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I've just started getting an allergy cold... Can't stop sneezing, eyes won't stop tearing up! I hate it...

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Eagle Minded
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I think I already posted a while back that my mom has cancer, but man it's just gotten worse. Besides the obvious mom dealing with it and chemo, we're also feeling the effects of dealing with the financial side of all this. We're all being supportive and stuff, but some days it feels like there's no light at the end of the tunnel; sure, it's probable that my mom, with stage 1 breast cancer, will likely survive, but there's always the what if. Not to mention what we'll be left with financially once all this shit is over, if it ever. I don't understand; I'm a Christian, and I don't believe that it's God doing this to us, but somehow it feels like life is out to fuck my family over. I'm only 15, I hate having to deal with this shit, and still have to go out into the world and act normal, and get the same grades that I did, and continue on with life, even when my life has been changed forever. I feel depressed and empty all the damn time, and when I feel like talking to someone about, I feel like I'll burden; and when I do talk, I freak out and cry and make an ass of myself. I've been drinking a lot, been just sitting in my room staring at the wall, feeling lost and directionless. Even though good has happened since the diagnosis, I still can't manage to feel good about anything. I just go out there and pretend everything's ok. Fuck this. I want my innocence back.
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Sherbet Head
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I'm so sorry for what you and your family going through, I wish you the best.

What you're feeling is totally normal and nothing to feel bad or guilty about. It has a huge effect on everyone in the family when one member gets sick. Have you thought about going to a support group for people who have a sick parent? Maybe even just an online one. I think you'll find that what you're feeling is really common, and it might feel cathartic to know that other people are going through the same mess of emotions as you right now.

I know I tend to isolate when I am going through really hard stuff, but as I've gotten older I realize more and more how helpful it is when I take a step to reach out to other people for help, as hard as it is to do that sometimes. Sometimes it can really take a huge load off you though to get that support (and also to be able to give support to other people going through similar stuff).
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everything feels like it's getting weird. TV shows about redneck duck hunters, carbon copy auto tuned music, movies being redone for the 5th time, making GOOD money and not being able to save, some people making more money than ever before while more people are making barely enough to survive, in school there's no 'top of the class' all kids are equally 'special' no matter how shitty some might be.

feels like we've become a world of over sensitive, over entitled empowered, centers of the universe.
starting to feel like I don't like people....anything. it's just feels all skewed out of wack.

fuck facebook, twitter and what ever comes next.

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Dayvan Cowboy
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re-phaelam-ed wrote:everything feels like it's getting weird. TV shows about redneck duck hunters, carbon copy auto tuned music, movies being redone for the 5th time, making GOOD money and not being able to save, some people making more money than ever before while more people are making barely enough to survive, in school there's no 'top of the class' all kids are equally 'special' no matter how shitty some might be.

feels like we've become a world of over sensitive, over entitled empowered, centers of the universe.
starting to feel like I don't like people....anything. it's just feels all skewed out of wack.

fuck facebook, twitter and what ever comes next.

yeah lets all smoke weed and live in the forest with nothing but some organic protein bars

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^ not sure if serious, but I would do this in a heartbeat if it were socially acceptable

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Eagle Minded
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Synthestesia wrote:
re-phaelam-ed wrote:everything feels like it's getting weird. TV shows about redneck duck hunters, carbon copy auto tuned music, movies being redone for the 5th time, making GOOD money and not being able to save, some people making more money than ever before while more people are making barely enough to survive, in school there's no 'top of the class' all kids are equally 'special' no matter how shitty some might be.

feels like we've become a world of over sensitive, over entitled empowered, centers of the universe.
starting to feel like I don't like people....anything. it's just feels all skewed out of wack.

fuck facebook, twitter and what ever comes next.

yeah lets all smoke weed and live in the forest with nothing but some organic protein bars

member of pablo col.

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Dayvan Cowboy
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Betterthanyourkids wrote:
Synthestesia wrote:
re-phaelam-ed wrote:everything feels like it's getting weird. TV shows about redneck duck hunters, carbon copy auto tuned music, movies being redone for the 5th time, making GOOD money and not being able to save, some people making more money than ever before while more people are making barely enough to survive, in school there's no 'top of the class' all kids are equally 'special' no matter how shitty some might be.

feels like we've become a world of over sensitive, over entitled empowered, centers of the universe.
starting to feel like I don't like people....anything. it's just feels all skewed out of wack.

fuck facebook, twitter and what ever comes next.

yeah lets all smoke weed and live in the forest with nothing but some organic protein bars


I wasn't being serious

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Dayvan Cowboy
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re-phaelam-ed wrote:everything feels like it's getting weird. TV shows about redneck duck hunters, carbon copy auto tuned music, movies being redone for the 5th time, making GOOD money and not being able to save, some people making more money than ever before while more people are making barely enough to survive, in school there's no 'top of the class' all kids are equally 'special' no matter how shitty some might be.

feels like we've become a world of over sensitive, over entitled empowered, centers of the universe.
starting to feel like I don't like people....anything. it's just feels all skewed out of wack.

fuck facebook, twitter and what ever comes next.

