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At last there's SOMETHING happening in the playground.
I haven't even read it, but its hilarious to see how long this could go on, and finding out who is actually reading.

also....R-R-R-R-RANDOM LOLZ : Arkaya went suddenly quiet, like a cat paused in a half motion between flow and grace. Her cat, Mellom, stopped too in his half lazy half hesitantly brisk movement in space and time. Mallom was just walking along the garden fence fascinated by the blinking lights on the back interface of Donald, the house drone, who was quite bussy tiding the area for the new garden feature, the vegetable patch. Donald was a 1187 model, reliable and well constructed, Arkaya helped on that’s particular interface quantum development herself.
Arkaya glanced up in the sky and saw Uranus’s rings and Pluto’s and Saturn’s moons, she saw it on her Acquiescence Filter Display System on the dome. The Dome covered the whole of the Cultivated Area West on Caleum Central One in the Caleum Constelation.
Since the Earth started becoming less and less stable and more prone to natural disasters, magnetic radiation and Polar Rays, they the Graceful Ones, a new nation developed of the survivours of the Big Bang Two catastrophy, had to move house, move city, move country, move continents, move planets and move galaxies to find new habitable spot in the space and time.
Arkayas home is the Caleum constellation’s central located red dwarf transformed, Kreton.
Kreton, a planet thoroughly inspected and investigated and tested and developed at present is a nice place. It is green and blue with a purple haze mist over the most of the time. It has three moons the main stars of the Calleum constellation. It has good communication links with other locations.
Arkaya is a scientist, she works in the capital, Caleum Central One a seaside metropolis in the Bright Province, in the southern coast of the galaxy.
She looked up in the sky and looked down again, the rug was dirty...the drone was misfunctioning again, she must fix it later.
-I obviously must commute to work tomorrow again, she though, walking was out of question, it was a whole 444 light miles to her office in New Four Bridge Way. Yes, there will be traffic tomorrow, she thought.
Arkaya locked the back door and went back inside her lounge. It was rest time she had to disconnect for the night and try to be fresh for tomorrows board meeting. They will have to discuss the recent communication issues with Station Orbit One space ship. The hardwiring there went dead on Monday and the station is experiencing Oxygen Leak Hazard. That is serious, she must go to bed now, get some shut eye.
As she is walking up the stairs she remembers last week on Monday when there was something frighteningly eerie in the summer sky, The Dorado and Puppies constellation were transcending.
A rare occasion happening every two thousand one handred and about fourteen years, in a cycle. They align and then things happen, maybe there will be a new baby star born, Arkaya pondered walking up the steps.
She switched all of the lights off as she was advancing upstairs.
She remembered that night again, yes the Dorado Constelation was overcast then. That usually meant one thing in Arkayas books – meteor showers, so yes, again she will have to suffer stuck in the massive traffic jam tomorrow morning lights.
She will probably have to stand up all the way too on the shuttle.
Arkaya brushed her hair and got in to her nice, warm water bed. She put on the Crystal Blue 2076 compilation and focused on the vegetable patch again. When Donald has it cleaned up she can grow anything there, maybe spaceapples or galamelons, maybe even some mushroom or herbs.
She closed her eyes and concentrated on the sound. It was a harmony of The Spacehoppers recorded in Transborder One studio at the Golden Dust Records, yes she knew that well. They were her favourites. Their music was always touching her inner soul to the point that she sometimes had to tune it down and turn on the ecodream filter, which mellows out the higher frequency weaves, allowing Arkaya to nap like a kitten.

multiple parallel realities divided by space but connected by time
in the times in a far far galaxy far away when the time travel through a worm hole
is a standard protocol
in a world where home drones are used in a web of things architecture
they don't need to be programmed anymore they evolve on genetic algorithms
not needing and knowledge engineering
its all pre-produced


So we left Arkaya, our main so far heroin, when she was nodding off peacefully as a kitten.


