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Re: Good luck, America

PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2020 2:34 pm
by Mexicola
So. Shall we start the sweepstake on which tinpot nation Trump flees to? My money is on Brazil. Lots of covfefe in Brazil I believe.

Re: Good luck, America

PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2020 2:42 pm
by Twoist
Mexicola wrote:So. Shall we start the sweepstake on which tinpot nation Trump flees to? My money is on Brazil. Lots of covfefe in Brazil I believe.

I'm worried he'll flee to Scotland for all the golf. Can confirm Scotland doesn't fucking want him.

Re: Good luck, America

PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2020 6:56 pm
by Mexicola
phpBB [media]

Re: Good luck, America

PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2020 8:02 pm
by bungler666
Realistically speaking, he'll probably stay in the US and star in some stupid reality show.

Re: Good luck, America

PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2020 8:46 pm
by SamuraiDrifter
bungler666 wrote:Realistically speaking, he'll probably stay in the US and star in some stupid reality show.

Exactly. He'll probably start the Trump Channel so he can keep his cult and sell merch.

Not to mention, he will never be prosecuted, because he's a rich white man and this is America.

Re: Good luck, America

PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2020 4:29 pm
by Mexicola
CNN just called it for Biden.
Thank fuck for that.

Re: Good luck, America

PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2020 5:34 pm
by Twoist
Now the weird unprecedented part where a sitting lame duck president will refuse to accept the result and will refuse to leave the White House. How utterly fucked up is this?

Re: Good luck, America

PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2020 5:45 pm
by Mexicola
I notice he's on the golf course.

Re: Good luck, America

PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2020 11:20 pm
by Negamuse
Mexicola wrote:I notice he's on the golf course.

The time honoured fascist tradition of seeing out your reign cowering in a bunker.

Re: Good luck, America

PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2020 12:09 am
by Mexicola
Negamuse wrote:
Mexicola wrote:I notice he's on the golf course.

The time honoured fascist tradition of seeing out your reign cowering in a bunker.

Biden may have won the election, but this post just won

Re: Good luck, America

PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2020 12:45 am
by Techboy
it would have been absolute banter if he'd died of covid, but, on the other hand, he survived to accidentally book a press conference outside a dildo shop

what fucking timeline are we on here?

Re: Good luck, America

PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2020 10:56 am
by Mexicola
Anyone doubting the existence of parallel universes need only look at....(waves generally around)...for proof that there must be a more sane version of all this somewhere out there

Re: Good luck, America

PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 5:07 pm
by A_Northern_Soul
I think I need a lie down after all this - days of tension after 4 years of neo-fascism, a righteous winner, dancing in the streets, Cheeto-Benito's refusal to concede and then...... just when things couldn't get any weirder....... Four Seasons Total Landscaping.

Four. Seasons. Total. Landscaping.

Possibly the funniest thing ever to happen in history. Rudy Guiliani giving a speech in a garden centre car park next to a sex shop after someone booked the wrong venue. ... 99962.html

Nothing can top this moment - I can't stop thinking about it. Four Seasons Total Landscaping. This can't be real? We're living in a demented simulation aren't we? My brain can't cope with Four Seasons Total Landscaping.





And he tweeted it, The President of the USA announced his press conference at Four Seasons Total Landscaping. And it was real. It happened. It all happened at Four Seasons Total Landscaping. They talked about Will Smith's Dad at Four Seasons Total Landscaping. Between a dildo shop and a crematorium.

It's like we're living in a demented cross between the minds of Chris Morris and Hunter S Thompson.

Re: Good luck, America

PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 5:21 pm
by Twoist
A_Northern_Soul wrote:And he tweeted it, The President of the USA announced his press conference at Four Seasons Total Landscaping. And it was real. It happened. It all happened at Four Seasons Total Landscaping. They talked about Will Smith's Dad at Four Seasons Total Landscaping. Between a dildo shop and a crematorium.

Beautiful wasn't it? This unfortunately situated business in a down-at-heel commercial zone a mere spinning hubcab away from I-95. I could have sworn Armando Iannucci was behind it.