This is true. Pretty much the logical conclusion of consumerist, corporatist, individualistic capitalism I reckon.

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I had a super super angry rant in my head all day, but it looks too mean written out, so all I'm gonna say is this:

I think I have to end a friendship with someone because he continues to disrespect my boundaries even though I've told him over and over again that I am super uncomfortable with the things he says and ways he tries to touch me. I'm not interested in him that way and I've told him that everytime he brings it up or tries to guilt trip me about it.

He says "aww friends can be flirty, there's nothing wrong with that" but I don't want a flirty friendship, and I told him so. It's getting worse though because he's been trying to touch me more and I can't hang. He says he "can't stop himself" because he's so attracted to me, and I think that's a creepy thing to say. If you can't stop yourself from touching someone who says they don't want you to touch them, that's a serious issue and fuck you for acting like I should be flattered. It's so disrespectful, I'm a human goddamn being.

I feel bad because he's going through a fucking terrible time right now. His brother died and he relapsed on heroin. He has no other friends because he's fucked up all his friendships in one way or another. I feel like he's trying to "wear me down" so finally I 'give in' and have pity sex with him, and I find that really disrespectful and gross, and like wtf? Who do you think I am? That is not my fucking scene at all.
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Aaaw shit rainer :(
No matter how fucked up things in your life are, that is no excuse for behaving like that.
Even people dying of cancer don't take advantage of it like that.
Please don't ever have pity sex again. :( You will hurt me personally.

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I've never had pity sex ever! Although there have been far too many times when guys have tried. Nah, I pushed this guy away when he tried to kiss me. It shouldn't have had to come to that though because I said no very clearly several times.

I hate when people paint with broad brushstrokes and say "men are dogs and they'll do anything for sex" because I know so many men who would never act that way and try to coerce or manipulate a woman into having sex, but sadly there are a lot of men who do shit like that.

It's kind of depressing. I know the drive for sex can be intense, but I can't wrap my head around why someone would want to have sex with someone who they know deep down doesn't want to be doing it. I'd be horrified to think someone was having sex with me because they felt sorry for me. Why not just go masturbate instead?
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It's a primal urge, but if someone cannot understand that no means no, then they are crossing some serious social, moral and legal boundaries. If I were you and that sort of behaviour persisted, I would have to stop being friends with that person, irrelevant of their current situation. Friendships are built on trust, if someone consistently breaks it then they are not a friend.
Sagan: In order to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.

Basinski: I wanted Cascade to become this crystalline organism like a star or a liquid crystal spaceship, a jellyfish traveling through the galaxy…

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Eagle Minded
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Synthestesia wrote:
Betterthanyourkids wrote:
Synthestesia wrote:
re-phaelam-ed wrote:everything feels like it's getting weird. TV shows about redneck duck hunters, carbon copy auto tuned music, movies being redone for the 5th time, making GOOD money and not being able to save, some people making more money than ever before while more people are making barely enough to survive, in school there's no 'top of the class' all kids are equally 'special' no matter how shitty some might be.

feels like we've become a world of over sensitive, over entitled empowered, centers of the universe.
starting to feel like I don't like people....anything. it's just feels all skewed out of wack.

fuck facebook, twitter and what ever comes next.

yeah lets all smoke weed and live in the forest with nothing but some organic protein bars


I wasn't being serious

No really I never would have guessed man did I get tricked
member of pablo col.

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I've been in denial for months now, but I finally have to admit to myself I have post-treatment lyme disease syndrome. I get so frustrated with the way I feel sometimes, it feels so unfair! I've always been healthy and active with high energy and I feel guilty that I feel so shitty sometimes.

And sometimes I feel like since it's a disease people can't see and isn't entirely medically understood that people think I'm just being lazy or want attention or something. But I actually try so hard to hide my symtpoms and work through the fatigue and pain.

It's just so upsetting to feel a total loss of control over my body, I feel like I should be able to mind over matter it, but that just doesn't work most of the time and I don't want to keep feeling like I owe people an apology because I don't feel well.
All of old. Nothing else ever. Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.

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Sherbet Head
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rainier wrote:I've been in denial for months now, but I finally have to admit to myself I have post-treatment lyme disease syndrome. I get so frustrated with the way I feel sometimes, it feels so unfair! I've always been healthy and active with high energy and I feel guilty that I feel so shitty sometimes.