Now it's almost 7am in the Caleum Galexy, Caleum Constelation, in Caleum Central One and
Arkaya is just about to wake up, but is not aware of it quite yet
so shall we have a little glance first and see what she is dreaming about?
Yes, we shall in two hours and 6 minutes at 6.40am Caleum CST (Central Standard Time) Arkaya will wake up and remember it all, but slightly differently.

So, we shall first look into her dreams not to be swayed.



The house was weird. On one hand it looked like a normal town house but on the
other it was giving away this aura of mistery and excitement. It was composed of
four levels, the very bottom one was a basement, where some weird paintings were kept and musical instruments and chairs, four chairs.
There were little tiny narrow steps, which were going even narrower downstairs on the way to the basement.
And now she was upstairs in one of the bedrooms, the bedroom was quite small
but had a lovely shiny, chandelier on the ceiling and a sky light. Arkaya swoon across the room and didn’t know where she was. Then she was in the street and walking down the quite steepy hill, she looked up while walking swooning, the view was just beautiful. She was happy, she felt light, she was flying, cruising in the air, and then suddenly..
Arkaya woke up...

Arkaya is at work at the FOURTH CENTURY LAB UNITED

but she has just gone on the lunch break
and so she is sitting on the sofa, amusing herself with this old book
he all time favourite

she just likes coming back to it sometimes

it reads now:

"In another moment down went Alice after it, never once considering how in the world she was to get out again.

The rabbit-hole went straight on like a tunnel for some way, and then dipped suddenly down, so suddenly that Alice had not a moment to think about stopping herself before she found herself falling down a very deep well.

Either the well was very deep, or she fell very slowly, for she had plenty of time as she went down to look about her and to wonder what was going to happen next. First, she tried to look down and make out what she was coming to, but it was too dark to see anything; then she looked at the sides of the well, and noticed that they were filled with cupboards and book-shelves; here and there she saw maps and pictures hung upon pegs. She took down a jar from one of the shelves as she passed; it was labelled `ORANGE MARMALADE', but to her great disappointment it was empty: she did not like to drop the jar for fear of killing somebody, so managed to put it into one of the cupboards as she fell past it.

`Well!' thought Alice to herself, `after such a fall as this, I shall think nothing of tumbling down stairs! How brave they'll all think me at home! Why, I wouldn't say anything about it, even if I fell off the top of the house!' (Which was very likely true.)

Down, down, down. Would the fall never come to an end! `I wonder how many miles I've fallen by this time?' she said aloud. `I must be getting somewhere near the centre of the earth. Let me see: that would be four thousand miles down, I think--' (for, you see, Alice had learnt several things of this sort in her lessons in the schoolroom, and though this was not a very good opportunity for showing off her knowledge, as there was no one to listen to her, still it was good practice to say it over) `--yes, that's about the right distance--but then I wonder what Latitude or Longitude I've got to?' (Alice had no idea what Latitude was, or Longitude either, but thought they were nice grand words to say.)

Presently she began again. `I wonder if I shall fall right through the earth! How funny it'll seem to come out among the people that walk with their heads downward! The Antipathies, I think--' (she was rather glad there was no one listening, this time, as it didn't sound at all the right word) `--but I shall have to ask them what the name of the country is, you know. Please, Ma'am, is this New Zealand or Australia?' (and she tried to curtsey as she spoke--fancy curtseying as you're falling through the air! Do you think you could manage it?) `And what an ignorant little girl she'll think me for asking! No, it'll never do to ask: perhaps I shall see it written up somewhere.' "


Arkaya, closed the book and looked at her hand watch LED ultraheptical display,
she had to go back to the lab,

She was't reading the book only for pleasure she was doing it for research too

in 2087, the meta abilities were quite common and they were just working in the lab
on the 4th gear improvement for the New Spaceship 87 using worm hole acceleration
and gravity curve shift
they wanted to get to new locations

the population was expanding quite rapidly in last few decades and due to average
longevity of all citizens they needed more space

yes, Arkaya pondered to herself, it was a lonf time ago when that book was written but some
truths remain universal.
And now in 2087 they have finally overcome their ignorance and take these things seriously.
The Council Board is waiting for preliminary results, she needs to stroll back.


