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i've been suffering from insomnia for the last several years. it's just been getting worse and worse. the only thing that works for me are sleeping pills, but i don't want to live my life from pill to pill. they're dangerous and only meant to get you back on a sleep schedule, not be taken in perpetuity. and it sucks to be tired every moment of every day. my thinking has been affected. my short-term memory is horrible. i can't even speak well anymore. i don't have the energy to do anything

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Dayvan Cowboy
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Echo the Sun wrote:i've been suffering from insomnia for the last several years. it's just been getting worse and worse. the only thing that works for me are sleeping pills, but i don't want to live my life from pill to pill. they're dangerous and only meant to get you back on a sleep schedule, not be taken in perpetuity. and it sucks to be tired every moment of every day. my thinking has been affected. my short-term memory is horrible. i can't even speak well anymore. i don't have the energy to do anything

People don't often think of it, but have you tried changing your diet?

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Aerial Boundaries wrote:
fujee wrote:Not so much angry, but incredibly stressed! 4 days before MA thesis hand in, loads of editing to do, bibliography etc... and calls from university finance departments do not help either. I feel properly scrambled at the moment. Can't wait to have a pint on Monday.

Edit: and I have horrible back pain from sitting at a desk for hours at a time, and its really cold and the heating is broken.

When are we having that pint?

Rodheh wrote:Largest slump of apathy that I've had in my lifetime, quite possibly. Thought I was coming out of it but nope, apparently not. Nothing meaningful to do right now and nobody to work with - doesn't make the situation any better unfortunately.

Fear not, you have friends in the shadow-world.

Just say when bud :]
Sagan: In order to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.

Basinski: I wanted Cascade to become this crystalline organism like a star or a liquid crystal spaceship, a jellyfish traveling through the galaxy…

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jcnporter wrote:
Echo the Sun wrote:i've been suffering from insomnia for the last several years. it's just been getting worse and worse. the only thing that works for me are sleeping pills, but i don't want to live my life from pill to pill. they're dangerous and only meant to get you back on a sleep schedule, not be taken in perpetuity. and it sucks to be tired every moment of every day. my thinking has been affected. my short-term memory is horrible. i can't even speak well anymore. i don't have the energy to do anything

People don't often think of it, but have you tried changing your diet?

i've changed it a bit. i've cut out caffeine almost completely. do you think i should do something radical?

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Echo the Sun wrote:
jcnporter wrote:
Echo the Sun wrote:i've been suffering from insomnia for the last several years. it's just been getting worse and worse. the only thing that works for me are sleeping pills, but i don't want to live my life from pill to pill. they're dangerous and only meant to get you back on a sleep schedule, not be taken in perpetuity. and it sucks to be tired every moment of every day. my thinking has been affected. my short-term memory is horrible. i can't even speak well anymore. i don't have the energy to do anything

People don't often think of it, but have you tried changing your diet?

i've changed it a bit. i've cut out caffeine almost completely. do you think i should do something radical?

I should say that I've never suffered from insomnia and therefore am no expert, however I (kind of) follow a paleo diet, which is basically low-carb, cutting out grains - bread, cereal, pasta etc., processed food, starchy veg and sugar and some dairy. Basically eating mostly some meat, lots of veg and nuts, berries etc. I say diet but it's a permanent change of what I eat. The idea is that it basically keeps your blood sugar low and steady and reduces inflammation in the body. It sounds radical and difficult but it isn't, really, depends what you're used to.
I have lost weight, but the big thing for me was having more and consistent energy and sleeping better instead of sleeping fitfully, struggling to get out of bed in the morning and having energy crashes after every meal. I have read that other people have apparently had much bigger health benefits, not specifically regarding insomnia, but including much better energy regulation and therefore sleep patterns. There's plenty of anecdotals on the web.
I don't want to sound like an advert for the paleo diet, however I think people underestimate the effect what they eat has on their general health, not just weight. Maybe it's worth trying? Getting outside into nature and exercising (mainly just walking) has also helped me hugely regarding general energy and peace of mind.

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I abruptly woke up today with what appears to have been a mild heart attack. More test are clearly needed. I'm at home right now, will go to the hospital sometime soon for a bunch of tests. For goodness sake I hope the evidence so far is wrong. But the signs are pretty convincing to me: sudden strong deep chest pain more to the left side, left arm pain and odd tingle, extremely weak during and for a long time afterwards. I've recovered a bit at this point. I'm still pretty weak, but not nearly as weak as this morning at least.

