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Dayvan Cowboy
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Hate to tell you, but insurance wont touch you being miss sold a battery. :-(

Yeah probably, but the recovery was through my insurance (you just pay for parts, probably why they try and push parts on people now I think about it). So I figure, I've got more chance getting them to fight each other than trying to fight either of them seperately. But that money's probably gone now. :/

First time I took my old Celica to a Toyota garage they tried to make out a warning light I was getting was down to a defective handbrake system that they wanted to rip out and replace. Bollocks obviously. The light came on when you had a brake light bulb out. I've been very wary of garages ever since.

That kind of thing too... so annoying. This is why when you find a garage that doesn't rip you off, you stick to them. Shouldn't be that much of a crap-shoot though, you're no better with the big chains either. My sister-in-law got her tyres done at Kwik-Fit and they forgot to bolt one back on. Wheel flew off on a duel carriageway and she stacked it into a ditch. Very lucky to have walked away from that.

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Off topic kind of but has anyone used JB Weld on an exhaust system (manifold) to temp seal some cracks?

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MrMessiah wrote:
Hate to tell you, but insurance wont touch you being miss sold a battery. :-(

Yeah probably, but the recovery was through my insurance (you just pay for parts, probably why they try and push parts on people now I think about it). So I figure, I've got more chance getting them to fight each other than trying to fight either of them seperately. But that money's probably gone now. :/

First time I took my old Celica to a Toyota garage they tried to make out a warning light I was getting was down to a defective handbrake system that they wanted to rip out and replace. Bollocks obviously. The light came on when you had a brake light bulb out. I've been very wary of garages ever since.

That kind of thing too... so annoying. This is why when you find a garage that doesn't rip you off, you stick to them. Shouldn't be that much of a crap-shoot though, you're no better with the big chains either. My sister-in-law got her tyres done at Kwik-Fit and they forgot to bolt one back on. Wheel flew off on a duel carriageway and she stacked it into a ditch. Very lucky to have walked away from that.

You were right to begin with, though - always go to a garage armed with at least some idea from various forums on the internet and be persistent. I've been around about 8 or 9 garages over the years, each one did something wrong and I moved on. The old non-tightened wheelnut story has happened twice to me, I was lucky both times, now I always check wheel nuts on the way home after any work is done.
Probably doesn't do any harm to have a new battery anyway, but if it's the wrong one, take it back, they have to at least give you the right one, you shouldn't need to go through insurance.

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I feel fine. :) for fog machine.

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Dayvan Cowboy
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Not really an angry rant, but it's still goddamn awful. Today I passed my drivers license examn, which is really expensive and takes a while in the Netherlands. And today, is also the day, that the father of a pretty darn good friend of mine died because he drove himself into a tree, was only 63 years old. No details yet, investigation still going. Accidents can happen to everyone, such a harsh truth I learned once again today.
When I was a little kid my mother told me not to stare in the sun

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When people on the internet are reacting to shit in the news in the shittiest of ways and youre forced to unplug just to maintain mental hygeine. Friend of a friend mouthing off on fb - and im one if these people who only friends people i actually meet and like - never met this person, never going to. And now im sitting here sweating, in a foul mood, feeling claustrophobic and surrounded.

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Why being a cyclist in the UK is horrible. This man should not be on the road.
Sagan: In order to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.

Basinski: I wanted Cascade to become this crystalline organism like a star or a liquid crystal spaceship, a jellyfish traveling through the galaxy…

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Happy Cycler
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I don't generally post in this thread but something here reminded me of something that's always bothered me.

