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Happy Cycler
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Is this the most insidious thing a Prime Minister has ever said?

For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens: as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone. It’s often meant we have stood neutral between different values. And that’s helped foster a narrative of extremism and grievance.

Fucked up.
Sagan: In order to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.

Basinski: I wanted Cascade to become this crystalline organism like a star or a liquid crystal spaceship, a jellyfish traveling through the galaxy…

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Dayvan Cowboy
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He appears to have conveniently forgotten that same passive tolerant society has fostered a narrative of free-thinking and innovation. Here come the thought police...

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The Telepathic Kid wrote:fuck your apology

I'm a bee

Aye, it was me who agreed with you. If you don't want to find a way to try to solve the frustrations, all good. It is what it is. Anyways, you are right, probably not a good idea to start up yet another thread about music production. We all have different views, and in the end, there is no right or wrong way. I certainly wouldn't want to give away tips and tricks that I've learned from pros to people who wouldn't listen. Huge waste of time and energy.

Sherbet Head
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come on guys have a proper argument, call eachother something profane, make some empty threats

also, fucking big middle finger to life in general, fuck that :evil:

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Dayvan Cowboy
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I hate fighting.


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Happy Cycler
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seriously dude, I put "I'm a bee" in my post and you took it seriously.


That's right, bringing hashtags to Twoism.

also screw you Louise, I will NEVER make empty threats.
But I WILL kill you if you step over this line. This one, right here.

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Techboy wrote:this ones for mexi

Beautiful! Cheers :-)

Slow down...

Sherbet Head
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The Telepathic Kid wrote:seriously dude, I put "I'm a bee" in my post and you took it seriously.


That's right, bringing hashtags to Twoism.

also screw you Louise, I will NEVER make empty threats.
But I WILL kill you if you step over this line. This one, right here.

:lol: id wipe the floor with you ttk

am i convincing you to have a real argument yet? i feel progress

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I can do a million pushups and my grandad was in the army


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The Telepathic Kid wrote:seriously dude, I put "I'm a bee" in my post and you took it seriously.


That's right, bringing hashtags to Twoism.

also screw you Louise, I will NEVER make empty threats.
But I WILL kill you if you step over this line. This one, right here.

Who said anything about being serious? Did I come back at you with "Fuck you Motherfucker......"? And, I said I hate fighting, out, because I had to get back to work. It was in response to another comment, not yours.

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Dayvan Cowboy
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i got FUCKING laid off in the MOST expensive city in north america with no ability to move.
how long till i have to move to the street :(

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Shit dude! That sucks! I hope you'll be allright. We have a couch if you need one.

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Ah! Now I see it. Shit, that sucks. Been laid off once and its scary. Hang in there man, its a cliche but things really do have a way of working out.

Good luck!

Slow down...

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Dayvan Cowboy
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I'm angry with my life right now. I've been messed up by a shit job, I have muffled hearing on one ear which shifts all my music to one side of the stereo spectrum, so I have to fuck with the balance on every track just to get mono sounds in the middle like normal, my sense of balance is fucked by my ear problem, I'm going broke and can't work at the moment because of said issues. I've been eating like shit and smoking 20 a day because my depression is so bad, and NHS response is to stick me in a group therapy session where I listen to 30 somethings talk about their anxiety for an hour, and I can't get a one on one for months because they are so underfunded. I can't meditate properly because when I close my eyes I get dizzy. I can't enjoy my music properly. None of my mates seem to give a fuck apart from one or two and they are busy with work. I have people constantly asking me why I am like this and say they are confused because my life doesn't look so bad, and I keep telling them it is my head and my body and my work that keeps fucking me with a lubricated horse cock. I'm lonely and I really really really need sex. I feel trapped and no body is doing enough to help me, because I certainly can't help my self seeing as I have zero energy or motivation. Nobody will listen to me when I tell them that the world as it stands is severely fucked up beyond all reckoning and voting for cunts makes things even worse and makes you as a person morally bankrupt and responsible for the suffering of countless others.

I should've gone to university but I couldn't be arsed and still can't, and regardless with only 2 A levels there is fuck all chance of that happening.

I'm really really angry and I just smashed my keyboard half to pieces, and I just realised I left my wallet at my mates place yesterday so I need to meet him before I can buy food or cigarettes.

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Aerial Boundaries wrote:I'm angry with my life right now. I've been messed up by a shit job, I have muffled hearing on one ear which shifts all my music to one side of the stereo spectrum, so I have to fuck with the balance on every track just to get mono sounds in the middle like normal, my sense of balance is fucked by my ear problem, I'm going broke and can't work at the moment because of said issues. I've been eating like shit and smoking 20 a day because my depression is so bad, and NHS response is to stick me in a group therapy session where I listen to 30 somethings talk about their anxiety for an hour, and I can't get a one on one for months because they are so underfunded. I can't meditate properly because when I close my eyes I get dizzy. I can't enjoy my music properly. None of my mates seem to give a fuck apart from one or two and they are busy with work. I have people constantly asking me why I am like this and say they are confused because my life doesn't look so bad, and I keep telling them it is my head and my body and my work that keeps fucking me with a lubricated horse cock. I'm lonely and I really really really need sex. I feel trapped and no body is doing enough to help me, because I certainly can't help my self seeing as I have zero energy or motivation. Nobody will listen to me when I tell them that the world as it stands is severely fucked up beyond all reckoning and voting for cunts makes things even worse and makes you as a person morally bankrupt and responsible for the suffering of countless others.