Arkaya went back to the lab. There was some work to do on the quantum worn hole portal
Theory, and they had a subject.
There was this young man, who reported to the research centre himself, after the public announcement. He was a curious case of a time traveller. He claimed he used to live on planet Earth some 74 years ago on the European Continent, in England, in a place called Brighton.
Arkaya did some background research of her own on the place. It looked a lot like Calleum Dome Zone One but they didn’t have the seaside on Caleum.
The man also described the area where he used to lice and the street and the house, when he mentioned the basement with paintings she began to listen.
‘You got my attention now Mr Jones, please tell me more about the house.’ She heard herself say.
‘The house was composed of four levels, and there was a basement with the paintings. I cannot recall it all but I know one thing. Since I have started having those memories I feel like I have been there. I have lived there. So, after having seen your announcement on Caleum Cable One TV
I have finally decided to tell somebody about it. It’s been bugging me for a long time now.’ Said Mr Jones
Arkaya looked at him not saying anything. She finished the interview and she filled in the chart.
They knew not where the portal might be. They might be able to locate it and measure the distance. Then when they finally manage to get the 4th gear acceleration working they might even be able to transcend there and’..Arkaya hesitated in her string of thought. ‘And maybe, just maybe they would come in time to save it.’
It was getting late now already, she had to pack her things and take the last shuttle home.
If she misses that she would be stuck in town for the night and she doesn’t want to experience that again. It is not close, it is 444 light miles away , damn. She had to hurry. She swept her notes off her desk into her bag, switched off the main computer interface and set the alarms on. She locked the door and went into the lift. She had to swipe her bio-card to get the lift going. She couldn’t find it. ‘Damn! She thought. ‘Not again!’ but there it was just in her pocket.
She got out of the building and into the boarding lounge to take the last shuttle home.She felt a sudden shiverrish sensation down her spine and shook a little, she had that feeling again herself. The same one, the one from the dream. As if she was flying in the air, down the steep hill.
She took her book out and opened it randomly by accident, the sentence she looked at read:
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then.”
‘Interesting’ she thought to herself, ‘That guy, that Jones guy, is he for real? So, well, we shall have to leave Arkaya alone now. She needs some time on her own nowto contemplate some important things, that just happened.

We shall see where she goes with it tomorrow.


Arkaya went back to the lab. There was some work to do on the quantum worn hole portal
Theory, and they had a subject. There was this young man, who reported to the research centre himself, after the public announcement. He was a curious case of a time traveller. He claimed he used to live on planet Earth some 74 years ago on the European Continent, in England, in southern England due to the pre - Big Bang Two catastrophe denomination.

Arkaya did some background research of her own on the place. It looked a lot like Calleum Dome Zone One but they didn’t have that much open spaces here now. If there was a artificially cultivated field on Caleum, it would have to be under the Dome. Everything, all the habitable areas were covered by the Dome.

The man also described the area where he used to lice and the street and the house, when he mentioned the basement with paintings she began to listen.

‘You got my attention now Mr Jones, please tell me more about the house.’ She heard herself say.
‘The house was composed of four levels, and there was a basement with the paintings. I cannot recall it all but I know one thing. Since I have started having those memories I feel like I have been there. I have lived there. So, after having seen your announcement on Caleum Cable One TV
I have finally decided to tell somebody about it. It’s been bugging me for a long time now.’ Said Mr Jones

Arkaya looked at him not saying anything. She finished the interview and she filled in the chart.
They knew not where the portal might be. They might be able to locate it and measure the distance. Then when they finally manage to get the 4th gear acceleration working they might even be able to transcend there and’..Arkaya hesitated in her string of thought. ‘And maybe, just maybe they would come in time to save it.’

