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Sherbet Head
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seriously neighbours! stop fucking strimming shit!! i want to sit outside and finish my uni work, not think about the fucking chainsaw massacre

aside from a washing pole and a bit of patio, what the fuck are you strimming at for so long? the whole fucking garden? stop being so cheap and get a fucking lawnmower already, at least the pitch is less annoying than that fucking strimmmaarrghhhhhhhhhhhhh

im off to sit in the hallway, its the only place i cant hear it >:(

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Little Miss Grumpy-pumps ^^^^ :wink:

Slow down...

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Happy Cycler
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You all need forget your worries, have a glass or two and hit up the Happy Rant thread :wink:
Sagan: In order to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.

Basinski: I wanted Cascade to become this crystalline organism like a star or a liquid crystal spaceship, a jellyfish traveling through the galaxy…

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fujee wrote:You all need forget your worries, have a glass or two and hit up the Happy Rant thread :wink:

Grandpa's ol' cough medicine throat coat.

Then it wears off and you're sober as a nun.

It's 3:47 AM.

You have to work in four hours.

And your first thought is "fucking G4S/UKIP/whatever".

And you have a shit/shite day (adjusted for regional language inflation).

And the cycle repeats itself, breathing longevity into the rant threads. Bravo Twoism, bravo. for fog machine.

Sherbet Head
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uni finishes next friday, i will hand over this 12000 words of assorted garbage and be free, and take up permanent residence on the happy rant thread.

UNTIL THEN this is where i belong. there is no losing sanity thread, or having not enough time in the day thread, and there should be. im soooooooooooooo streeessseeeddddddd :( :( :(

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louise wrote:uni finishes next friday, i will hand over this 12000 words of assorted garbage and be free, and take up permanent residence on the happy rant thread.

UNTIL THEN this is where i belong. there is no losing sanity thread, or having not enough time in the day thread, and there should be. im soooooooooooooo streeessseeeddddddd :( :( :(

Ahhhhh! The joy of the final year dissertation. I remember it well. The stress, the strain, the blind panic as your printer runs out of ink at 3AM the day before you need to get it bound for submission. The total and absolute BLANK that is the next 72 hours post-submission as you go on the bender-to-end-all-benders and wake up in a house you don't know, asleep next to a.......yes, thank the lord it's a don't also know, minus a kidney and walking with a limp.

Or was that just me?

Slow down...

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I was well and truly trashed at 11 am the morning of my dissertation hand in ha. Also Louise is a second year Mex, she has that all to come :wink:
Sagan: In order to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.

Basinski: I wanted Cascade to become this crystalline organism like a star or a liquid crystal spaceship, a jellyfish traveling through the galaxy…

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Dayvan Cowboy
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Yep. I remember being up for 36 hours and typing for most of that, chaning coffee. Falling off my chair and getting up and carrying on typing. Printing it all out in the labs that'd stayed open all night, getting it bound and almost delrious with exhaustion when I handed it in on the dot of the deadline. Crashed out and was hallucinating crows on my bedroom windowsill coming to carry me off.

Learnt an important lesson about procrastination though.

Sherbet Head
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yes this is second year, so next year i will be writing the usual 72000 words plus 12000 extra for that fucking dissertation. i dont know why i picked english, i thought i liked it. i dont.

but at least i dont do exams i guess. or attend.

im assuming that 3rd year is the worst year of your life? my brothers just finished his and i would ask him, but i cant remember who he is

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louise wrote:yes this is second year, so next year i will be writing the usual 72000 words plus 12000 extra for that fucking dissertation. i dont know why i picked english, i thought i liked it. i dont.

but at least i dont do exams i guess. or attend.

im assuming that 3rd year is the worst year of your life? my brothers just finished his and i would ask him, but i cant remember who he is

Not the worst year of your life, no. One of the toughest though. Holiday well this summer :wink:

Slow down...

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My final year was one of the best years of my life.