I'm only 29. I was a bit over weight for a few years (~225 pounds and I think I'm 5'11"), but as of a few months ago I'm really not anymore (~185 pounds, but somehow between when I got fatter and then lost the weight, I grew a bit of muscle bulk. I'm not super muscley right now, it's just that I was so damn skinny before gaining the weight). I guess it must just be the extreme levels of stress I've been dealing with recently. After multiple recent amazingly stressful events I'm having a really hard time concentrating or thinking clearly at times, I have a horrible memory, overly depressed most of the time, and once again I find myself in a lot of physical pain from my fibro myalgia.

The advice I got from the bunch of various professionals today on what pills to take to improve, and how to take them and stuff will hopefully help a lot. I hope it works fast because I have to find a new place to live within the next few months and as of right now I literally have less than $0 in my bank account. Fortunately, my next pay day is in two days. But as you can imagine, my pay days are pretty pathetic compared to someone with an actual job. I really shouldn't complain. I'm extremely appreciative to have any income at all. Especially since not every government is kind enough and offers a good disability pension. I guess it's just that I'd much, much rather work for a living instead of sitting at home worrying about my problems all day, every day. Ugh! My apologies folks, it's all a little intense. I just really needed to vent.

I'm not 100% sure if this classifies as an "Angry rant", but it's definitely not a happy one and I'm not really feeling like looking for a more appropriate thread at the moment.

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Christ 747, hope you're ok! Hang in there, after your hard work and perseverance this must be tough, but I am sure all the positive changes you've made will help hugely. From the experiences that you've shared here recently it sounds like you have a lot of courage, and I am sure that will benefit in the long run. We're right behind you bud.
Sagan: In order to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.

Basinski: I wanted Cascade to become this crystalline organism like a star or a liquid crystal spaceship, a jellyfish traveling through the galaxy…

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So sorry to hear that 747. Hang in there my friend.

Slow down...

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I don't blame you at all for having to vent given the situation, 747... Hope you come through it OK.

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stay alive, bruh.

you're one of my fave twoism peeps (not that that counts since anyone experiencing a heart attack is bad)

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Echo the Sun wrote:i've been suffering from insomnia for the last several years. it's just been getting worse and worse. the only thing that works for me are sleeping pills, but i don't want to live my life from pill to pill. they're dangerous and only meant to get you back on a sleep schedule, not be taken in perpetuity. and it sucks to be tired every moment of every day. my thinking has been affected. my short-term memory is horrible. i can't even speak well anymore. i don't have the energy to do anything

Another, less dangerous (i.e not having to use benzodiazepines or NBDs [non benzo equivalent drugs]) is melatonin therapy to readjust one's sleep rhythm naturally. I know it sounds like a load of bullshit, but pineapples contain more melatonin than prescription melatonin so one can actually use this to their advantage as it has been proven to adjust sleeping patterns in insomniacs and I have suffered from similar in the past. Hope you are well x

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Valotonin wrote:
Echo the Sun wrote:i've been suffering from insomnia for the last several years. it's just been getting worse and worse. the only thing that works for me are sleeping pills, but i don't want to live my life from pill to pill. they're dangerous and only meant to get you back on a sleep schedule, not be taken in perpetuity. and it sucks to be tired every moment of every day. my thinking has been affected. my short-term memory is horrible. i can't even speak well anymore. i don't have the energy to do anything

Another, less dangerous (i.e not having to use benzodiazepines or NBDs [non benzo equivalent drugs]) is melatonin therapy to readjust one's sleep rhythm naturally. I know it sounds like a load of bullshit, but pineapples contain more melatonin than prescription melatonin so one can actually use this to their advantage as it has been proven to adjust sleeping patterns in insomniacs and I have suffered from similar in the past. Hope you are well x

I used to have insomnia a few years ago, so I went to the doctor. He gave me 2 mg pills of melatonin, which really worked like a charm. The postivie thing about melatonin is, is that it's a substance that the body already creates on it's own, it's the thing that regulates your sleep and waking up system. I only needed it for 2 weeks, got my rhytm back on track and didn't need it anymore. Nothing else really did the trick, but this did.
When I was a little kid my mother told me not to stare in the sun

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@747 Hang in there, times may be tough for you now, but they will get better! All the best of luck to you!
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You need a script to get standard, supplemental melatonin over there? for fog machine.

