm past ranting. I just wanna break shit now.
All of old. Nothing else ever. Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.

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My Stepmother is a horrible, small-minded, self-absorbed piece of shit who's never been anything but emotionally abusive to me since I was a kid. I'm stuck kissing her ass until I get my undergrad as she's in total control of my finances for school. The day I graduate she's going to get a bit more than an earful.

Maybe I'll pour a gallon of water into the gas tank of her smug, cunty BMW she bought with my Dad's money.


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rainier wrote:I'm past ranting. I just wanna break shit now.

And I'm all over this, girl. Fuck everything!

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Happy Cycler
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Now this is entirely me, I know no one will share this idea.

But people asking for help when making music.

Help? What the hell do you need help for? Try and do it yourself.

"How do I make this sound like whatever" stop trying to make it sound like someone else and make it sound like you, do you even have your own inspiration?

People just make music trying to aspire to their idols and what they do now.

I mean I have influences but if someone says "hey this sounds like someone else" I'm like "whu, really?"

People get too hung up on trying to sound like other people and chasing money instead of discovering their own sound.

I'd much rather produce noise pieces and no one listen to me than have a million fans and have a million dollars.

though I'm a complete hypocrite, I'd totes work with the Beibz if he called me. :3

but he won't so fuck him and his preteen fans.

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Happy Cycler
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come on, when Aesthetics spends so much time trying to keep the board clean, then people come along and post threads which obviously have places in other areas.

I mean come on.

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Dayvan Cowboy
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when you spend $400 on a CPU, and are worried about it shipping from across the country, knowing the habits of UPS drivers. it gets to your door, and you realize it comes like this anyway:


yeah, a 0.25mm plastic window over the fucking thing. really?

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zeitgeist wrote:when you spend $400 on a CPU, and are worried about it shipping from across the country, knowing the habits of UPS drivers. it gets to your door, and you realize it comes like this anyway:


yeah, a 0.25mm plastic window over the fucking thing. really?
This totally made my day. :lol: Thanks!

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The Telepathic Kid wrote:I gotta rant about something close to home.

The new people, and their posting threads of their music.

What gives you the right? There are already predetermined threads if you have a myspace or a soundcloud or a bandcamp or a dickballfuckoffcuntshit. Get people knowing your name before you shit on our lovely clean board.
Album threads from regulars I get, I mean they're a full completed work which is not just a piece you knocked off in a day, and as thus you have a thread devoted to it.

But as someone who considers himself a musician in some sort of capacity, I find it offensive when someone feels that they're better than us, better than ImplodedView, better than Kyriakos, better than TapeSounds, Flamingo Pudding, etc etc. ...
All the musicians who respect and use the board as a way to talk about music instead of something they can dump their lame BoC ripoff shit, rack up plays on bandcamp and leave.

that too, it's often uninspired drivel. The actual musicians (the ones I listed plus many more) here actually try to push some sort of creative envelope. The people who post their stuff without much thought just think we're all BoC cock suckers who will take up any thing which sounds remotely hazy or nostalgic. Hey, we just got a new BoC record, fuck off for a while, we don't need you.

alright i'm done.

Well said. I mean, I like BoC and all, but that doesn't mean all I listen to is BoC and BoC type artists. I'm also kinda guilty of making BoC like tracks, but they aren't purposeful, they're just shit I wrote. I guess what I'm saying is that you should strive to be your own artist, not an artist that sounds like their idol/favorite whatever. Music is all about creativity, so don't pander to you and what others know. Surprise and challenge your audience in a unique way; it makes music fun.
member of pablo col.

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this motherfucker's speakin my language.

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The Telepathic Kid wrote:Now this is entirely me, I know no one will share this idea.

But people asking for help when making music.

Help? What the hell do you need help for? Try and do it yourself.

"How do I make this sound like whatever" stop trying to make it sound like someone else and make it sound like you, do you even have your own inspiration?

People just make music trying to aspire to their idols and what they do now.

I mean I have influences but if someone says "hey this sounds like someone else" I'm like "whu, really?"

People get too hung up on trying to sound like other people and chasing money instead of discovering their own sound.

I'd much rather produce noise pieces and no one listen to me than have a million fans and have a million dollars.

though I'm a complete hypocrite, I'd totes work with the Beibz if he called me. :3

but he won't so fuck him and his preteen fans.


Have you ever been on Reddit, specifically /r/edmproduction? It's a shithole for many reasons, but the main reason it sucks is that people are always asking production, even composition questions.

"How do I tune my kicks?" --What?

"Favorite VST's" ---AKA what do successful people use so I can copy them?

"How long should my songs be?"---Are you fucking kidding? AS LONG AS THEY NEED TO BE ASSHOLE, JUST BE CREATIVE, DON'T ADHERE TO A GENRE So MUCH.

One of the most disturbing things nowadays is the simple lack of creatvity and pandering in the music industry, as well as ordinary independents like many of us here on Twoism. Sure, I haven't been around long to see the changes; I was born 4 months before MHTRTC came out, and I started writing music when I was 8 or 9, so I've only seriously been paying attention to music for like 6 or 7 years. But if you take a look back at even as close as the 90's, you could see how more sonically independent artists were. Boards of Canada, Squarepusher, Aphex Twin, Autechere; all these artists had and still have a unique sound. What's the difference between artists in the big (and stupid IMO) EDM industry? Is there really that much of a difference between them? To my ears it all sounds the same, because one person had a formula, a style, that worked, and then everyone copied them. I believe that we're becoming more and more singular in our tastes musically, and that's why it's vitally important that we support music that breaks the mold, as well as create music of our own that does the same. I remember is an interview somewhere that BoC said that they stop listening to contemperary music when they write; similarly Squarepusher, a personal favorite of mine, said :The real trick is to try and avoid imprinting myself on the music at any stage. You just go where it takes you. What you're eventually left with is you. That's the bit of you that you can't get rid of. That's your sound."
Simply put, don't try to sound like anyone. Just be yourself.

member of pablo col.

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I think you're taking it too far. I agree, it's cheap and unoriginal to copy paste a sound palette and apply it straight to your own production, but isn't this more about providing a starting point for most people? Take a sound you're into, start altering it with personal touches. Not everyone is a knob wizard who's able to come up with the sounds by themselves, and some like to learn the practical way - a bit like by playing your favourite rock riffs on a guitar.

Personal sound (pretty arbitrary expression) should be a goal (unless you don't want to sound personal at all), but you can't always get there immediately. Like if you think of Autechre, who I suppose could be called quite unique, they started out by doing some pretty basic electro before they found their shape. In my mind good electro, but something that wasn't particularly different to their influences.

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I don't like recreating sounds.
I love trying and failing though, cause in the end, no matter how hard I try, it always sounds like me.
I could try my best to remake telephasic workshop but it will probably end up completely like something else.
I don't know what tuning a kick means
I don't know what "modulating red towards the half of B-minus and a half" means.
I just want to twiddle knobs and hear what sound it makes and the combination of multiple twiddled knobs sound together.
I am writing all these sentences with the letter I in front.
I am only thinking about myself. I should write about someone else.

YOU should stop looking at those things. You are looking for the devil.
You should just buy some hardware, destroy your computer and move to a place in the middle of nowhere, where you have to drive 2 hours just to buy some flour, shut the blinds and make tunes.
You should think about leaving the internet, as I am too.


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