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Re: This Random Thread

PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 6:17 pm
by Radiobuzz
Thanks fujee, I'm starting to see that. First time I heard it I believe I was just a little dissapointed because my expectations were way high. Also my equipment was quite old and I had to replace some parts before it started to sound good. After the second listen I think I realised how awesome it sounds and how different it is to a digital copy, although I don't think I can explain that difference in words. Maybe the fact that the sounds are coming from a physical medium it's what make it so special sounding? Also my record player comes with two cassette decks, now I can definitely rip MHTRTC to a cassette if anyone is around here and wants to have a copy :D

Re: This Random Thread

PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2017 8:05 pm
by 2020k
A cupz party? YES PLEASE!


Re: This Random Thread

PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2017 8:16 pm
by Cupz
I'm literally all over the place *-* 10.000 posts here we come!

Re: This Random Thread

PostPosted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 11:32 pm
by The Chinese Disco Crew

Re: This Random Thread

PostPosted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 6:29 pm
by Jonse
Cupz wrote:I'm literally all over the place *-* 10.000 posts here we come!

Title just becomes "dumbfuck" or something lol

Re: This Random Thread

PostPosted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 6:35 pm
by Mexicola
What he doesn't realise is this is Logan's Run in forum form. Once he hits 10000 posts the red jewel in his palm starts flashing and he is reincarnated, undergoing Carrousel and being vaporised on the ceiling.

Re: This Random Thread

PostPosted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 9:18 pm
by Valotonin
Mexicola wrote:What he doesn't realise is this is Logan's Run in forum form. Once he hits 10000 posts the red jewel in his palm starts flashing and he is reincarnated, undergoing Carrousel and being vaporised on the ceiling.


Re: This Random Thread

PostPosted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 4:49 pm
by Jonse
You're gonna need a bigger soundcloud to dump all those tracks before then, Cupz.

Re: This Random Thread

PostPosted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 4:56 pm
by Cosmic Manta
I just woke up from what might be the strangest BoC dream I've ever had. Basically, Mike and Marcus were returning to their old highschool in Scotland to play a hockey game, as they were some sort of huge champions there. They were playing a team of French-Hungarian people (???) and it was just supposed to be some sort of school event. Somebody had tipped me off to it, however, so I showed up there with a couple of friends, in these ridiculous grey hoodies with "SHERBET HEAD" written on the chests with blue sharpies.

After waiting around for awhile, the event started. Mike and Marcus skated in, wearing these floppy, oversized royal blue hoodies that sagged down over their heads. To be quite honest, they both looked really pissed off about being there. Two kids skated up to Mike and Marcus and gave them each a hockey stick. There was a bagpipe ensemble and everything.

They gave some kind of speech about how much of an honour it was to be back, what good times they had at the highschool, and how they were looking forward to playing their "old favourite sport" again. It was met with massive applause. Mike glanced over at us, noticed the "SHERBET HEAD" written on our hoodies, and started screaming "ORANGE! ORANGE! ORANGE" over and over at us. We were escorted outside by security.

Re: This Random Thread

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 9:01 pm
by Jonse
$200 to put a dog that was dying anyways down. I didn't say what I wanted to, but the doctor that worked there - the same one that was of no use to me when I had him see the dog weeks earlier - got a very cold stare as he said goodbye.

Re: This Random Thread

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 10:17 pm
by Mexicola
Big hug man. That's a motherfucker, no mistake.

Re: This Random Thread

PostPosted: Tue Aug 08, 2017 7:35 pm
by Valotonin
Cosmic Manta wrote:I just woke up from what might be the strangest BoC dream I've ever had. Basically, Mike and Marcus were returning to their old highschool in Scotland to play a hockey game, as they were some sort of huge champions there. They were playing a team of French-Hungarian people (???) and it was just supposed to be some sort of school event. Somebody had tipped me off to it, however, so I showed up there with a couple of friends, in these ridiculous grey hoodies with "SHERBET HEAD" written on the chests with blue sharpies.

After waiting around for awhile, the event started. Mike and Marcus skated in, wearing these floppy, oversized royal blue hoodies that sagged down over their heads. To be quite honest, they both looked really pissed off about being there. Two kids skated up to Mike and Marcus and gave them each a hockey stick. There was a bagpipe ensemble and everything.

They gave some kind of speech about how much of an honour it was to be back, what good times they had at the highschool, and how they were looking forward to playing their "old favourite sport" again. It was met with massive applause. Mike glanced over at us, noticed the "SHERBET HEAD" written on our hoodies, and started screaming "ORANGE! ORANGE! ORANGE" over and over at us. We were escorted outside by security.

That was a really good read tbh.

Keep the fan fiction coming, dreamers. I thrive off it.

Re: This Random Thread

PostPosted: Tue Aug 08, 2017 7:37 pm
by Valotonin
The number 822 now petrifies me and I am scared that if I go to sleep and my vhs player is left at 8:22 or having 822 messages in my gmail inbox I won't wake up again. Can someone convince me that 822 is actually a positive number?

Re: This Random Thread

PostPosted: Tue Aug 08, 2017 9:37 pm
by Mexicola
Valotonin wrote:The number 822 now petrifies me and I am scared that if I go to sleep and my vhs player is left at 8:22 or having 822 messages in my gmail inbox I won't wake up again. Can someone convince me that 822 is actually a positive number?

Post another 20 messages and I'll let you know ;-)

Re: This Random Thread

PostPosted: Wed Aug 09, 2017 2:50 pm
by Cupz
Valotonin wrote:The number 822 now petrifies me and I am scared that if I go to sleep and my vhs player is left at 8:22 or having 822 messages in my gmail inbox I won't wake up again. Can someone convince me that 822 is actually a positive number?

Re: This Random Thread

PostPosted: Wed Aug 09, 2017 5:49 pm
by Valotonin
Cupz wrote:
Valotonin wrote:The number 822 now petrifies me and I am scared that if I go to sleep and my vhs player is left at 8:22 or having 822 messages in my gmail inbox I won't wake up again. Can someone convince me that 822 is actually a positive number?

Thank you bby x

Re: This Random Thread

PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 11:40 pm
by Jonse
I just had to deal with this.

Eight and four are twelve, right? From there, twelve can ostensibly be reduced visibly to the hexagon [truncated] we know and love as it is six divided in half.


Eight is my favorite number period, so yeah, don't diss it.

Re: This Random Thread

PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 5:34 am
by Valotonin
Rodheh wrote:

Eight is my favorite number period, so yeah, don't diss it.

Will keep a note of that :lol:

Hope everything is alright, man

Re: This Random Thread

PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 12:56 pm
by Jonse
Everything's fine. In hindsight I realise that I might have come across as a dick in that thread I posted but it was only because Mexi brought up a conversation he and I had already had in private on Facebook when I was trying to make it a general thread. No hard feelings towards anyone, you or he. Though it's best to wait until I've decided to say things aren't alright before saying something.

Re: This Random Thread

PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 2:00 pm
by Valotonin
Rodheh wrote: I realise that I might have come across as a dick in that thread I posted

Nah not at all. What makes you say that?
You always seem to be polite from what I've read.

It can be a bit difficult for me when talking about more sensitive subjects on here because sometimes when I get into it I forget that what I am writing is on a public forum