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The Telepathic Kid wrote:I have the general feeling that I'm considered a grumpy old man because I complain about music and the sort a lot. (paranoia, yay!)

I wanna explain myself after I got a pm (admittedly a while ago now, but still) about my apparently close minded opinions on music.

I'll do it in points;
1. I don't set out to hate music - Whenever I hear a thingy, whether it's an album, an EP, a song, a snippet. I want to like it. I always listen out for qualities I like to it. The only reason I complain is that there are absences in qualities which I enjoy, which leads me on to the next point;
2. Just because I complain doesn't mean I don't like it - So what I say something negative, no skin off your back. Some might think I judge something by how much it doesn't suck, like some weird Scaruffi type opinion, but as I said in the previous point, no!
I often say what I don't like about a piece of music on message boards or in reply to people's Soundclouds because (hell, get this) I like talking and discussing music.
Two contradictory opinions =/= an argument. Nowadays the internet is full of special people who can't be told their opinion is just an opinion. It's crud like that which has killed the art of conversation. A truly great conversation can only come from contradictory opinions.
3. I still love electronic music - I might be seen now as the dude who's all hip and Pitchfork-y (which I barely follow - Fuck Future and Young Thug) with my enjoyment of indie rock and folk and rock and yada yada but hey - I've always enjoyed that.
I'll expand on this in my next point which is...
4. I've discovered how to quantify my enjoyment of music - OK maybe not exactly, but I can talk why I do and why I don't like music, which seems to irk people. I've honed these ... skills? no - Abilities. I've honed the ability to talk about music over the past few years as I've began to understand the nuances within pop song writing. my motto is at the end of the day, a good song is a good song.
I often hold electronic music up to the same standards as other sorts of music (which in some people's minds might be unfair), and I understand that certain music can be entertaining in other ways, but there are qualities which are universal amongst all types of music (texture, melody, songwriting, rhythm, if it's engaging, originality etc)
5. If you can explain your opinions, you will often seem to be pretentious/annoying - I've not fully tested this hypothesis, but I've found that if a person can explain their opinion well, people will rag on them as know-it-all or pretentious. Now I've only found this on the internet, youtube comments, message boards, etc. etc. but still.
Particularly in music, because I don't think people like someone coming in and having an opinion which is well thought out, more so than their own, about something they enjoy (Especially one that's contradictory).
It makes them seem like they're dumber, and if they can't think of a reason why to disagree, then they have to change their opinion!

No. You just have to think - why do I disagree with this person?
I'm as thick as a Kardashian and twice as useless. If I can do it, other people can.

I was told within this PM to "try to take music for what it is-- not always what it could be"
So does this mean I should accept mediocrity? That's not how to progress art forward. If I don't think something is doing all that it could be then I will say something.
I don't think that's mean, ignorant, hot headed or unsympathetic (I'm a musician too, don't forget that) - I just like good music, and I want that music to truly satisfy me.
I don't know if that will happen if I just sit around and say "oh well, it's good I guess."

Meant to come back to this. Do your thing man. It's one of the reasons I still share music on here; few others give similar genuine feedback. It never feels good to hear criticisms, but it's the only way we'll learn what anyone really thinks when they hear something we've done. Praise doesn't teach anything (even though it's nice to hear :) )

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I wasn't really referring to how I react to the music of other Twoismers as I've stopped looking in the post your new thing thread, and just keep check on Twoismers music who I enjoy and who don't mind the odd criticism. (even though the message of a fellow Twoismer was a jumping off point for the post)

I was more or less addressing a personal paranoia that I'm seen as Mr Grumpypants around here, as if I'm over-analytical with music, or I take it too seriously.
As I said, I just know what I like, and I can put why I like things into words instead of vague concepts.

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Well, you know I love you to death, Nick.

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Majored in animation and now I can't get a job. I've got an understanding of motion graphics/design, so I've been trying to attack things from that angle, but still feeling under par. I think I've applied to 15 different jobs today and now I feel dead inside. Tired of getting by on part time stuff.

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Another artist has left us

R.I.P. Phife dawg. (member of A tribe called quest)
When I was a little kid my mother told me not to stare in the sun

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Farewell to the funky diabetic.

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Perch wrote:Majored in animation and now I can't get a job. I've got an understanding of motion graphics/design, so I've been trying to attack things from that angle, but still feeling under par. I think I've applied to 15 different jobs today and now I feel dead inside. Tired of getting by on part time stuff.

:( I hear this a lot lately. Is it me or have diplomas gotten really worthless?

I'd say make your own damn animation!

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Cupz wrote::( I hear this a lot lately. Is it me or have diplomas gotten really worthless?

I'd say make your own damn animation!

workin on it :o

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Wow that looks friggin bad-ass, dude. If you need any help, I'll be right here. :)

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a few vent points;

Getting shot down for having opinions again,
It makes me feel like I'm the one in the wrong.