It was getting late now already, she had to pack her things and take the last shuttle home.
If she misses that she would be stuck in town for the night and she doesn’t want to experience that again. It is not close, it is 444 light miles away , damn. She had to hurry. She swept her notes off her desk into her bag, switched off the main computer interface and set the alarms on. She locked the door and went into the lift. She had to swipe her bio-card to get the lift going. She couldn’t find it. ‘Damn! She thought. ‘Not again!’ but there it was just in her pocket.

She got out of the building and into the boarding lounge to take the last shuttle home.She felt a sudden shiverrish sensation down her spine and shook a little, she had that feeling again herself. The same one, the one from the dream. As if she was flying in the air, down the steep hill.
She took her book out and opened it randomly by accident, the sentence she looked at read:

“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then.”

‘Interesting’ she thought to herself, ‘That guy, that Jones guy, is he for real?'

So, well, we shall have to leave Arkaya alone now. She needs some time on her own
to contemplate some important things, that just happened.

We shall see where she goes with it tomorrow.



Arkaya remembered something she read once somewhere, was not quite sure when or where:

"An Eskimo watches the sun set, with a red little nose
A polar bear walks nearby, quietly on his toes,
They come to sit together, as the sun warms the Earth,

They become friends and start to explore, spend nights by the heath

For two great friends, there is no trouble, together they can't overcome,
Protecting the planet, and all the people until the journey has won."



Arkaya closed the book and looked up at the in-coming shuttle train. It read 'Re-directed calling Space Forest Meadow, Magnesium Hill Valley, Caleum Suburb One, Caleum Eternity Garden.

'Ah' she thought to herselt, I'm gonna be late again, grandma is going to be concerned again'.
Arkaya was on her way to visit her grandmother, who lived in the Caleum Eternity Garden.
A spacious green dome area for the elderly ones, that is THE ORIGINAL ONES, the people who survived the Big Bang Two catastrophe and came on spaceships with their family and relatives to populate the Caleum Galaxy and Caleum itself. They were on the ship for many years before they reached their destination, even though it was going over light speed.
Grandma was 93 now, she was 63 when she arrived on Caleum. She came with her daughter and her
grand daughter - Arkaya. Arkaya's mother never wanted to talk about the journey in outa space,
she found it too difficult an experience to deal with at the time and he had no intention of remembering anything. She was 33 when they arrived to the new destination and Arkaya was 5 and she was born onboard while cruising past Venus Central Belt. Yes, her inter-galactic citizenship actually says 'Venusian', which always brings a smile to her face remembering.

Arkaya therefore has always been interested in THE JOURNEY and nan has been very helpful over
the years with putting things together. Now, nan is getting old and because she has never agreed to
have any life prolonging DNA implants done, she might not live for ever.

Arkaya stepped onboard the shuttle. It was ok, not too crowded today. She saw a couple of her colleagues from the lab and walked up to them to have an-after-work chit chat.

Arkaya walked up slowly to the two of her work colleagues,
Robin and Lea, Robin was whispering something down Lea's ear and nodding her head,
Lea looked back at Robin and shook her head and said 'No!' as if he could not believe something
robin was whispering to her.

Arkaya walked up to the girls. they stopped talking and looked at her ans said 'Hi'.
Then they started talking again about the day, what had to be done in the lab and then Lea
suddenly chuckled 'Ah, and that little weird boy.'

'What boy?' asked Arkaya, Robin was pretending at first that she didn't know what Lea was
on about but then started spreading the gossip as she always does.

Apparently, there was another person who responded to the Caleum Cable One TV ad for the
special powered one. It was a woman and she called on behalf of her 5 year old son, Jimmy, who
has been claiming for a long time now that he had lived before, on Earth!.

'I mean, we cannot exclude an energy transfer as a source of so called 'energy template' transcendention but from Erath? That would just be too far distance to receive it. Unless someone is really gifted.

'What was the little boy like?' she asked the girls.

'Nothing special like, just a little boy with his mum, a little scared maybe, and quite anxious.' said Robin.

