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Wed Dec 12, 2012 6:15 pm

Ah, like that is it?...

Wed Dec 12, 2012 6:19 pm

A_Northern_Soul wrote:Ah, like that is it?...

lol. i just don't understand how your minds work.

in fact on that note, evolution can be part of this rant. how has this not understanding wtf the deal is with the opposite sex (from either point of view) not been sorted out yet? it is NOT beneficial for the sake of survival its nothing but a hindrance.

Wed Dec 12, 2012 7:19 pm

I'm in no position to comment....

Wed Dec 12, 2012 7:19 pm

read "How to become a lesbian -or- find the perfect partner"
by A. F. Inlesbian. It made my female side happy.

Thu Dec 13, 2012 10:36 pm

louise wrote:
A_Northern_Soul wrote:Ah, like that is it?...

lol. i just don't understand how your minds work.

in fact on that note, evolution can be part of this rant. how has this not understanding wtf the deal is with the opposite sex (from either point of view) not been sorted out yet? it is NOT beneficial for the sake of survival its nothing but a hindrance.

It's societal pressures and influence on top of generations of tradition and culture, nothing more.

Thu Dec 13, 2012 10:44 pm

louise wrote:yeaaahhhh true. this is the angry rant thread though, so im gonna say it. for as much as i love layne's voice, i hate jerry cantrell's face as much.x

Oh really??! Saw him live back in 2002, right after my first marriage broke down. Played 20 mins of his solo stuff and then some wag yelled 'Play some Alice stuff!'

'You want it? You got it man!' - nothing but AIC for the next 90 mins.
When he started up the riff to 'It Ain't Like That', I swear, I didn't care about anything else at a time when I was just trying to hold my broken heart together.

For THAT, I can only love the man :wink:

Thu Dec 13, 2012 10:45 pm

Mexicola wrote:
louise wrote:yeaaahhhh true. this is the angry rant thread though, so im gonna say it. for as much as i love layne's voice, i hate jerry cantrell's face as much.x

Oh really??! Saw him live back in 2002, right after my first marriage broke down. Played 20 mins of his solo stuff and then some wag yelled 'Play some Alice stuff!'

'You want it? You got it man!' - nothing but AIC for the next 90 mins.
When he started up the riff to 'It Ain't Like That', I swear, I didn't care about anything else at a time when I was just trying to hold my broken heart together.

For THAT, I can only love the man :wink:

that is pretty cool. but youe gotta hand it to him, he's annoying to watch.

Fri Dec 14, 2012 4:42 pm

buying a book secondhand and later realising the first FIFTY pages are missing. so ridiculous im laughing. the f..

Fri Dec 14, 2012 6:37 pm

Almost there, ALMOST THERE. 7500 words, 8200 you are in my sights. Christmas WILL be dissertation free.

Fri Dec 14, 2012 8:58 pm

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with people. That shooting is absolutely awful. America NEEDS gun control.

So so awful.

Fri Dec 14, 2012 9:04 pm

While I wish I could agree that gun control would help, knowing the way this country is I just don't think it would. I don't even know what to suggest to prevent this sort of thing. This is a very terrible thing to have happened, my heart goes out to those hurt by this.

Fri Dec 14, 2012 9:12 pm

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldne ... chool.html

knives arent any better. what a world we live in.

Fri Dec 14, 2012 9:26 pm

OverTheHorizonRadar wrote:While I wish I could agree that gun control would help, knowing the way this country is I just don't think it would. I don't even know what to suggest to prevent this sort of thing. This is a very terrible thing to have happened, my heart goes out to those hurt by this.

Agreed. I am 100% for gun control, but I think violence is so deeply seated in our culture that it won't do much good. Still, it's worth a try.

Gun control is the most rational solution to these mass shootings, but unfortunately between the two coasts of at least somewhat educated citizens is a 2500 mile stretch of gun toting yokels, millions strong.

Fri Dec 14, 2012 9:57 pm

Its also the general alienation of "outcasts" which contributes to these events. This isn't an American thing per se, but it's definitely prevalent amongst American society and culture.

I remember there being a particularly poignant scene in Bowling for Columbine where Moore interviews some girls from the boys school, and they go on about how they were "weird, rejects, nerds..." etc...

In my opinion, peoples general selfishness and intolerance for others contributes to these crimes just as much as prevalence of guns

Fri Dec 14, 2012 10:32 pm

fujee wrote:In my opinion, peoples general selfishness and intolerance for others contributes to these crimes just as much as prevalence of guns

Spot on.

Thu Dec 20, 2012 4:29 am

My best friend, an avid photographer, got me a beautiful old Nikon SLR for Christmas. Everything works fine on it until I try to load film. That function is broken. :( Of course, now he feels bad, but I don't want him to. Shit happens, I guess.

Thu Dec 20, 2012 8:38 pm

Amo Bishop Roden wrote:My best friend, an avid photographer, got me a beautiful old Nikon SLR for Christmas. Everything works fine on it until I try to load film. That function is broken. :( Of course, now he feels bad, but I don't want him to. Shit happens, I guess.

Which model is it? I have a few old ones I never use that might get you some parts to play around with.

Fri Dec 21, 2012 2:35 am

zeitgeist wrote:
Amo Bishop Roden wrote:My best friend, an avid photographer, got me a beautiful old Nikon SLR for Christmas. Everything works fine on it until I try to load film. That function is broken. :( Of course, now he feels bad, but I don't want him to. Shit happens, I guess.

Which model is it? I have a few old ones I never use that might get you some parts to play around with.

It's an N8008 (F-801 in europe/asia). You're a true gentleman for making the offer, though I'm taking it in to a photo place this weekend to get fixed: I'm not great with my hands. Still, thanks for being so considerate :D

Fri Mar 08, 2013 2:37 pm

Mechanics are SUCH a rip off
Passport replacement is SUCH a rip off

Someone send me a food parcel :(

Fri Mar 08, 2013 5:42 pm

*sends chips...... and wine*
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