2.2s rock ;)

Sherbet Head
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Mexicola wrote:
louise wrote:yes this is second year, so next year i will be writing the usual 72000 words plus 12000 extra for that fucking dissertation. i dont know why i picked english, i thought i liked it. i dont.

but at least i dont do exams i guess. or attend.

im assuming that 3rd year is the worst year of your life? my brothers just finished his and i would ask him, but i cant remember who he is

Not the worst year of your life, no. One of the toughest though. Holiday well this summer :wink:

haha you just tipped the scale on whether i should work or not :D

as for 2.2.'s.... i wouldnt be surprised if i got one. not because im partying though, mine will be a far more adventurous 'just not going because i dont it' 'scapade. everything about uni annoys me. im too old for it, the uni in question/ a big proportion of students are snobby, im getting feedback from english teachers criticising my work when their own sentences are nonsense. even when i get there, the parking barrier spags out every time and wont let me through it, and when i do get in, they dont even use the heating in our department because they're too busy bumming engineering and sports.

but i cant quit this close to the end....!

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louise wrote:
Mexicola wrote:
louise wrote:yes this is second year, so next year i will be writing the usual 72000 words plus 12000 extra for that fucking dissertation. i dont know why i picked english, i thought i liked it. i dont.

but at least i dont do exams i guess. or attend.

im assuming that 3rd year is the worst year of your life? my brothers just finished his and i would ask him, but i cant remember who he is

Not the worst year of your life, no. One of the toughest though. Holiday well this summer :wink:

haha you just tipped the scale on whether i should work or not :D

as for 2.2.'s.... i wouldnt be surprised if i got one. not because im partying though, mine will be a far more adventurous 'just not going because i dont it' 'scapade. everything about uni annoys me. im too old for it, the uni in question/ a big proportion of students are snobby, im getting feedback from english teachers criticising my work when their own sentences are nonsense. even when i get there, the parking barrier spags out every time and wont let me through it, and when i do get in, they dont even use the heating in our department because they're too busy bumming engineering and sports.

but i cant quit this close to the end....!

Don't let the bastard's grind you down. Hang in there. It IS worth it, trust me. GOOD LUCK!!

Slow down...

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Dayvan Cowboy
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I fucking hate my job and I hate everyone there barring one, who is the only thing I am thankful for from this place. I work with machine men all day, oblivious to their own true human needs and desires, thoughtless and asleep. I feel every day from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep that humankind is made for more than this and that we are squandering our vast and unimaginable potential as self-aware matter (what an IDEA!). And even when I sleep I cannot be in that state of blissful ignorance because the world intrudes into my brain as nightmares, thought-ghosts which haunt my recovering mind and make me into my own enemy.

It is futile to describe the kind of anger and depression that I feel every day, concious of my own impending destruction and the fact that the majority of our population waste what little time they have as slaves to barbarians and brutes, nasty people who cope with their own mortality by exercising sadistic power over others. Ignorant and despicable, what a fucking predicament we are in. We have crawled our way from the primordial pool of the universe and every line of reasonable logic tells me that we are wasting our time doing so in the first place if we carry on like this. We can't carry on! Tomorrow's Harvest is about an 'irreversible vector' that humanity seems to be on and it scares me. I haven't even had the pleasure of living in those innocent times when we had hope, even if we were laying the foundations for our own destruction. I have grown up in a digital age where all of our most enlightened passions and ideas are de-sublimated into base needs, needs which are presented to us as instincts which should be followed blindly. Fuck eat laugh drink fuck drink eat drink laugh drink fuck sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep.


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:lol: :lol: :lol: :oops: :oops: :oops: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I usually turn my phone on silent and place it in another room when I'm working, but I figured this would be a quick scratch vocal and surely no one would bother me in the 20 minutes it would take to get it down, right? NOPE! Little text bleeps and light beams bothering the shit out of me the whole time! haha.

Aerial Boundaries wrote:I feel every day from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep that humankind is made for more than this and that we are squandering our vast and unimaginable potential as self-aware matter (what an IDEA!)

But first, let me take a selfie, right? Rage. I struggle with coming to terms that there are a lot of people in this world that don't make the most of themselves and their surroundings. We're all capable of so much.

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Mexicola wrote:If UKIP somehow got in (or even close to it frankly) and the Scots 'go indie' I'm seriously considering emigrating. Not even kidding.
next stop september!

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Techboy wrote:
Mexicola wrote:If UKIP somehow got in (or even close to it frankly) and the Scots 'go indie' I'm seriously considering emigrating. Not even kidding.
next stop september!

Ha! They'll crumble away come the General Election I reckon. Euros are a protest vote. Man, I hope so anyway...

Slow down...

