Black Lives Matter

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Nothing's changed. It's a damn shame. I don't know why people feel so fucking uncomfortable talking about it. White people frequently continue to feel it's an attack on them and that they concede if they choose to acknowledge this issue for reasons that baffle me. I'm not asking anyone to deliberately feel sad - we should stay optimistic - I would however like people to recognise tragedy when it happens. This is indeed a long trainwreck of tragedies. We can't turn a blind eye to it anymore. Seriously people. I was astonished to see that there was even arguing on Twoism. How? I know I already said all this but how does Twoism reach this level?

2020k wrote:I don't think you specifically brought this thread to a halt. This thread and the Corona thread both slowed down. 2020 is just a lot to take in.

Eh, that was more of a cheeky joke anyway. I actually didn't mind seeing as at least the thread can't go in a bad direction when no one is posting. for fog machine.

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Don't get it twisted now, most of Twoism here supports the 'movement' it's just me the out spoken person. Why is it so hard for criminals to follow the orders of the authorities? Why are you defending POS who really are evil at heart and would jump at the chance to rob you and beat the ever living shit out of you? I know I know BLM!!!! But so do those who follow the rules and obey the law. It's suck this is all happening, for sure and it's all planned out. I could link a whole shit load of videos of these animals beating and robbing innocent people, but I won't. 9!!! unarmed BLACK men were killed last year, way way WAY less then unarmed whites. I DON'T CARE ABOUT FUCKING CRIMINALS. FOLLOW THE GODDAMN RULES AND YOU WILL LIVE. Why is that so hard to understand.

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2020k wrote:I don't think you specifically brought this thread to a halt. This thread and the Corona thread both slowed down. 2020 is just a lot to take in.


Slow down...

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Dayvan Cowboy
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Torn n Frayed wrote:Don't get it twisted now, most of Twoism here supports the 'movement' it's just me the out spoken person. Why is it so hard for criminals to follow the orders of the authorities? Why are you defending POS who really are evil at heart and would jump at the chance to rob you and beat the ever living shit out of you? I know I know BLM!!!! But so do those who follow the rules and obey the law. It's suck this is all happening, for sure and it's all planned out. I could link a whole shit load of videos of these animals beating and robbing innocent people, but I won't. 9!!! unarmed BLACK men were killed last year, way way WAY less then unarmed whites. I DON'T CARE ABOUT FUCKING CRIMINALS. FOLLOW THE GODDAMN RULES AND YOU WILL LIVE. Why is that so hard to understand.

So, this is a bad post.

Let's start with the facts. Did police kill 9 unarmed black men last year? Does that number not seem a bit... low? It should, because it is. You don't give a source of where you get the figure of 9 but there have been several people making stories based on the database collated by the Washington Post which is online and searchable with little tags, and they've come up with similar numbers so I'm going to start there. Just know, that even using this source, the figure of 9 is only true if you count "men" as "men over 30". If you count all males, that number becomes 13.

Though it's possible that the figure of 9 was what it showed when whoever cited it did so, it's compiled after the fact by a newspaper, and it only captures what data it can get access to. That relies heavily on police departments accurately reporting use of lethal force. I think it's pretty obvious that the real figure will be higher. but let's be charitable and say for the sake of argument that it's accurate.

Some things about this database as it relates to Black Lives Matter. Firstly, it's strictly talking about shootings. It doesn't include other forms of killing, such as beating, tasering, death by vehicle and unexplained deaths in custody. It wouldn't include the death of George Floyd, for instance, where he was killed by prolonged kneeling on his neck. It doesn't account for non-fatal but nontheless excessive displays of force. It's also selective on the other side where it counts "officers" that are actively on duty. Off duty cops are not included in its figures, (nor would it include armed vigilanties effectively deputised by the police by being allowed to roam freely with assault weapons while action is going on such as that kid in Kenosha just the other day, but again, lets be honest and keep it to just the cops).

The other thing that figure is not telling you is what PROPORTION of the population it's representing. Yes, when you look at shootings of unarmed men in that database, the NUMBER for white men is higher than black men. But black people count for 13% of the population. There are just way more white people in America. When you adjust for that, you see that you are WAY more likely to be killed by a cop if you're black. You know, let alone harassed, made the target of suspicion or any of that, just killed. Like, it feels like that should be an obvious thing, but it feels like some people just don't get it. Like, I'm white, I'm not going to speak to what it feels like to be a racial minority in the US, but enough people have been making their voices heard about that. You don't need the numbers to get the message. The numbers are cold and uncaring. But they do support what people are quite rightly saying when you look at them honestly. You don't even need to look particularly hard, it actually takes a certain amount of calculated dishonesty to twist them in a way that reads any other way.

