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Elexen wrote:
fujee wrote:Is it anything like this Ian :lol:

Lol! That was classic. And actually quite mellow compared to some of the arguments that I and my past bandmates have had. Fist fights and all.

That was kinda my point, even though they are arguing, they sound like some English gentry having a cordial discussion, a bit like the mellow 'debates' that occur on Twoism :)
Sagan: In order to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.

Basinski: I wanted Cascade to become this crystalline organism like a star or a liquid crystal spaceship, a jellyfish traveling through the galaxy…

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The Telepathic Kid wrote:I don't really agree Ian, but I'm sure you could tell.

I ultimately feel under your suggestions, the thread would become a self congratulatory-fest, with people just patting each other on the back and no one learning.

But I'll heed your advice, and I assume you're talking on behalf of a lot more people who aren't willing to say anything, in that you don't post there because of me.
If that's true, I'm doing more harm than good.

I will refrain from posting in that thread again, even with my own music.
I don't want to contribute music if I can't contribute thoughts and discussion.

I will try to keep this brief as I don't want to waste another two hours of my life carefully writing something for you to completely misunderstand it. What I (and others) were saying is that we want you to keep contributing to that thread but that an element of self-editing is required to keep everything harmonious. I tried to give plenty of examples of how you could potentially manage it without sacrificing your personality or integrity.

I've avoided bringing age into this but… I'm twice your age and I've been in a lot of situations where people and their work has to be criticised. I can say, hand-on-heart, that positive criticism absolutely helps people to learn and grow in whatever area is being critically assessed. It doesn't automatically make people complacent. Straight negative criticism almost always causes damage. Constructive criticism is really difficult to get right (arguably I'm failing at that in this thread right now) and you really have to know the person you're directing it towards if you want to get the tone right.

That's still taken me 20 minutes to write as it's important to me to try and get this right and make this constructive. I'm sorry if I've failed in that.

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No no no!
You guys have it all wrong, I understand what you're talking about, the difference between just criticism and constructive criticism.
I'm saying that in the heat of the moment, I may not know. I mean I can claim to know that now, but there could come a time where my emotions take over, as they have before, and I come off arrogant and pretentious again.
I don't want that to happen, and I won't allow it to.

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The Telepathic Kid wrote:no one's gonna follow me down this road,

I don't even know if I'm exactly saying what I want to say.

But too often I feel that in the "Post what you're working on" thread, too often people just want to be petted and given their neat little treats, or at least they did because I seem to have chased them out with my "harsh truths" which are simply stupid comments of what I think.
I remember when someone responded to my comment with like "Oh thanks for listening but I'm just making this for myself."
I mean like, why even bother posting it then? If you post it, there fore you want someone to listen, and if you want someone to listen therefore you'd want someone to comment, and what if someone had a comment with what they thought was constructive criticism? Is this "just making it for myself" a comeback? is it your way of putting up a shield from any negativity?
"hey guys, I just make music for myself, but here's my new album please buy it if you want more music which I make entirely for myself"
If you were truly making it for yourself, you would never put it up, you would not own a soundcloud account, you would keep it to yourself. Forever.

I make music which I give absolutely no caution to what anyone thinks in terms of approach and style, but whenever someone has a constructive criticism, I always welcome it because it's a way of
1. learning
2. opening a dialogue
3. seeing how my work is viewed from an outside source, which allows reflection and growth

I don't make music for myself, I express myself and give it to people, it is theirs. Not mine.
The process is mine, the product is for the audience.

You have to rip tracks to shreds to get people to do their best work. It needs to be done more.

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I think the key thing to bear in mind here is we're all friends and peers right?? I'd be gutted if TTK stopped posting in that thread, or any thread.

I think its amazing that we can all be so open and honest with one another and talk this stuff out in a mature and respectful way.

Well done all, and TTK, please don't worry my man. As I said above, this all meant in the best possible way and you're very, very welcome around here ;-)

Slow down...

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^ What Mex said above. I don't want you to stop posting in any thread. Just trying to help you avoid upsetting people.

