Fireal420 wrote:ok ill make this quick and easy.
i am noticing a lot of people bashing eachothers countries.
i am an american. im not saying that with confidence, im just stating it as a fact. i understand why most people view americans as dumb, since i live here and i think most americans are dumb.
anyway, heres my point, we all live on the same planet, and when you break it all down, we are all brothers and sisters. so why doesnt everyone treat eachother that way? our world could be such a beautiful place if everyone treated eachother with love and respect. the only way our world can ever get to peace is if every person does their part to treat eachother right. the past few months ive been doing what i can to make a change, rather than waiting for people around me to do it. its time everyone starts loving eachother, rather than believing in an afterlife with a heaven, its time to do our parts to turn this place into heaven.
im so tired of listening to different religious leaders talk about an afterlife and a heaven, when we can turn this life into heaven, by treating eachother right.
we are all on this board because we share the similar connection of enjoying boards of canadas music.. if you are anything like me, then BOC doesnt even create music, they create emotions that seem to touch your soul in a way that seems unexplainable.
to some up my entire rant, rather than bitching at eachother on a message board. come to peace with yourself, and then share that peace with the people who are around you, so that we can transform this world into a more beautiful place.
HEY. Let go of your national identities while on Internet. This thread is your country now, and you both live in it. So do I neighbor! I'm trying to read and these folks down the block are really letting each other have it.
As far as creating the emotions, who makes the grass green? Perhaps the sounds are rents in the universe, some universe of joy and terrifying harmony.