Which, kinda brings me to where I think you got the numbers from. See in trying to work that out - you don't say where you saw -
like I said, I see some people making stories that quote lowball figures like "8". And it's not a surprise who it is. I could go off on this, you all know I like to bang this drum but I'm not going to this time because I don't want to bring my personal political beefs into a story that's not mine. But again, look a bit beyond. You know? If you're gonna read that shit then just do a cursory google afterwards, do some fact checking. Gonna leave that point there.

Last thing. I've zeroed in on that "9" because it's easy to pick apart a bad statistic coldly, like I'm not affected by it, and you know, it makes me angry and sick, all of this does, but I'm still a spectator to it. I'm not the one at the sharp end of this story. But I don't want to ignore everything around the "9" in your post, because I have to think, how do you get like this? How do you buy into the fact that if they're killed by cops, they MUST be criminals? Even when you're talking about people that maybe are breaking the law in some cases, that makes them POS? Makes them "evil at heart"? If they're not following the rules, that makes them "animals"? Look at what you're writing here. Look at how you're saying it. You are talking about people, with their own life, families, people that love them, and that they love. You don't know their situation. You don't know what makes someone feel like they have to "break some rules" as if rule breaking was justification for a summary execution.

We are all humans deserving of equal dignity and born with rights that extend beyond any human authority. The second you let someone convince you that a human being deserved to die because they weren't following that authority's rules that day is when you sell your soul.

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I feel like framing this reply from Negamuse. Bravo lady.

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To paraphrase a quote I read on twitter -

Why does damage to property justify murder, yet murder doesn't justify damage to property?

Says everything about protests and the framing of their 'acceptability' that those in power have created, and how easily we accept that framing.

The fetishisation of authority, the 'rule of law' and 'strong leadership' are the slide toward fascism.

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I really just wanted to say "yeah, not all of us value the lives of others enough" but it wasn't worth posting and at this point I don't even know. I read Megan's post, I'm not coherent enough now to fully reply to it or TnF who should really consider shutting the fuck up. I love him but I can't formulate responses now and I have to leave something I won't delete, so this is it.

Black Lives Matter. The End. Criminals are sometimes black, yeah. Just as they're white. Police are sometimes terrible. These things I believe most adults and many adolescents should all know. Whatever you heard politically, that's not the point. Get it through your skull and go home. You're making me lose faith in humanity, No one in particular, rather anyone who doesn't get this context now.

It's not as though black folks came out just now to declare that they mattered as much as the native [insert smallest tribe on the planet] citizens. The one with that history absolutely nobody knows about. They surely had a contextual reason! Of course you'd understand this if you'd not entered reading a response as a counter-argument but rather an attempt to fill you in. "You" being whoever this applies to. Maybe it's me. Maybe it's both of us. Maybe I hate white people being unable to admit black people get shafted. I tried to be calm LOL for fog machine.

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What I meant to say now that I am clear(er) minded: It is disgusting that Negamuse or anyone else even need type or explain what it is she did.

Not the intention or the content of what she expressed. Do not misunderstand this. That is commendable, and Mexi, you should frame it.

Though the fact that it ever need be expressed is what disgusts me and it is such a terrible sadness that we are reduced to such a reactionary and often binary level of thought at times over what we should all be agreeing on because all of the baggage that comes with these kinds of movements is absolutely, 100% unrelated to the idea.

No one capable of critical thinking really needs to be told that looters are different than protesters. No one needs to bring up red herrings about those who commit crime and are also attached to BLM because that they've committed a crime is an independent event and unfortunately this is happening way too much.

This is ultimately about an ideology. The ideology is that being that black and all races and creeds deserve equal treatment in society and under the law. I cannot for the life of me understand how - this extends to being against police brutality in general and being able to realise many cops are terrible - someone who isn't actually prejudiced in some way can't wholeheartedly agree with this ideology. It illustrates, now more than ever, that people are more brand loyal to the accepting mindset of their political color than they are to their own heart. This absolutely guts me because not only is it true, it's been normal now for years. Good people don't think that way. Twitter thinks that way. Cancel culture thinks that way. Facebook soccer mom anti-5G groups think that way. CNN, Fox, MSNBC, the BBC, the Daily Mail, the WSJ think that way and that is absolutely no way to think. I would say I know all of this probably seems obvious and is a given but at this point I don't know. At this point I feel like even here people are losing their ability to see reality for what it is.

Torn, I'm sorry I told you to shut the fuck up. That was rude of me and it's possible I have posted this by the time you've seen that. I didn't have the patience last night. I was too distraught that this even is a discussion because it does make me lose faith in humanity every single second it continues. That said, I am not sorry for the sentiment. My apology is for swearing at you. As someone who has made this mistake as recent as yesterday, I say as a friend that I do firmly think you need to really think about what it is you have to say before posting it loudly (extended instances of all caps) to a forum for others to read, so until then, please just don't say anything unless you have something meaningful to say.