I should've gone to university but I couldn't be arsed and still can't, and regardless with only 2 A levels there is fuck all chance of that happening.

I'm really really angry and I just smashed my keyboard half to pieces, and I just realised I left my wallet at my mates place yesterday so I need to meet him before I can buy food or cigarettes.

I hear each word you are saying, and recognise the place you must be in to be so honest. I want to say that i've felt the same, but how can we truly quanitfy that? I can at least attempt to type something that can in some way show that I, however miles away I may be, have listened, empathised and agonised over my lack of position to offer help beyond typed words.

I can say that I hear so clearly what you're saying because I can relate to it, I've been to a place at least very similar numerous times and i'll outline my personal worse position i've ever been in. Last year, I was 24 and had spent practically my entire life unemployed. I had spent all of my time on education on university and had been left with 3 years of destitution, unemployment and misery as a reward. After entering into teacher training and having to quit after the cruelty of students led me to a suicide attempt, I found myself living on my mother's sofa. I had become a drug addict, with every day fuelled by the need to make at least 10 pounds in any grubby or immoral way simply to get my fix of something that would make life feel less shit for a moment. As a result, I lost all of my family and friends and was left consigned to being the warped thief that I was. Nobody trusted me. Nobody liked me. And I knew every night as I went to bed that I deserved every single part of it. I was three years into a long-distance relationship with a girl who I loved with all of my heart, and who I believed could save me. I had spent literally thousands of pounds on multiple visits and trips for us to see each other, for it to end with her cheating on me with a co-worker. How did I find out about this? Through her talking in her sleep while I read to her (she often needed help to sleep).

It was then I found myself on the edge of the Humber Bridge, ready to leap and feel the cold silt beneath suffocate me. I don't know what stopped me, but something did.

I could go on to discuss my successes since that moment, and believe me i've had many. There's a lot still to work on, but the man I am today compared to just one year ago is staggering - and I can't even take too much credit for it.

I think it's more important you understand the places i've been to so I have more authority when I say this:

Things can change. Things always change. That's what people always say when we're in moments like you are right now. But it means nothing coming from someone who seems to have had happiness come in droves from their very birth.

I promise you, this isn't all there is for you. I promise that it's not all that life holds. For 24 years suicide seemed inevitable. In my darkest moments it still does. But now, in my 25th year, is the first time I can say with confidence that life truly can be a wonderful thing.

If you ever need an ear for more detail, or want to talk to someone just to talk, please PM me and i'd be happy to add you to my facebook or whatever.

I don't really know you, but believe it or not, I care.

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Thank you, you are kind.

I will send you a proper response tomorrow as I've been without sleep for way too long right now.

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Fucking cars. Took mine in for a service - I know shit all about cars really but I knew it was sounding dodgy so I google model of car + "engine whine", and concensus is, it's probably the alternator on the way out. Take it to a garage, "give it a full proper service please, and can you look at the alternator". Get it back, no mention of the alternator so I ask again "oh I didn't do the service myself, let me ask... yeah he says the noise is coming from somewhere else don't worry" OK.

Next day, fucking thing comes to a sputtering halt at the side of the road, electrics dead. "Alternator!" I think. Call the recovery guy, different guy this is, say about the alternator and he takes one look at it "oh no that's your battery, absolutely shot mate. Its the original battery, you need a new one, I can't do anything with that". Not happy, but he changes it over, charges for it, on I go.

Next week, thing won't start, dead electrics. Brand new battery is completely flat... so I call out another recovery guy, who tests the battery and goes "yep, that's your alternator fucked, it's not charging the battery. Who told you it was the battery... oh yeah that explains it they're notorious for selling you shit you don't need. He put a new battery in just to get you home, oh and by the way it looks like the wrong type of battery for your car". Drag it round to the garage and he confirms it. "So why didn't the alternator show up as fucked when you serviced it" *tumbleweeds*

So yeah, learn about how cars work is I guess the motto of this story, so you don't get taken for a ride. Now I've got to argue with the insurance people about the battery I didn't need. :/

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Hate to tell you, but insurance wont touch you being miss sold a battery. :-(

Slow down...

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First time I took my old Celica to a Toyota garage they tried to make out a warning light I was getting was down to a defective handbrake system that they wanted to rip out and replace. Bollocks obviously. The light came on when you had a brake light bulb out. I've been very wary of garages ever since.


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