Arkaya, nodded and noticing the train is puling up the docking station realised she had to get off. She said bye to the girls, sent them air - kisses and got off board the shuttle into Caleum Eternity Garden arrivals lounge, as she was on her way to visit her grandmother.

Arkaya's just on the way to visit her grandma in the Caleum Eternity Garden,

she picked up some flowers on her way, some pink lilies hes nan's favorites
and also a box of Galaxy Mix Chocolate Finest,
she is almost there,


there's a facts based true story at the core of it
that takes place on Earth before the Big Bang Two catastrophe
and it takes place in a house that Arkaya has been dreaming about
and there are things that happened there that need to be said
that's why Arkaya's haunted by the dreams and visions
and now she just needs some help to put the puzzles together
her grandma will help her friends will help and a few other people too will prove to be useful

it's all about saving, saving something or somebody? or is it about figuring the 4th gear acceleration for the worm hole transportation?

She is not sure yet.

but she is aware that she knows things
things that she didn't dare telling anybody about yet because they are GRIM
very grim
but we will find out in time as we can look into her thoughts and feel her feelings,
maybe we will even know it before she puts it all together

but these are her dreams and visions talking
and what is she doing now in the Caleum Cantral One's Eternity Garden?

She is just about to walk up to the gate and meet her grandma, Alice.



Arkaya went up to the gate. It was a gate to the Eternity Garden, a central location for the eldery ones.
Her grandma came to meet her at the gates. They kissed hugged and went up the garden path to the

There were benches around and over them there was grapevine. The garden was beautiful. Light and green with ponds and flowery meadow. Birds were singing, sun was shining. They sat on one of the benches under the grapevine.

'How are you doing darling? You don't look so well today, have you been sleeping well lately?'

Asked Arkaya's grandma.

'Yes, I'm ok nan, just feeling a bit tired. We have a lot of work now at the lab with the
4th gear worm hole acceleration and things' Arkaya said.

'I see, well, I cannot even begin to understand those 4th gear worm hole nonsense darling,
but I think you have been working too hard recently and I can also tell there's something
troubling you, maybe I could help?' asked nan concerned.

'Well, it's all too difficult to explain in logical sequences nan, it does not make sense and the
more I think about it the more I become anxious and worried that there's something
really eerie that's about to happen or had happened already. It's something to do with a house.

I've never been in this house myself, but I've seen it so many times, so thoroughly in my dreams
that I feel like I know it now'. Arkaya whispered, as if she didn't want to be heard, even though there was noone else there.

'I see.' said nan and took a deep breath.

'How do you know darling that those are not just regular dreams? Maybe it's just something
you have seen on that dome ridiculous display of yours or read somewhere, are you sure?'

'Well, I cannot be sure of anything right now nan, everything I've believed in all my life is crumbling now faced with those dreams, visions and feelings. it feels like it is real, I am a bit scared, but
I must find out everything about it, somebody might need help.' said Arkaya

'Ok darling, maybe you should do that then. When I was your age, our world was much simpler
but also much more dangerous and unpredictable. I was just about your age when we had to be evacuated from Earth, and it was the worst experience of my life. We had to leave some of our
loved ones behind, there was not enough space for everyone.

Arkaya say a single tear running down her grandma's face.
'You ok nan?' she asked concerned touching Alice hand softly.

'Yes, I am fine. It is ok now, it is all long forgotten. We have been here, on Caleum many years now, but every time I remember those times back then, it makes me sad. We had to leave our loved ones behind' Alicia said, got up and started walking slowly along the garden path, not giving Arkaya any prior indication.

Arkaya followed her nan. And they just walked through the beautiful garden.
The flowers were in bloom, the birds were singing, the sun was shining.

However both of them were not smiling and not talking anymore. Both of them were thinking,
they did not know they were thinking about the same thing just yet, and they would not tell each other. They just walked along the garden path slowly in silence, admiring the flowers in bloom.