I have this cousin, Brian. He makes tracks pretty regularly and it's more of a hobby for him than a creative outlet. It's all strictly for fun he says. He's uploaded some stuff to Soundcloud and he just puts whatever in the title/description box. He has no avatar there, no identity, and something like "shitster" as his profile name. This cousin once came over to the house where another cousin of mine named Weeks lives to pick up something he left there. We work on stuff together and sometimes it's there instead of over here. Brian is Weeks' older brother and started working on music before Weeks did but he's never really gone anywhere with it (almost all of his tracks are mediocre emulations of new prog house). He walks into Weeks' room and Weeks is on his computer, working this really slick Pete Standing Alone-esque melody in a sampler with a lead I gave him among a flash drive of like 200 different samples. I'm sitting on his bed. Brian says hello, very quickly points to the screen, says "'ve got a bunch of shit just cluttered all over the place there" and laughs. Usually he likes to grill us on how we produce our stuff and our creative process, which is generally "you need to use ableton live" and completely discrediting all concept music and any sort of brainstorming idea (an experiment we'd mentioned to him was that we'd written 1000 potential track titles, picked the ones we'd liked and then let the music be influenced by the title and he continues to mock us for this). Eventually after talking for a while and showing him a couple of the things I'd worked on just for fun (as he does his entire musical output), he becomes really serious out of nowhere. He has a problem with the song naming thing in general. "Deadmau5 doesn't waste time thinking up names for songs, he just picks them at random....Your songs don't deserve names, songs don't deserve names anyways, none of them do," he says. I'm curious to know why and I ask him, but he sort of just stumbles around his words. I ask him if he likes progressive rock music, to which he replies yes. I tell him about Dark Side of the Moon and The Wall as just two simple examples, and I say "wouldn't you think that with all of those themes going around, tracks like Brain Damage or One of My Turns deserve a name?"

He pauses, seeming confused, and quickly segues straight into why our process is stupid. Why our intentions are stupid. Why I'm stupid and why his brother, who has a lot to say but has not said a word during all of this, is stupid. It's made completely clear there's nothing to debate. We don't really say anything and he just kind of says the same stuff over and over again. He eventually calms down and Weeks gets up and retrieves the thing Brian needed and with few words exchanged, Brian departs. Weeks sits down and closes the DAW without saving. I try to say something but he says with a serious level of apathy and depression "I'm used to it, everyone dicks on me in some way and with Brian it's music, that's the way it is."

I think we watched most of the first season of Sliders after that lol.

Anyways, it was ever since we became as capable as he is that he's been more serious when he bumps into us making music or the conversation gets brought up, and it's always antagonistic. He himself almost seems a little defeatist and maybe that's the reason he doesn't seem to want anyone else to succeed making whatever they want. I don't know. I just know that it has had an impact on Weeks and for all the talent he has when it comes to arranging melodies, he has no idea how to put them together at the end of the day and I think Brian in part caused that.

Don't know why a person has to be like that.

TL;DR: my cousin thinks it's somehow wrong that we're taking music seriously and thinks our notes and loops are "too busy", it's irritating and it really wrecks the mood to keep making something. for fog machine.

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Dayvan Cowboy
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What a twat.

I mean, he likes Deadmau5! :P

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Found it:

Hah...he's not so much of a twat in reality. He does have to take care of three daughters with his significant other and usually takes a lot of heat from others that he's not doing a good job or that he's overly-angry and my family sides with his s/o all the time even though she's got as many problems as he does. Neither of them are really troubled. They just have some anger issues and without prying into their lives I'm going to assume it's relationship related for reasons I'd rather not mention here. Guy's alright at the end of the day and he's still family. He just unnecessarily puts his brother and I down regarding one particular thing and that's unnecessary.

Nice talking to you this past week and whatnot Aerial Boundaries and whoever else that's been frequenting right now. I'll probably dip out for a while. Seeya Later. for fog machine.

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Dayvan Cowboy
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I find that most of the time when someone comments negatively on another persons choices or efforts, the purpose is to make themselves feel better about/justify their own choices and situation.
As another example, at my point in life, when folk are having kids, people regularly offer unsolicited opinions on why you should/shouldn't have kids/how many kids/how best to raise them etc. etc.
Of course there is rarely thought given to any potential sensitivities around your situation, they simply have to offer their opinion. Generally just selfishness and self absorption, really, a very modern affliction.