Dayvan Cowboy
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Rodheh wrote:You need a script to get standard, supplemental melatonin over there?

In the UK it vanished from health store shelves over night and if I enquired the answer was always 'you have to get it on prescription now'. Upon asking my doctor about it he said that they can no longer prescribe it in the UK because of lack of evidence to its effectiveness. Basically melatonin has been discretely banned.

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That's some nasty bullshit. You "have to" as in it's illegal to order some from elsewhere online?

Not doubting you or anything, just seems odd and generally unusual when I find anything remotely like this being more lenient in the US than the UK, Canada, Australia et al. for fog machine.

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Rodheh wrote:That's some nasty bullshit. You "have to" as in it's illegal to order some from elsewhere online?

Not doubting you or anything, just seems odd and generally unusual when I find anything remotely like this being more lenient in the US than the UK, Canada, Australia et al.

If you where to be caught with it there would be no penalty. It is prescription only because it isn't licensed in the UK. I have a feeling it never will be though. It isn't so much about making it illegal but making it incredibly difficult to obtain within the UK.

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Hey guys, thank you so much fujee, Mexicola, Betacord, TTK and portiss for your kind words and support. It honestly means a lot.

For an update on my situation go here:

You'll be pleased to hear that the update fits that thread much better.

Thanks again,

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What is with celebrities dying lately?

Now Glenn Frey died. R.I.P.
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I have the general feeling that I'm considered a grumpy old man because I complain about music and the sort a lot. (paranoia, yay!)

I wanna explain myself after I got a pm (admittedly a while ago now, but still) about my apparently close minded opinions on music.

I'll do it in points;
1. I don't set out to hate music - Whenever I hear a thingy, whether it's an album, an EP, a song, a snippet. I want to like it. I always listen out for qualities I like to it. The only reason I complain is that there are absences in qualities which I enjoy, which leads me on to the next point;
2. Just because I complain doesn't mean I don't like it - So what I say something negative, no skin off your back. Some might think I judge something by how much it doesn't suck, like some weird Scaruffi type opinion, but as I said in the previous point, no!
I often say what I don't like about a piece of music on message boards or in reply to people's Soundclouds because (hell, get this) I like talking and discussing music.
Two contradictory opinions =/= an argument. Nowadays the internet is full of special people who can't be told their opinion is just an opinion. It's crud like that which has killed the art of conversation. A truly great conversation can only come from contradictory opinions.
3. I still love electronic music - I might be seen now as the dude who's all hip and Pitchfork-y (which I barely follow - Fuck Future and Young Thug) with my enjoyment of indie rock and folk and rock and yada yada but hey - I've always enjoyed that.
I'll expand on this in my next point which is...
4. I've discovered how to quantify my enjoyment of music - OK maybe not exactly, but I can talk why I do and why I don't like music, which seems to irk people. I've honed these ... skills? no - Abilities. I've honed the ability to talk about music over the past few years as I've began to understand the nuances within pop song writing. my motto is at the end of the day, a good song is a good song.
I often hold electronic music up to the same standards as other sorts of music (which in some people's minds might be unfair), and I understand that certain music can be entertaining in other ways, but there are qualities which are universal amongst all types of music (texture, melody, songwriting, rhythm, if it's engaging, originality etc)
5. If you can explain your opinions, you will often seem to be pretentious/annoying - I've not fully tested this hypothesis, but I've found that if a person can explain their opinion well, people will rag on them as know-it-all or pretentious. Now I've only found this on the internet, youtube comments, message boards, etc. etc. but still.
Particularly in music, because I don't think people like someone coming in and having an opinion which is well thought out, more so than their own, about something they enjoy (Especially one that's contradictory).
It makes them seem like they're dumber, and if they can't think of a reason why to disagree, then they have to change their opinion!

No. You just have to think - why do I disagree with this person?
I'm as thick as a Kardashian and twice as useless. If I can do it, other people can.

I was told within this PM to "try to take music for what it is-- not always what it could be"
So does this mean I should accept mediocrity? That's not how to progress art forward. If I don't think something is doing all that it could be then I will say something.
I don't think that's mean, ignorant, hot headed or unsympathetic (I'm a musician too, don't forget that) - I just like good music, and I want that music to truly satisfy me.
I don't know if that will happen if I just sit around and say "oh well, it's good I guess."


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