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Dayvan Cowboy
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Yeah it'd be great if my chosen escape route of choice for fleeing the country (France) hadn't gone equally tits up and voted in the hard right either. They're blaming it on low turnout, but still. My wife found out she can get an EU passport because of her family so at least there's always Ireland if this place goes UKIP in 2015.

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That full English didn't do me wonders today. Had to go home half-way through my shift from pure stodgy greasy overload. My bowels are not smiling at me.

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Copied form Skype (Jonse is my handle and would-be Twoism handle if I could change it):

[9:19:29 AM] Jonse: So I haven't seen my dad in two weeks. This conversation happened 30 minutes ago:
[9:20:09 AM] Jonse: me: Did you know that apparently it's legal to walk into a resturant in Texas with an AR-15 or something just up in the air?
[9:21:24 AM] Jonse: me: I think that's pretty irresponsible and detrimental to people who want the right to own a firearm and aren't going to go waving it around and pretend it's a protest.
[9:22:22 AM] Jonse: him: You shouldn't trust pictures that you saw of that because often Liberals will take a picture of a protest where a guy comes in representing Open Carry and tells everyone and that's how anti-gun people are.
[9:22:47 AM] Jonse: me: No, I heard this from a pro-gun, pro-open carry person in the sense of keeping a gun in a holster.
[9:23:19 AM] Jonse: him: You shouldn't trust things because MSNBC and all these anti-gun people etc. (same thing)
[9:23:35 AM] Jonse: me: I don't care about them. It's more about the law, I think it's childish.
[9:23:42 AM] Jonse: him: And that's your opinion.
[9:24:29 AM] Jonse: me: Of course it is, but it may end up hurting the rights for responsible gun owners in the future who conceal carry and don't even mention they have a gun because they want to NEVER use it if they don't have to.
[9:25:22 AM] Jonse: me: Plus, people don't have immaculate judgement to know whether or not the person is going to be violent or otherwise and they have to act.
[9:26:04 AM] Jonse: him: But there's a guy who comes in and the liberals misrepresent it and you shouldn't trust the pictures. I don't know that guy.
[9:26:40 AM] Jonse: me: It's not ABOUT the guy, it's about the law. If people want to protest they should do it in a less childish manner.
[9:26:52 AM] Jonse: him: They're just using their 2nd ammendment rights.
[9:27:28 AM] Jonse: me: And you think that's proper use? The fact that a law dictates someone can just walk in with a weapon raised and it's perfectly legal - with or without a guy.
[9:28:34 AM] Jonse: him: It's not any different than gay people, gay parades. So what if I see a gay parade coming down the street with guys kissing and I don't want to, then I'm the same as someone who doesn't want to see this.
[9:28:47 AM] Jonse: me: Gay parades have never killed anyone. That's a horrible analogy.
[9:29:17 AM] Jonse: him: It's a fine analogy, what you're not understanding is (misc. Republican bullshit)
[9:29:58 AM] Jonse: him: They're just tools. You don't see them outlawing cars because you can kill someone with them.
[9:30:42 AM] Jonse: me: Cars weren't explicitly designed with the intention to kill. Guns were. We have to be more responsible than that.
[9:30:49 AM] Jonse: him: Sure they were.
[9:30:57 AM] Jonse: me: Are you serious?
[9:31:09 AM] Jonse: him: (gets angry, more shit about gay people)

I can't believe how fucking disgusting my own family can be. It's nearly impossible to try and love someone who however supportive of you they might of been is homophobic, incredibly partisan, watches and believes cable news on a regular basis and just has severe lapses in reasoning. I can't even express things that should be no-brainer situations, like the fact that walking into a restaurant with a rifle is a BAD idea. This sort of mentality constitutes a large chunk of the entire reason people hate the United States regarding the 2nd amendment. It can't just be sane, experienced people with thorough background checks and an earned license to conceal carry, it has to be idiots who want to flaunt their guns without realizing they're treating something designed to kill like a toy, and it has to be those people in a culture in certain states where they are given a gun at age fucking 12 or something. Completely insane. If you're not into trap/target shooting, you're supposed to never want to use one in your LIFE. EVER. EVER. If you're carrying one on you the only reason it's there is for a scenario where you are about to DIE.

And these fucking idiots don't remotely get it. for fog machine.


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