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2020k wrote:Managers that have a superior complex. You semi-run a big corporation retail store, don't act like you rule the entire universe and work the lower guys like they're slaves while you sit in your office stuffing your face with McDonalds all shift.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Your employer reads like a bourgeois degenerate!

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OverTheHorizonRadar wrote:I too would appreciate the heat you guys are receiving. It's not nearly as bad in California as it is in Oregon right now, but where I live it's been one of the coolest summers I can remember, and I kinda like the heat.

Well it's getting to a heat index of 115 degrees here today. We have a Heat Advisory. It's sooooo gross out today. You can't breath in the air it's so humid.

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Numerator wrote:the crusty bit on the sides of the ketchup bottle lid

Yuck, I hate that too! I always wipe the excess off before putting it back in the fridge.

Sherbet Head
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When I got in my car to go home from work yesterday it was so humid and hot that the cd I pulled out of the booklet immediately fogged up. Wish there was some shade to park in.

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Oslo/Utoya. All those kids :/.

As a child I saw the Gulf War and the Bosnia war on TV and I didn't care about all the casualties (read: I couldn't realize it) as long as I could watch my cartoons, now these things really make me sad.
Borné dans sa nature, infini dans ses vœux, l'homme est un dieu tombé qui se souvient des cieux.

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I have to bump this thread because I just watched a Greenpeace and WWF activism video - I always get so angry when I see how much we are destroying this earth. How brutally we are butchering species all for horrible, selfish gains.

I also saw an article in the Guardian recently about how Rhino horn has increased to £35000 per Kg - which has basically made the Rhino a huge target for poaching (even more so than it was) - Rhino's will soon be a thing of the past on this earth, along with hundreds of other beautiful animals.

Soon our earth will be barren. The descendants who inherit our planet will not be able to comprehend our short sighted stupidity and malevolent obsession with destruction.

Last edited by fujee on Tue Aug 30, 2011 7:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Sagan: In order to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.

Basinski: I wanted Cascade to become this crystalline organism like a star or a liquid crystal spaceship, a jellyfish traveling through the galaxy…

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Sherbet Head
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descendents. we're the ancestors. but yes.
Lens Larque wrote:For a while I was wondering what happened to the Depression thread and I was not sure if that was good or bad news.

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Sorry I wrote it in a rush and missed out that mistake, thanks :)
Sagan: In order to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.

Basinski: I wanted Cascade to become this crystalline organism like a star or a liquid crystal spaceship, a jellyfish traveling through the galaxy…

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So I've been busting my ass trying to get my Music Video made. The cost of making a professional looking video with a production company is.... wow, a lot of money. I've raised 400 and some odd dollars on my campaign, which is pretty cool even though no one on any fucking social networking site can make a fucking comment on any fucking post I make about it haha oh well. I am coming up short on money and Now my fucking heating is fucked in my condo and is stuck on 80 fucking degrees and I have to shell out $700.00 to fix a stuck valve. So yeah, fuck me. My parents offered to pay it for us as a Christmas present but good god that's a lot of dough.

Ugh.... shit sucks sometimes.

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My mom brought me new earplugs as I requested for 20 euro or something so I can listen to music on my phone. After 1 hour of using them one plug is already making a cracking sound, probably meaning I blew the speaker up, and I just played it at a normal volume. Bah.

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Promotion promise that turns out to be 8 fucking months away...

Dayvan Cowboy
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Been stuck in this fucking dumb as fuck job for over a year... better one on the horizon forever... holy fuck it sucks to work for big corporations... I'm just a slab of meat with a number on it... fuck em!

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This seemed the most appropriate place to post this. Pretty disturbing.

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Dayvan Cowboy
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The Friendly Stranger wrote:

This seemed the most appropriate place to post this. Pretty disturbing.

agh, this makes me want to visit the happy rant thread

words would never settle that.

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Waterbagel wrote:
The Friendly Stranger wrote:

This seemed the most appropriate place to post this. Pretty disturbing.

agh, this makes me want to visit the happy rant thread

words would never settle that.

I think blind stinking ignorance pretty well covers it.

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Sherbet Head
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There's nothing worse than being absolutely sure about something and feel completely confident and have made every little assessment to be sure-- and then being told you are wrong.

I was 1000% sure I checked the schedule inside and out that I DIDN'T work today, and I missed a shift from 12-4 today.

And on the department I specifically said I want NO MORE SHIFTS IN-- I'm trained in the paint department, they kicked me out of it to go PUSH CARTS and LIFT CONCRETE BAGS for old people, while some mexican that doesn't speak english and knows NOTHING about paint gets hired at the nice cozy paint desk. This is not the way to treat associates that have been here more than a year-- less than that of an inexperienced newcomer that doesn't do his work? fuck this shit man :evil: I want to leave.

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Balls to it man, leave.

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Happy Cycler
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Why the fucking fuck are you fucking all so fucking mad?

God fucking cunt shit ass piss damn it. for fog machine.

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Sagan: In order to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.

Basinski: I wanted Cascade to become this crystalline organism like a star or a liquid crystal spaceship, a jellyfish traveling through the galaxy…

Sherbet Head
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I feel like there are news bots in every forum I visit. The same news stories gets posted in all of them.


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