Re: Good luck, America

PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 11:00 pm
by fujee
Four Seasons Total Landscaping is the best thing I have ever seen. You couldn't write it.

Re: Good luck, America

PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 12:28 am
by Mexicola

Re: Good luck, America

PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 5:30 pm
by 2020k
bungler666 wrote:Looks like Biden is winning PA!

He won this state, but I still don't want to live in PA anymore. Honestly, I've been looking at Canadaian immigration, specifically Toronto, but I'll take somewhere more progressive in the states with a nice music and art scene.

PA is always a swing state, so you have this constant feeling of the general population being in flux around you. One side is seemingly accepting one moment, then completely flipped the next. The balance rises and falls all of the time, but I’ve never seen outright hatred like it has these last four years. Ever. The amount of Trumpers and the amount of vapid conversations I've had with people who I thought were smarter than this was a lot for me to digest. It was the day of the election and I still had people I've known most of my life texting me Q Anon conspiracy theories. I lost so many friends in 2020 and so much faith in a lot of others. I guess, on the bright side, I've gained a lot of faith in others.

An update on how things are going, it looks like Trump is majorly fucking with our Department of Defense, which is terrifying. link

Re: Good luck, America

PostPosted: Fri Nov 13, 2020 4:24 pm
by Radiobuzz
s7409651 wrote:I'm in South Africa and holding my breath. The last four years have seen a lot of white supremacist bullshit rear its ugly head here - the ripple effects are worldwide. It's exhausting and I've never felt lonelier, knowing how many people are fully blind to their privilege and how limited their empathy truly is.
I'm hoping that young voters turn up and show the world something good. Wishing you all sanity, safety and strength.

I'm in Latin America and trust me, the advance by the right is global. Down here in Argentina we've managed to control it a bit in 2019 elections but the rest of the region (Perú being the latest example) doesn't have it very pretty.

Re: Good luck, America

PostPosted: Fri Nov 13, 2020 5:00 pm
by IanRedpoint
2020k wrote:
bungler666 wrote:Looks like Biden is winning PA!

He won this state, but I still don't want to live in PA anymore. Honestly, I've been looking at Canadaian immigration, specifically Toronto, but I'll take somewhere more progressive in the states with a nice music and art scene.

PA is always a swing state, so you have this constant feeling of the general population being in flux around you. One side is seemingly accepting one moment, then completely flipped the next. The balance rises and falls all of the time, but I’ve never seen outright hatred like it has these last four years. Ever. The amount of Trumpers and the amount of vapid conversations I've had with people who I thought were smarter than this was a lot for me to digest. It was the day of the election and I still had people I've known most of my life texting me Q Anon conspiracy theories. I lost so many friends in 2020 and so much faith in a lot of others. I guess, on the bright side, I've gained a lot of faith in others.

This is exactly what a lot of us in the UK have felt since 2016. Suddenly all these people around you, who you assumed were level-headed pragmatic individuals, start spouting ignorant racist bollocks and debunked conspiracy theory shit as if it's a new universal truth. Trump and Brexit have turned fellow citizens on each other, knowingly and cynically. It has destroyed communities and families equally. I know so many people who now struggle to hold a civil conversation with their parents, have cut friends dead. It's fucking horrible.

Re: Good luck, America

PostPosted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 7:42 am
by Jonse
I'm just glad that I can move out of North America again without appearing to be a reactionary hipster, when/if/hopefully that happens.

In the mean time, I'm just happy that I won't have to see or hear or read about his annoying ass all the time for the next four years. Politically, the US is still as fucked as ever and I'm sure there will be a lot of weirdo cultists protesting for some time, but most of what I disliked about the president was less inherently political and more how completely devoid of character and constitution he was. In this department, sleepy Joe is a dramatic improvement. It's still sad that this is seen as some sort of great accomplishment. That the country sunk to a point where removing a complete jizzrag from office is seen as progress in any capacity.

Probably the best that can be done for now though. The democrats suck but not enough I would give any support to third parties this time around. I really hope we can eventually start to genuinely consider the notion in the coming generations, of course.