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Dayvan Cowboy
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Rodheh wrote:Found it:

Hah...he's not so much of a twat in reality. He does have to take care of three daughters with his significant other and usually takes a lot of heat from others that he's not doing a good job or that he's overly-angry and my family sides with his s/o all the time even though she's got as many problems as he does. Neither of them are really troubled. They just have some anger issues and without prying into their lives I'm going to assume it's relationship related for reasons I'd rather not mention here. Guy's alright at the end of the day and he's still family. He just unnecessarily puts his brother and I down regarding one particular thing and that's unnecessary.

Nice talking to you this past week and whatnot Aerial Boundaries and whoever else that's been frequenting right now. I'll probably dip out for a while. Seeya Later.

You too Rod :]

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Eagle Minded
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Rodheh, Sounds like Brian is insecure about his own music and projecting his insecurity on both of you. Weeks' challenge is to learn to realize this and brush it off his shoulders. Sometimes that is very tough when it is family that is the antagonist. The antagonist will either crush you or make you stronger. Opt for the latter. Keep working. I do that with titles and music sometimes. I find it fun. A good title will find the music or vice-versa.
all albums [IS1-IS13] available here:

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Elexen is awesine.

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I've had a quick, cursory listen of UMO's latest album. I loved the first two.

Well... I know first impressions can be and mainly are wrong, but I hated it. Mostly.

I'm all for uturns artistically speaking, I've no problem with that, but I just do not like the new sound. The lofi fuzz has been diluted by an order of magnitude on some tracks, and it's got some really cringey pop grooves. Some tracks feel like the band decided to ignore their obvious talent for melody and go for completely predictable almost summer-anthem fare. Same goes for the lyrics, again cringey in some places. And I'm with Kevin Shields on this one: Bad lyrics are the WORST. See 'Ur Life One Night' for what I am talking about, even the title makes me gag a little.

I'm not giving up on it, I'll have a proper in depth listen when I'm in the mood. I really really want to like it but this album is pushing me away, and it feels like a real step down from 'II', particularly in terms of their integrity. I find it hard to believe they even wanted to make an album like this after the blinders they've come out with before, though I know that is a ludicrous statement.

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Fuck! I still hate it. I don't even want to hate it, I just do. They've gone for cheesy dancehall summer-hit pop funk, and I hate it. Argh.

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Yeah, just gave it a run through, pretty naff compared to their previous two efforts, ah well.

Kevin Shields hates vocals all together it seems, they are almost non existent when they play live, Bilinda is just about audible, but Kevin may as well not bother. Plus all their albums employ the obscured vocal tracks/lyrics, maybe his fear of bad lyrics is why the vocals on anything MBV related are really heard to decipher.
Sagan: In order to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.

Basinski: I wanted Cascade to become this crystalline organism like a star or a liquid crystal spaceship, a jellyfish traveling through the galaxy…

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Dayvan Cowboy
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fujee wrote:Yeah, just gave it a run through, pretty naff compared to their previous two efforts, ah well.

Kevin Shields hates vocals all together it seems, they are almost non existent when they play live, Bilinda is just about audible, but Kevin may as well not bother. Plus all their albums employ the obscured vocal tracks/lyrics, maybe his fear of bad lyrics is why the vocals on anything MBV related are really heard to decipher.

Probably. But then that has benefited his style, or his style fits obscured lyrics. Loveless wouldn't have been the same without those voices reaching and billowing up from the noise, instead of on top of it. Also, everything I've managed to decipher has been simple but elegant just like the song structures. Quite sweet lyrics.

Anyway, I know I shouldn't get so riled up about this album. I just hate seeing artists throw away their best traits, and for what? UMO if anything were inescapably COOL. Their first two albums felt like they were pulled off effortlessly (obviously in reality that isn't true), with the touch of band members who knew what they wanted and how they wanted it.