Arkaya and her grandma, Alice, were walking slowly up the garden path to the housing estate
in the Eternity Garden. Arkaya knew that her grandma is tired and wanted to walk her back home
and make sure she gets some rest. She walked her to her house made her a cup of tea, out the flowers in the vase and set on the dome display filter to 'Forest Life'. It looked like there was a forest just outside her nan's window now, nan liked it that way.

She helped Alice get into her favourite armchair and said goodbye.

Arkaya had to go back home now not to miss the last shuttle back to where she lived.
Shuttle came on time, she managed to get a seat, took her book out and relaxed reading.
When she gets home she will do some co-relation charts and dependency diagrams for the available
energy fields. That way she will know if there has been a leak and if there is a portal to be used.

We will catch up with her and finally get a glimpse at that technology late tonight.


Arkaya got off the shuttle and stepped into her local arrivals lounge. It was getting late already
and she still had a lot of work to do. The earlier conversation with her grandma set her into somewhat
melancholic mood. She started remembering the early years in Caleum Central One, when she still didn't understand where she was or what parallel galaxies meant. She remembers that one day, when she was about 5.5 years old, just after The Arrival, she came across some solar radiation energy by accident one day, she received the energy transmition from the source, but back then everybody thought it was just solar flares and therefore they let it go unnoticed.

It wouldn't happen today, definitely not on her watch. She will prepare the charts, she will examine the
circumstances and go through the script of the little boy's interview again, and she will know if he is
'the enlightened one' or if it's just the parallel mirroring of energies.



The popular belief nowadays, in the year 2087, states that solar flames affect the 'enlightened ones'
most. It means that when there is a solar storm in the galaxy or even in the neighboring one, some
of people might receive it as the direct energy from the source transfer.

They might feel queasy and disoriented, becoming prone to 'the lower energies'. 'Lower energies'
meaning lower frequency energies and the so called 'evil' ones.
Obviously, now, in 2087, the question of one unified worldly religion, where there are good and evil
entities, became almost obsolete.

Having traveled the parallel galaxies herself throughout her lifetime, she has experienced some
phenomena, such as 'Space Angels' , 'Time Travelers' ,'Space Rubbish' and many more,she has experienced their radiation and she thought he had seen everything by now.

But how wrong was she. She could not have foreseen what she is about to discover.
She could have not known before, not before she got faced with 'IT' and there was no escape. Only then she realized, what she was in for. She had already forgotten about 'IT' but 'IT' wanted her back.

It happened during her 'Arrivals cruise', when she was nearly 5, when they were almost there but still cruising through space.

She was an inquisitive, little girl and 'IT' found her, there and then.

Arakaya closed her eyes and started remembering that night. It was many years ago, on board of Intergalactic Spaceship One.


Arakaya closed her eyes and started remembering that night. It was many years ago, on board of Intergalactic Spaceship One.

Arkaya was nearly five years old then and her birthday was approaching. She was very excited about it
as they were still travelling through the intergalactic space then and having a birthday party on board of the Intergalactic Spaceship One was a treat.

It all started in the early morning when she woke up. She opened her eyes and the first thing she noticed that day was that her body seemed a bit different, a bit lighter than usual. Being a five year old girl she did not pay much attention to it then though. She just ignored it completely.

She got up and went to the bathroom compartment on the ship. It was early in the morning and there was noone in there. A vast open space with many separate shower tubs.
How you did it then, on board the ship was to get into the showering tub. Showering tub was an upright, standing construction, similar to shower cabins as people on Earth knew them, however the space to move was quite limited and the water was never warm enough. Just another inconvenience of living in the enclosed space of the ship. She got in.

She shampooed her hair and was just about to enjoy the shower when she felt suddenly queasy.
She did not know what it was, but it was something from OUTSIDE the ship, for sure.

She finished the shower quicker than usual and got out, dried herself in the body drier and walked up to the little bathroom window.