As it currently stands, a lot of people are following rules and they are paying with injuries and their lives. This isn't up for debate. I'm not accusing you of being someone who pretends that no, minority groups never get unfair or different treatment. I can see your heart is in the right place. I don't think you're considering how serious it is. Pretty much everything Megan said was on point. Related, I see a lot of people downplaying it despite seeing videos daily, those same videos that get yanked down (that isn't suspicious at all). I don't know why. I can understand if someone is truly naive to the situation, but if you're not then that is disappointing. This is a real problem, there is real disparity, we need to face it and no, you don't have to be a Twitter drone repeating "all cops are bad", nor do you need to be made to feel bad for being anything but black, nor do you need to surrender your ability to call out the good from the bad in groups of protesters, law enforcement or social activists. You just literally need to think, breathe, not allow yourself to become reactionary, not allow yourself to get your principles from sensationalism. You need a brain and a heart, that's all.

Maybe a little optimism. for fog machine.

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It's more important than ever at this point to, as Jonse and Negamuse have, cut through the shit and re-emphasise the simple motivation behind Black Lives Matter, which is to point out that not all lives are valued equally on this earth and that while many are aware of this fact, many aren't and desperately hang on to the delusion that 'everyone gets treated equally.'
We're at the point now, as we always get to, where the politicians on all sides and all the 'sensible' and 'moderate' commentators are saying 'well ok, now it's gone far enough, you've made your point and now's the time to calm down.'
But we all know that if everything calms down again, the status quo will be restored, folk can go back to their delusions and nothing will change.
Nothing significant in history has ever been achieved through solely democratic or political means. Politics, the democratic system as we implement it and the media that go with it are there to gatekeep and protect the status quo from real changes in power.
Without, for example, unionisation of workplaces, we wouldn't have a five day working week, employment rights or any of that.
None of the privileges of modern life (in the UK, the welfare state and NHS for example) were given to us by benevolent governments, they were demanded and politicians resisted every step of the way, with the usual 'we can't afford it' or 'that's not what we do in this country' and any agents of change painted as 'subversive' and 'against our way of life.' Again and again this happens, the same old story.
And so it's important not to miss the other point that BLM make, the one that everyone, even liberals, feel really uncomfortable with, that the very structures that underpin our society are what perpetuate and reinforce racism and inequality - our economic and political systems, education, all of it. They all need looked at and changed, radically.
This is the bit no-one wants to hear and the bit that those in power and their supporters in the media (all of the media, basically) are really pushing back against.

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On this note, the government in the UK now talking about classifying Extinction Rebellion as a criminal organisation after a perfectly legal protest, while our supine press nod along in agreement.
The right to protest and take direct action, one of our most basic freedoms, under attack, while the government propagandists tell us it's 'protecting freedom and our way of life'.....

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Popped into Tesco yesterday and they had a sign up stating they had no copies of The Sun because of the Extinction Rebellion protests (or so they claimed). Seems like ER are performing a valuable service in that case. Fuck Murdoch.

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On balance, would someone's life be better or worse for not having read rage-inducing, bigoted, inane and vacuous drivel on any given day? A valuable service for sure.

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Sagan: In order to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.

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Torn n Frayed wrote:Don't get it twisted now, most of Twoism here supports the 'movement' it's just me the out spoken person. Why is it so hard for criminals to follow the orders of the authorities? Why are you defending POS who really are evil at heart and would jump at the chance to rob you and beat the ever living shit out of you? I know I know BLM!!!! But so do those who follow the rules and obey the law. It's suck this is all happening, for sure and it's all planned out. I could link a whole shit load of videos of these animals beating and robbing innocent people, but I won't. 9!!! unarmed BLACK men were killed last year, way way WAY less then unarmed whites. I DON'T CARE ABOUT FUCKING CRIMINALS. FOLLOW THE GODDAMN RULES AND YOU WILL LIVE. Why is that so hard to understand.

What an absolutely disgusting post.

I could go on about how you're dehumanizing people criminalized by a government that criminalizes poverty, or that in a "free" country you shouldn't have to obey every direction shouted at you by a control freak with a gun, but instead I'll just point out that Breonna Taylor was shot and killed in her own bed and Daniel Shaver was murdered while not only complying with every direction given to him, but while begging for his life.

I can't imagine the lack of empathy needed to make a comment such as yours but I am frankly embarrassed people like you call themselves members of this community.

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It baffles me how a few certain someones in this thread are BoC fans.


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