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Eagle Minded
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Rodheh wrote:I don't generally post in this thread but something here reminded me of something that's always bothered me.

I have this cousin, Brian. He makes tracks pretty regularly and it's more of a hobby for him than a creative outlet. It's all strictly for fun he says. He's uploaded some stuff to Soundcloud and he just puts whatever in the title/description box. He has no avatar there, no identity, and something like "shitster" as his profile name. This cousin once came over to the house where another cousin of mine named Weeks lives to pick up something he left there. We work on stuff together and sometimes it's there instead of over here. Brian is Weeks' older brother and started working on music before Weeks did but he's never really gone anywhere with it (almost all of his tracks are mediocre emulations of new prog house). He walks into Weeks' room and Weeks is on his computer, working this really slick Pete Standing Alone-esque melody in a sampler with a lead I gave him among a flash drive of like 200 different samples. I'm sitting on his bed. Brian says hello, very quickly points to the screen, says "'ve got a bunch of shit just cluttered all over the place there" and laughs. Usually he likes to grill us on how we produce our stuff and our creative process, which is generally "you need to use ableton live" and completely discrediting all concept music and any sort of brainstorming idea (an experiment we'd mentioned to him was that we'd written 1000 potential track titles, picked the ones we'd liked and then let the music be influenced by the title and he continues to mock us for this). Eventually after talking for a while and showing him a couple of the things I'd worked on just for fun (as he does his entire musical output), he becomes really serious out of nowhere. He has a problem with the song naming thing in general. "Deadmau5 doesn't waste time thinking up names for songs, he just picks them at random....Your songs don't deserve names, songs don't deserve names anyways, none of them do," he says. I'm curious to know why and I ask him, but he sort of just stumbles around his words. I ask him if he likes progressive rock music, to which he replies yes. I tell him about Dark Side of the Moon and The Wall as just two simple examples, and I say "wouldn't you think that with all of those themes going around, tracks like Brain Damage or One of My Turns deserve a name?"

He pauses, seeming confused, and quickly segues straight into why our process is stupid. Why our intentions are stupid. Why I'm stupid and why his brother, who has a lot to say but has not said a word during all of this, is stupid. It's made completely clear there's nothing to debate. We don't really say anything and he just kind of says the same stuff over and over again. He eventually calms down and Weeks gets up and retrieves the thing Brian needed and with few words exchanged, Brian departs. Weeks sits down and closes the DAW without saving. I try to say something but he says with a serious level of apathy and depression "I'm used to it, everyone dicks on me in some way and with Brian it's music, that's the way it is."

I think we watched most of the first season of Sliders after that lol.

Anyways, it was ever since we became as capable as he is that he's been more serious when he bumps into us making music or the conversation gets brought up, and it's always antagonistic. He himself almost seems a little defeatist and maybe that's the reason he doesn't seem to want anyone else to succeed making whatever they want. I don't know. I just know that it has had an impact on Weeks and for all the talent he has when it comes to arranging melodies, he has no idea how to put them together at the end of the day and I think Brian in part caused that.

Don't know why a person has to be like that.

TL;DR: my cousin thinks it's somehow wrong that we're taking music seriously and thinks our notes and loops are "too busy", it's irritating and it really wrecks the mood to keep making something.

give him a taste of his own medicine, not in revenge, but as a lesson in life. some people don't understand how they come off simply because they've never been on the receiving end of the type of shit their dishing out. both of you walk into his room and start picking apart his music in an intellectual way. be honest and don't pull any punches. you have the advantage of it being two against one. or just upload his tracks here and i'll pick them apart for you and you can send him my comments :)

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I wrote a very long post about this article, but I've decided to leave it out and let people make their own mind up. In light of the last 24 hours I think it's very poignant.

Re-Writing Musical History & The Danger Of Censorship

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