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Dayvan Cowboy
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unsurprisingly this video made me think of boc

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Techboy wrote:unsurprisingly this video made me think of boc

Nice. I've been looking into wax cylinder recording recently. I doubt there is any reasonable way anyone without money or special access to the equipment could record that way sadly, but in reality it isn't really worth it unless you were willing to amplify the sound a bit more before recording it or if that particular thin sound was what you are going for.

The issue is the fact that the noise/signal ratio was always disproportionate, it did lay the foundation for vinyl records though.

Some cool alternatives are using a blank CD and a needle/ speaker to record your own equivalent of a wax cylinder type recording on a turntable. The output is surprisingly similar and actually has notably better fidelity than some wax cylinder recordings despite the needle jumping about once or twice.
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Sounds like a Bibio outtake ;-)

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Dayvan Cowboy
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Note: That isn't my video, I would have chosen something far more suited to being etched into the backside of a CD.

Thinking of trying it myself though, wishing only to get Orange Romeda sounding a bit too orangey.

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Sorry chap - I meant Techboy's post ;-)

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Oh, no worries!

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Sick of insincerity.

I try, try, try.

Nothing ever comes out right.

And it feels near everyone has given up on me, and when I thought I had some amount of community that seemed to know me, I'm as open to the suggestion that I'm a nutcase as my family has labeled me as I am now uncertain that community ever existed.

Another two pints of barely mixed vodka.

Another night alone. for fog machine.

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Mexicola wrote:Sounds like a Bibio outtake ;-)

A part of my facial hair takes that personally. for fog machine.

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RECREATE the Piers Morgan/Donald Trump interview by watching a weasel wank off a pig. #toptips

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Eagle Minded
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Mexicola wrote:RECREATE the Piers Morgan/Donald Trump interview by watching a weasel wank off a pig. #toptips

that's an insult to pigs

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Jonse wrote:Sick of insincerity.

I try, try, try.

Nothing ever comes out right.

And it feels near everyone has given up on me, and when I thought I had some amount of community that seemed to know me, I'm as open to the suggestion that I'm a nutcase as my family has labeled me as I am now uncertain that community ever existed.

Another two pints of barely mixed vodka.

Another night alone.

how come you think everyone has given up on you?

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Sherbet Head
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I had a chance to make a quick visit to an abandoned U.S.A.F. air station located in my area. I took these photos with my phone and I'm not much of a photographer to begin with, but I thought I'd share. It's a pretty eerie place and I had to use a bit of sneakiness to get inside. Anyway, it was fun and I hope to go back again when I have more time to explore.

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Nice bit of urb-ex there Josh. Did you manage to get inside any of the buildings?

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Ahh, I love these. You should post them in the photography thread and resurrect that post. It's one of my favorite things on Twoism. :D Also, BOC Truro album confirmed!

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Mexicola wrote:Nice bit of urb-ex there Josh. Did you manage to get inside any of the buildings?

I didn't venture inside any of the buildings because I was short on time and wanted to cover as much area as I could as quickly as possible. I'm interested in that main building and if there's a way to gain access to it, so that's on my list. The other buildings are mostly base housing for the personnel and their families that lived there years ago. Those aren't of much interest to me. I think they've been pretty well explored already.

2020k : Poor Opothecary never had a chance at predicting this one. :)

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if you had the ability to shapeshift into a glass of a certain drink, what would that certain drink be?
Mexicola wrote:Marcus had that beard and longer hair waaaaay back.

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Josh wrote:

I had a chance to make a quick visit to an abandoned U.S.A.F. air station located in my area. I took these photos with my phone and I'm not much of a photographer to begin with, but I thought I'd share. It's a pretty eerie place and I had to use a bit of sneakiness to get inside. Anyway, it was fun and I hope to go back again when I have more time to explore.

these pictures are great!! keep me updated if you figure out a way to get inside the buildings!
Mexicola wrote:Marcus had that beard and longer hair waaaaay back.

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Cosmic Manta wrote:if you had the ability to shapeshift into a glass of a certain drink, what would that certain drink be?


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Echo the Sun wrote:how come you think everyone has given up on you?

It's a very long story, though whenever I try to involve people in it, it goes awry, so I won't bore you with the depth of it. Just a lot of different elements of compounded social anxiety, internal stress, pain, a very type of apathy that isn't quite depression or apathy and a self-imposed meticulousness that has hindered not my creative process per se, rather my ability to accept or be okay with something as I once was as it often no longer feels challenging or exciting. Besides that, I live somewhere I don't belong, surrounded by people I don't understand and it's not as though my remaining family here is exactly understanding either. Add a friend dying, a dog dying, several relationships of different types dying with the last of them being one I needed to make yet am by no means happy with and it hurt me (I would say "as much" though she didn't very easily see it was for the better) as it did her, no different than every other breakup I've initiated, which has been mutual once or so and then every other time me making the phone call or statement; only had about 5 I'd consider "real" in my life though it's still four times too much that all broke into relentless tears and considering how much I tend to hurt, I can't imagine how they feel, which even in the case of someone who totally lied to me in so many ways still had me think "wow, I'm a complete asshole."

Anyway, that I've got...I don't know, three? Three people, possibly four people in the world who will actually talk about it all that really know me and care is the gist of why I feel that way. A close friend from Melbourne I used to talk to nightly from about 2009-2015 as the result of insomnia recently came through the US via LA and although he's busy, I will happen to be very close to where he's staying in Manitoba soon a little later until he leaves and yet it's "yeah, I don't really see how it'll work this trip, though if you're ever in Australia..." when I asked if he wanted to meet up and get a drink or something, which I can't help but feel is my fault and that we don't talk much these days because I'm depressing or stressing to be around, something of that nature.

There is a silver lining in that I have all sorts of opportunities opening up for me. One is a novel with a willing publisher, a whole bunch are related to jobs for independent games by various developers needing anything from voice acting to music to texture work, then there's two labels of note from the ones I've been communicating with for the last three years or so I have no place being on whatsoever and couldn't be more dissatisfied with the various tracks provided as demo material they believe to be worthwhile. Music is the worst right now as I can't even release the stuff I told myself I didn't even care about that I deliberately won't copyright or reserve any rights to. Even THAT has to be perfect in some goddamned way. for fog machine.

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Oh yeah, and my cans broke just recently. Which were a problem as I spent at least $500 on other people around last Christmas since I often forget to get gifts each year though people give me something so I try to make up for it every other year or so by only giving and as I'm not sane without music I had to spend more of what's supposed to be dedicated savings ONLY on a new pair when I wouldn't have had to had I not given anything to anyone which is made more hilarious as I feel I still didn't give enough.

So yeah, there's that, though it's okay as I choose to believe things will get better.

Cosmic Manta wrote:if you had the ability to shapeshift into a glass of a certain drink, what would that certain drink be?

Water + carbonation, though no salt/anything else added to unflavored carbonated water that makes it taste terrible, those bastards. for fog machine.


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