And sometimes I feel like since it's a disease people can't see and isn't entirely medically understood that people think I'm just being lazy or want attention or something. But I actually try so hard to hide my symtpoms and work through the fatigue and pain.

It's just so upsetting to feel a total loss of control over my body, I feel like I should be able to mind over matter it, but that just doesn't work most of the time and I don't want to keep feeling like I owe people an apology because I don't feel well.

I'm so sorry to hear this :( Life in the northeast can be fun, can't it? I pull those bastard deer ticks off my back every summer and sweat out the possibility that I caught Lyme disease for weeks after the fact.

Don't let what other people think bring you down, though. Your condition is legitimate, and if you explain that to them and they still choose to label you as lazy/attention-seeking/dramatic/whatever, then, frankly, they can kindly go fuck themselves. Don't make time or space in your life for people who don't respect you.

While I don't know the crowd you hang with, I'm confident that anybody who truly cares about you will be receptive to your condition and the needs that arise from it if you bring it up with them earnestly.
"Life is a stupid, meaningless thing that has nothing to teach you." -Slavoj Zizek

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zeitgeist wrote:^ not sure if serious, but I would do this in a heartbeat if it were socially acceptable

pffffffft, socially acceptable. !? wtf is that. If you need me, you can find me in the forest, near the waterfall-lagoon, tending my tiny garden, next to my poorly built stick fort :D

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rainier wrote:I've been in denial for months now, but I finally have to admit to myself I have post-treatment lyme disease syndrome. I get so frustrated with the way I feel sometimes, it feels so unfair! I've always been healthy and active with high energy and I feel guilty that I feel so shitty sometimes.

And sometimes I feel like since it's a disease people can't see and isn't entirely medically understood that people think I'm just being lazy or want attention or something. But I actually try so hard to hide my symtpoms and work through the fatigue and pain.

It's just so upsetting to feel a total loss of control over my body, I feel like I should be able to mind over matter it, but that just doesn't work most of the time and I don't want to keep feeling like I owe people an apology because I don't feel well.

Firstly, ,,, Please don't hang out with that dude again. It could have been much worse! I'm so happy that you handled it the way you did. And don't feel obligated to be his friend. I know you are so damn nice ;p but you have to protect yourself!!!! Seriously! Nunchucks! Ninja-fu! personally,,,, I'd make excuses to not hang out with him, but it sounds like you've been straight up with him and hes still pushing himself onto you. :( and *mad face*! Or,,,,, if you really want to be there for him, make sure the two of you are never alone! .. I think we've both seen our share of seemingly normal people turn into crazy people these last few months. And its like, yipes, ya never know when a crazy person will snap!

By the way, I could just see you kickin some ass with your nunchucks. hi-ya! "take that, badguy!"

Further, ,,, ditto to everything you said!!! *I feel you soooo much!* Pain is one thing, but then like, it gets even harder to maintain when , say, your grandmother needs you to move something, but you can't even move your own body. And she's like "you're so lazy!" ugh. it's really saddening ;/ ... People our age are expected to be healthy. Shit! We expected to be healthy. But, instead we get screwed by some crazy ass medical issue.
....How Nice........
*smirky-sarcastic face*

seriously, we need happiness!!! Don't listen to any of those negative people, tell them to shush and you just try to make yourself feel as good as possible! Whatever that takes! Bubble bath, perhaps? Damn I wish I had a tub right now ;/ ... hm, uuuuuum, :} It would be awesome if we could smoke way too many joints "right near da' beach!" and watch the moonlight sparkle and dance on the water while we sang and giggled the night away!!!!

<3 my friend. Please stay strong!!! *HUGS!!!*

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*Hugs for Everyone!!!!*


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Not a "rant" but there's anger in this brew of badness i'm boiling in...


I was five and he was six,
We rode on horses made of sticks.
He wore black and I wore white,
He would always win the fight.

Bang bang, he shot me down.
Bang bang, I hit the ground.
Bang bang, that awful sound.
Bang bang, my baby shot me down.

Seasons came and changed the time,
When I grew up, I called him mine.
He would always laugh and say,
"Remember when we used to play?"

Bang bang, I shot you down.
Bang bang, you hit the ground.
Bang bang, that awful sound.
Bang bang, I used to shoot you down.

Music played, and people sang,
Just for me, the church bells rang.

Now he's gone, I don't know why,
And till this day, sometimes I cry.
He didn't even say goodbye,
He didn't take the time to lie.

Bang bang, he shot me down.
Bang bang, I hit the ground.
Bang bang, that awful sound.
Bang bang, my baby shot me down... ... .. . .




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