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Re: This Random Thread

Fri Apr 27, 2018 7:35 pm

Easy. Spiders have eight fuck-off big hairy legs. Snakes have none.

Jumping spiders are cute though. They're like cartoon spiders.

Re: This Random Thread

Fri Apr 27, 2018 8:13 pm

Mexicola wrote:Easy. Spiders have eight fuck-off big hairy legs. Snakes have none.

Jumping spiders are cute though. They're like cartoon spiders.


Spiders just look incredibly out of place and seem to be a remnant of pre-history when compared to insects we typically get here. They are almost alien.

Re: This Random Thread

Sat Apr 28, 2018 2:59 am

i read the fear has to do with the movement. our ancestors grew to fear certain movements depending on what animals were most dangerous in their region: spiders or snakes

Re: This Random Thread

Sat Apr 28, 2018 7:45 am

Here's the weird thing though. I'd always assumed it was a throwback to our ancient lives. Some primordial inbuild fear. A remnant of an instinctive protective instinct. Wrong! It's a learned behaviour apparently. We learn it from seeing others be afraid of them. I distinctly remember the fascination, joy and laughter my daughter displayed seeing her first spider. She wanted to pick it up! I had to stop her for fear shed kill the poor thing. She's almost 6 now and has the same fear of spiders most of us do. Sad really.

Re: This Random Thread

Sat Apr 28, 2018 8:58 am

Mexicola wrote:Here's the weird thing though. I'd always assumed it was a throwback to our ancient lives. Some primordial inbuild fear. A remnant of an instinctive protective instinct. Wrong! It's a learned behaviour apparently. We learn it from seeing others be afraid of them. I distinctly remember the fascination, joy and laughter my daughter displayed seeing her first spider. She wanted to pick it up! I had to stop her for fear shed kill the poor thing. She's almost 6 now and has the same fear of spiders most of us do. Sad really.

That's something I didn't know. I personally recall being scared of spiders for as long as my memory spans despite those around me being fairly neutral towards them. Mum was always the snake fearing type, incredibly afraid of them but would gladly pick up el-gigante the vicious house spider and put it outside.

I am someone with a rather long list of phobias, though. Which brings me onto the next subject.

I am petrified of both flight and ferry travel but want to go to France in the summer, opting for the chunnel. Has anyone here taken the Eurostar? Looking for reassurance as to how quickly the actual tunnel part is over and how comfortable the trains are etc because I don't want to get to St. Pancras and freak out.

Re: This Random Thread

Sat Apr 28, 2018 9:09 am

It's quick and comfy from what I recall. Mind you, I last went on it in the late 90s I think?

Note: you have no idea how hard I had to fight them 'Aint going on no damn plane fool!' Mr T quote. Oh bugger..

Re: This Random Thread

Sat Apr 28, 2018 1:35 pm

it probs just depends on the person. it's probably a mix of learned behaviour and instinct. in your daughter's case, it seems to have been all learned

Re: This Random Thread

Sat Apr 28, 2018 5:23 pm

Valotonin wrote:I am petrified of both flight and ferry travel but want to go to France in the summer, opting for the chunnel. Has anyone here taken the Eurostar? Looking for reassurance as to how quickly the actual tunnel part is over and how comfortable the trains are etc because I don't want to get to St. Pancras and freak out.

Went on it a few years ago. The tunnel probably didn't last any longer than half hour, iirc. Generally pretty comfy though. Breakfast was nice too!

Re: This Random Thread

Sat Apr 28, 2018 6:24 pm

Val - headphones + snooze = success. Good luck chap ;-)

Re: This Random Thread

Sat Apr 28, 2018 8:51 pm

Thank you for all of the sound advice and reassurance, guys (-:

Re: This Random Thread

Sat May 05, 2018 9:12 pm

beep beep who wants some raisin bran

who wants some dust that collected in the corner of the room

Re: This Random Thread

Sat May 05, 2018 9:14 pm

I'm making banana bread tomorrow coincidentally! So I'll take the dust!

Re: This Random Thread

Sat May 05, 2018 9:16 pm

Cupz wrote:I'm making banana bread tomorrow coincidentally! So I'll take the dust!

ok i'll mail it over. do you want me to mark "FRAGILE" on the envelope for you?

Re: This Random Thread

Sat May 05, 2018 9:58 pm

Gee, you really want 10,000 posts don't you :-)

Re: This Random Thread

Sun May 06, 2018 3:39 am

fujee wrote:Gee, you really want 10,000 posts don't you :-)

Look closer :mrgreen:

They have the same profile pic so occasionally it looks like Cupz or CM are talking to themselves.

Re: This Random Thread

Sun May 06, 2018 1:06 pm


Re: This Random Thread

Sun May 06, 2018 1:12 pm

Sorry if I was being condescending, was fujee being sarcastic in saying that because he already knew that it wasn't Cupz talking to himself?

Sometimes I see Cupz and CM comment on the same thing and genuinely assume one of them is talking to themselves because I tend to let my eyes drift past the names.

Re: This Random Thread

Mon May 07, 2018 1:03 pm

Valotonin wrote:Sorry if I was being condescending, was fujee being sarcastic in saying that because he already knew that it wasn't Cupz talking to himself?

Sometimes I see Cupz and CM comment on the same thing and genuinely assume one of them is talking to themselves because I tend to let my eyes drift past the names.


Re: This Random Thread

Mon May 07, 2018 5:48 pm

Cosmic Manta wrote:
Valotonin wrote:Sorry if I was being condescending, was fujee being sarcastic in saying that because he already knew that it wasn't Cupz talking to himself?

Sometimes I see Cupz and CM comment on the same thing and genuinely assume one of them is talking to themselves because I tend to let my eyes drift past the names.



Re: This Random Thread

Mon May 07, 2018 7:13 pm

Cupz wrote:
Cosmic Manta wrote:
Valotonin wrote:Sorry if I was being condescending, was fujee being sarcastic in saying that because he already knew that it wasn't Cupz talking to himself?

Sometimes I see Cupz and CM comment on the same thing and genuinely assume one of them is talking to themselves because I tend to let my eyes drift past the names.



we'll sail to the stars
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