I'm not gonna sugar coat what I say, I'm gonna make it blunt so my point isn't misconstrued!

When I was asked "what kind of music do you like" at a thing, I was just thinking "Well shit, how do I answer this without being pretentious or the lame 'oh, a bit of everything, man'"
I then started trying to converse about how odd the question is because you're already putting up self built walls around your taste.
As soon as you say you like something then for some it rules the rest of what you didn't say out entirely.

You tell them who you are before they even get a chance to learn. That sentence might seem contradictory, but if you don't give an answer, or at least a vague one, then you have the opportunity to change and flow between answers.
if you give a set answer, and then hypothetically the next day you happen to come across a piece of music which changes your life, BUT is in a genre you previous had no care for.

Where are you now? What does that say about your music taste entirely up until that point? Is it a lie?

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I know that feel, nick.

There was a time where the answer to "what music do you listen to" was a lot simpler when all I though about was basically "weird electronic music". Then you find out every genre has excelent examples of perfection and you realize there's not a single answer anymore, and saying one thing will seem unfair to all the other great music. Saying you like a bit of everything is a weird answer because its the same answer people that listen to mainstream radio give, so it doesn't feel right to me beside it being an answer that doesn't say anything. Another problem I've seen is that people seem to need reference-points to understand what you're talking about. "Oh, so kinda like X?", when you try to explain what kind of sounds interest you, saying you currently like music that sounds like the inside of old suitcases won't make sense to anyone else, sadly.

I tend to just not care anymore. I just say what I'm into at the time of the question and get on with it. If the conversation continues they'll know the rabbit-hole goes deeper. I know how it feels to be that passionate about something and you just want to explode with answers when the subject is brought up, but I bet anyone that would talk to you about music for a few more minutes will figure out they're talking to a music-buff.

And you ain't pretentious if you ain't pretending.

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You could go with the old "I'll listen to anything if it's good" but then it comes across as if you have almost no standards at all. Maybe just open with the fact that you might go through lots of really specific phases, and that music plays a really important role in your life so you tend to be very particular.

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Perch wrote:You could go with the old "I'll listen to anything if it's good" but then it comes across as if you have almost no standards at all. Maybe just open with the fact that you might go through lots of really specific phases, and that music plays a really important role in your life so you tend to be very particular.

I tend to go with this response (I typically run in to the same problem). The word 'Eclectic' is your friend.

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I rarely give two shits what people think about my music taste. 'Most things except chart music and Radio1' tends to be the rather vague answer when pushed.

Slow down...

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I'm gon respond to a thing that good ol' Cupzy posted in his One Room Movies thread,
Thought it might be more suited here;

Cupz wrote:
The Telepathic Kid wrote:I dunno why we don't have a film thread. It'd just be easier than having all these smaller threads.

Yeah, and lets just have one big music thread as well! :twisted: :wink:

This is why - the thread dies because there isn't enough sustained interest;

I mean I understand making a thread about a movie or a type of movie, you get isolated conversation on that particular topic, but it's not feasible to have a million threads with half finished conversations.

I'm not right, I'm just spouting my opinion like the big fat opinionated lame-o I am. I'm not saying you're wrong for doing what you did,
But I've found that fragmented conversations just die so quickly - I frequent a music board that has about 20 or so active topics, labelled "movies", "politics", "random thoughts", "What are you listening to?", "classics", "hype 2016", "critics suck", etc.

I wake up and each of these threads have about 20-30 new posts. and it's great. There's only like 5 pages of threads after 5 years of use, and there's very little clutter.
If you want to talk about an old album - go to the classics, if you want to talk about a new album, go to the hype 2016, if you wanna bitch about what a critic said about an album, or just speculate on an album's critical response, go to the critics suck thread.
If you have something to say but it don't fit else where, put it in the random thoughts thread.

Maybe it's the anal person inside of me, but I just prefer it that way. I know it won't change this place, but I'm putting forth a subject for others to discuss because I like discussions. I'm not meaning harm, and I'm not meaning disrespect.

But I'm saying there's a reason why certain threads get 1000+ posts while others sink to the bottom like a stone.

Thank you.

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Let's try both? Start the tread man, let's give it a whirl. Run it up the flag pole, see who salutes.

Slow down...

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No I'm not saying that it should be implemented here.

I'm merely stating the alternative. It works for this forum, and many others I've been to. Rather than having a thread for "movies" or "politics", etc.

They'll have an entire board dedicated to them. It's the differences in these forums which are interesting.

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I find it interesting to see what threads stick around as well. They also tend to be very hard to read/search.

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Cupz, where do I know that pig from? It is really fucking familiar but it might just be akin to a distorted memory of a dream I had as a child.

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It's from family guy apparantly. I've never seen it before untill I ducked "kermit porn". I don't particularly like family guy.


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