The window was small and round, almost as small as her head, but when she pressed her five year old face to it, it seemed big. She took a look outside.
Nothing too extraordinary, just the nothingness of the vacuum around and some distant stars in the background.

'Well' Arkaya pondered to herself, 'what a small girl like me knows and what can I do to explain that
feeling I just had in the shower', she was not sure.

She looked, and looked but saw nothing, just some pieces of space rubbish floating by.

After having stared into space for some 20 minutes she gave up and decided to go upstairs to get her party started.

As she was getting into the lift, there was a lift from the bathroom level to the ship main community area, she felt that feeling again.

It was like a cold gust of wind this time. She shivered and walked into the lift. she pressed the
'Community Level' button and the door closed.

She was contemplating sneaking back into her bedroom to look for her birthday presents when she
gets there. The door slid open.

Arkaya fell, she fell if into nothingness. She was not scared, not at all, she was little but
not very frightful. She was not afraid of anything then, quite the opposite, she craved any adventure. She was getting quite bored on board by then already. It was all the same, day after day after day.

So this magical fall, as she thought, could be only interesting. It took only a few seconds but it started accelerating at the end and she started falling even faster into what seemed like nothingness, she closed her eyes and screamed 'Aaaaaaaaawwwww!!!!! and thought 'Enough already with this silliness of free falling, I want out!!!!!' and then, suddenly, she was standing on, what seemed, a stable, solid ground. She moved her little foot forwards and backwards trying to feel whats around her. Yes, it was all stable ground.

'So weird!' she thought and opened her eyes.

She was in a house now, a nice big house, the one like you see in the school books, the one with
big windows and a garden. Arkaya heard the footsteps and a few minutes later a woman appeared at the top of the stairs. The woman was pretty, not as pretty as Arkaya's mum but still pretty.

The woman smiled nicely saying, ' Emily, what would you like for your breakfast today?'

Arkaya said nothing as she was not Emily, but the nice woman kept staring at her, as if waiting for her replay.

'Emily, darling, what would you like to eat today, maybe your favorite apple pancakes?' the woman asked againwith a nice warm smile again. Yes, she was very pretty. Arkaya liked her straight away,however she still said nothing. She was not Emily, she knew that for sure but she also knew that it was rude not to replay anything so she said with a mischievous expression on her face 'Yes, pancakes please!'

The woman looked at her again, then walked up to her and kissed her on the head. 'Ok, darling, pancakes it is' and then she disappeared into somewhere, 'Maybe she went to the kitchen' Arkaya wondered.

'How very, very strange. I am not on the ship, I fell and I don't know where I am but maybe I will
find out later whats happened to me, but for now I am gonna have those apple pancakes first, it is my birthday after all' with that thought in her mind, she followed the direction of where the nice woman went, but the first step she took she fell again.

Same thing, falling, falling, falling into nothingness, very quickly. And then she was in the lift again, going up.

'How very strange, where am I now?' she asked herself quietly but aloud.

'You are in the lift' a strange voice whispered, just into her ear.

That was the moment when the door opened, Arkaya ran out and fell again, into her mother's arms
this time.


Arkaya opened her eyes and stopped remembering her 5th birthday for a minute.

'I wonder if it's possible to put a spell on somebody?' she pondered for a split second,
and then tried to return to her previous thread of thought as she knew pretty damn well
that spells and magic were just overrated, but then again it popped back into her head.

'What if it is possible to put a spell on somebody?'

and she meant maybe a memory thing when somebody must remember something and then is
compelled to act in a certain way like that Mr Jones guy, who came for the interview down the lab the
other day.

'Yeah, he said something along these lines, she couldn't remember it too clearly now, she must look
back into her notes from that day.' Arkaya thought opening a packet which just came through the letter box.

'I wonder what that is now' she wondered.

She opened it, she sat down on the nearby chair..It was a book.
A hard cover old fashioned one, must have been out of use for some time as it was in pristine
condition as for an Earthian book....

'Oh, s**t she chuckled, ' what the..'

