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Re: What do Boccers look like? (post pics of yourself!)

Wed Jun 01, 2022 12:40 am

zeoevil wrote:
Orbited insanitarium wrote:The big reveal, and just a few moments old. At my local library currently. :)

Hello, teenage Lars Ulrich. How's that band doing? Metico? Metulca? What was it called again?

So close and yet so far......

...Iron Maiden
(they're only the band The Beatles could've been. )

Ulrich had roughly the same hair length as me in the 80s. So I do see it. In actuality, I've been called "Jesus" by the local lot on odd occasion, as I stand out quite a bit against the Full Metal Jacket type cuts populating my low-wage town. :lol:

Re: What do Boccers look like? (post pics of yourself!)

Wed Jun 01, 2022 6:20 am

Wait, Orbited, you don't actually look like a cybernetic anime girl :shock: ? Next thing you're gonna tell me Zeoevil doesn't look like John Cleese or Sky and Trails doesn't look like WOODEN SIGN

Re: What do Boccers look like? (post pics of yourself!)

Wed Jun 01, 2022 9:07 am

rodox_head wrote:Wait, Orbited, you don't actually look like a cybernetic anime girl :shock: ?

Only on Mondays. :wink:

Re: What do Boccers look like? (post pics of yourself!)

Thu Jun 02, 2022 1:19 am

You bastards crack me up!
I like your very nice way of saying what you said there, Oribited. "Full Metal Jacket type cuts populating my low-wage town"

Also, all of you people with long hair, man, it's NOT FAIR!
I miss my hair so much. I must go weep for it now.

Re: What do Boccers look like? (post pics of yourself!)

Sat Jun 04, 2022 8:05 pm


Re: What do Boccers look like? (post pics of yourself!)

Sat Jun 04, 2022 8:27 pm

hexagonFox wrote:Image

Your chakras look in line chap, "Axis: bold as love."

Mind me asking how it was done? As that is one extremely professional shot! :D

Re: What do Boccers look like? (post pics of yourself!)

Sun Jun 05, 2022 2:24 am

hexagonFox wrote:Image


Badass picture, man

Re: What do Boccers look like? (post pics of yourself!)

Sun Jun 05, 2022 11:35 am

hexagonFox wrote:Image

Oooo big man with your eight arms, I bet I could still beat you at 3D Pinball Space Cadet 8)

Re: What do Boccers look like? (post pics of yourself!)

Mon Jun 06, 2022 3:31 am

Lol…. I had the chance to grow up around some amazing people in a beautiful place out in the countryside of Virginia. The photographer did the work, talented lad from NYC. The place is the old Mars family home in VA. Or I assume one of many homes of theirs. Beautiful property, beautiful old home. Lots of sunsets listening to boards of Canada

Re: What do Boccers look like? (post pics of yourself!)

Mon Jun 06, 2022 3:31 am

Lol…. I had the chance to grow up around some amazing people in a beautiful place out in the countryside of Virginia. The photographer did the work, talented lad from NYC. The place is the old Mars family home in VA. Or I assume one of many homes of theirs. Beautiful property, beautiful old home. Lots of sunsets listening to boards of Canada

Re: What do Boccers look like? (post pics of yourself!)

Wed Jun 08, 2022 2:24 pm

I tried my best to get my tattoo in the shot, but I think it's visible enough to make it out.

Spoiler: show

Re: What do Boccers look like? (post pics of yourself!)

Wed Jun 08, 2022 2:47 pm

rodox_head wrote:I tried my best to get my tattoo in the shot, but I think it's visible enough to make it out.

Spoiler: show

From that, I can *just* make out one of the faceless sandison's in the hex. :}

Re: What do Boccers look like? (post pics of yourself!)

Wed Jun 08, 2022 8:06 pm

zeoevil wrote:
Orbited insanitarium wrote:The big reveal, and just a few moments old. At my local library currently. :)

Hello, teenage Lars Ulrich. How's that band doing? Metico? Metulca? What was it called again?

Meshuggah, dude...

Re: What do Boccers look like? (post pics of yourself!)

Mon Aug 22, 2022 9:39 pm

I was once slightly less insane, but maturity is a cyclical process, I suppose.


Re: What do Boccers look like? (post pics of yourself!)

Tue Aug 23, 2022 12:43 pm


Me hiking somewhere along the West Highland Way, Scotland.

Re: What do Boccers look like? (post pics of yourself!)

Tue Aug 23, 2022 5:55 pm

hello there.

Re: What do Boccers look like? (post pics of yourself!)

Tue Aug 23, 2022 6:23 pm

oakmoss&amber wrote:Image
hello there.

No doubt there's some beautiful rolling hills just out of shot. O'er the Florida radar!

Re: What do Boccers look like? (post pics of yourself!)

Tue Aug 23, 2022 7:22 pm

Orbited insanitarium wrote:No doubt there's some beautiful rolling hills just out of shot. O'er the Florida radar!

Indeed! My 2nd home. Maggie Valley, North Carolina.

Re: What do Boccers look like? (post pics of yourself!)

Tue Aug 23, 2022 11:02 pm


Re: What do Boccers look like? (post pics of yourself!)

Wed Aug 24, 2022 1:27 am

Orbited insanitarium wrote:Image

ayyy the homie
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