ShaneAnthony wrote:You have to rip tracks to shreds to get people to do their best work. It needs to be done more.

Wow! You are kidding, right? :shock:

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I think TTK is onto something though. Why don't we create a constructive criticism thread? Key things I know I always need help with is other ears on my mixes and flow ideas. We don't have to be nasty to each other, but sometimes "good job" is actually not helpful.

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And no, I'm not kidding. A good friend of mine produces music for films, hbo, etc (audio post). It's normal for his clients to reject a track up to 15 times. You have to leave your emotions out of it, and listen to how others hear your songs sometimes. It's very necessary in my opinion.

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Good idea. A 'Please pick this apart, I can take it!!!' thread. Keep the original thread more as a showcase of work in progress. Could add a sticky to the top of both explaining the difference and cross-reference to help n00bs understand?

Slow down...

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I am so down!

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ShaneAnthony wrote:And no, I'm not kidding. A good friend of mine produces music for films, hbo, etc (audio post). It's normal for his clients to reject a track up to 15 times. You have to leave your emotions out of it, and listen to how others hear your songs sometimes. It's very necessary in my opinion.

I can see where you're coming from now but…. the example you give is somebody writing music for a paying client. In that instance it is absolutely an essential part of the process. Anything that is "work" requires some degree of emotional detachment imo.

The difference here is that everyone is basically making music for personal pleasure and little or no financial reward. There is no client or brief. :)

I really like the idea of the constructive criticism thread. It would be an obvious place to post things that you're not sure about or have reached an impasse on. I still think it's as useful to let people know when they're getting something right too. You need that balance.

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eh. I think it's a little much, there's enough people posting their own music threads on This Random Sound as it is.

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Cool, I really enjoyed this interview Seth did. He touched on a lot of topics that are so important. Layer, layer, layer. ... oductions/

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The reason I brought that up is when I started out, I could never figure out why my drums/bass sounded so thin (no balls). It's not easy layering drums, but when done right, it makes the world of difference. I am in this to try to get somewhere eventually, so I try my best to listen to my peers that have made it. I hear so many great songs, that just needed more time and layering. I'm also very hard on myself which gets me in ruts, but again, I don't want to look back and have any regrets. I do not wish to compete with anyone either. I think we can all help each other.

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ShaneAnthony wrote:Cool, I really enjoyed this interview Seth did. He touched on a lot of topics that are so important. Layer, layer, layer. ... oductions/

Yeah. Everything he says is right on the money. Good link. :)

I always have a conflict between layering and my natural love of space in what I record. I don't consistently get it right and getting that balance is one of the big challenges of recording. I'm not a big fan of using heavy sidechain compression so getting the bass to sit cleanly with the drums is also something I find takes a lot of time.

This is why we need that thread! :lol:

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Start it Ian, and like Mexi said, let's lay out guidelines and details. Spark the conversations, etc and then we can use it as a place for help with tracks too.

Back on topic folks, sorry to bomb this thread with non angry rant material.

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fuck your apology

I'm a bee

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Damnit, my neck is killing me and I'm fucking angry...slept on it wrong the other night & I can't shake it.

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ShaneAnthony wrote:Damnit, my neck is killing me and I'm fucking angry...slept on it wrong the other night & I can't shake it.

Yeah, I got that too man. Moved into a new flat over the weekend so three days lumping boxes and sofas about and I'm screwed..

Slow down...

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IanRedpoint wrote:
ShaneAnthony wrote:Cool, I really enjoyed this interview Seth did. He touched on a lot of topics that are so important. Layer, layer, layer. ... oductions/

Yeah. Everything he says is right on the money. Good link. :)

I always have a conflict between layering and my natural love of space in what I record. I don't consistently get it right and getting that balance is one of the big challenges of recording. I'm not a big fan of using heavy sidechain compression so getting the bass to sit cleanly with the drums is also something I find takes a lot of time.

This is why we need that thread! :lol:

There is way too much sidechain compression going around these days. It makes me cringe everyone I hear it now.


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