The title read:

'Practical magic in the northern tradition' by Nigel Pennick, 1989 The Aquarian Press

'Oh s**t! that can't be real!' she thought, opened the book and read:

"No, my children; by chance you are all mista'en,
For here I find myself, I am not slain:
But I will rise, your sport for to advance,
And with you all, brave boys, I'll have a dance."


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Don't you bloody start.

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Happy Cycler
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Seems like the best place to say WeHadNormality seems like a sound geezer, good taste in everything, glad to have you aboard 8)
Sagan: In order to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.

Basinski: I wanted Cascade to become this crystalline organism like a star or a liquid crystal spaceship, a jellyfish traveling through the galaxy…

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A_Northern_Soul wrote:Don't you bloody start.


Slow down...

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fujee wrote:Seems like the best place to say WeHadNormality seems like a sound geezer, good taste in everything, glad to have you aboard 8)

QFT2 (this time it's personal)

Slow down...

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Mexicola wrote:
A_Northern_Soul wrote:Don't you bloody start.


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its times like this I don't feel as mental as I suspect.

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Gordon sat down at the computer screen, it flickered on and off like a bad lightbulb.

"I gotta sort this shit out," he said to the room, "before it destroys us all."

Gordon then ripped off the 'G' key of his keyboard.

"Here goes nothing."

He jumped through where the 'G' key used to be in his keyboard.


"I think he's waking up."

Gordon came to in a daze.

"It worked," he said.

Gradually becoming fully-formed in his vision were the cloaked forms of High Priest Balshammy and the Arch Mage himself, Twekken Solderslap.

"Gordon!" exclaimed Balshammy, "We finally see you in the flesh."

"You... you speak English?"

"Yes," explained Twekken, "We learned it from your typing pon the formation of our world's sky."


Gordon looked at the environment around him. He was outside what he presumed to be the Temple, the centre of town. He took in the panoramic view of the town as he sat up: the smithy's old log cabin, the local inn, the fabled Library of Souls, a KFC...

"We shall hold a town meeting tonight," said Twekken, "To introduce to you the townspeople. To let them know of your arrival and of the implications of this most wondrous event."

"But first," Balshammy offered, "You must rest. We have made a bed in the Temple where you may sleep."

"Actually," Gordon said, "I've just had quite a rest from being unconscious. I think I'd like to have some popcorn chicken from that KFC over there."

"Well..." said Balshammy, "I must rest. I am knackered."

"As am I," concurred Twekken, nonchalantly, "You may go to the KFC if you wish."

"Then I shall," announced Gordon proudly, "THEN I SHALL."

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cunt off with that shit, please

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TTK, I think I received punishment from the cosmos because I did that thing where I do an improv that yields some really good sounds. But I didn't record it.

I need to always record (even though it can be a hassle setting up the 8-track and getting the settings all AOK).

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god bless.

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Mexicola wrote:
fujee wrote:Seems like the best place to say WeHadNormality seems like a sound geezer, good taste in everything, glad to have you aboard 8)

QFT2 (this time it's personal)

Aw shucks you guys. The feeling's mutual. :)

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found this on Reddit: homemade salad fingers costume.


I think I just died a little inside.
Valotonin wrote:Celebrate collapse because it will be beautiful x

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Mexicola wrote:
fujee wrote:Seems like the best place to say WeHadNormality seems like a sound geezer, good taste in everything, glad to have you aboard 8)

QFT2 (this time it's personal)

QFT2 : Electric Boogaloo

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Let's have a party with Charlie Brown!

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there was something that i was going to post here and i've forgotten what it was :oops:
Valotonin wrote:Celebrate collapse because it will be beautiful x

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Happy Cycler
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tryina work out 84 Pontiac Dream on the keyboard is a bitch.

p sure its all detuned n shit, outside of any melodics that we know of. :\

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Shakira gazed into the pond in wonder at the ripples.
Dappled light bounced from her face, and she suddenly realised
that her hips had been lying all this time.


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