I'm sorry if I upset you, but I feel how I feel, it should not be thought of as a direct attack on anyone. It's okay to be pro-authoritarian, but it's also okay for someone else to point out that they don't agree with authoritarianism. If one's belief system can't hold up to criticism it may not be worth having at all.
To talk about Clinton the First, let's all agree that what happened in Waco was a tragedy, but it was a tragedy in gray. I think the Clintons suck, but they get saddled with a lot of propaganda from authoritarian news sources in order to defuse the idea that anyone but a rich white male should be leader of the free world. I would have much preferred Bernie or Elizabeth Warren, personally.
You can look at Jim Jones, Heaven's Gate, Mormonism, Christianity, Scientology, it's all flavors of the same thing. We all want to belong, we all want to feel connected to something that will let us "phone home" whatever that something may be is what differs. Clinton obviously wasn't perfect, but it seems like a strange thing to pin on him and also a completely different person 24 years later.
The same man who laughs at celebrities getting bilked out of their money through Scientology may put his hand on the collection plate on Sunday to purchase his salvation. The difference is, you were aware of one concept in childhood and the other we learned of later one. The latter seems ridiculous because we didn't learn about it when our minds were in a state that primed to believe in it long term, but taken as a whole, they are all equally nonsensical concepts that involve a few people enriching themselves using a belief system that takes advantage of the many.
I always thought the Branch Davidians were an interesting case for BoC to explore because in many ways they were the same, but also the antithesis of them. You can have one set of people living communally, based on friendship, family and the creation of art. You can then have a similar setup where it's about authoritarianism, polygamy, abuse and accrual of automatic weaponry. You've got militias, you've got mennonites, etc in this country who are basically left to their own devices for dozens or hundreds of years, why isn't the government going after them? It's too bad about how it played out, but Howell did not make it easy for anyone and this is a case of people creating their own problem.
Just like Trump, Vernon Howell was a con man who used tainted information to rule as a cult leader type figure. One man leveraged a special flavor of faith, another leveraged good old righteous white middle class entitlement that's been fed a weaponized form of Fox News, Breitbart and Infowars for 8 years since "the other" took office. It's refreshing to see authoritarians like O'Reilly and Alex Jones exposed for the abusive poor examples of men that they are in recent times.
These ideas go back to what I was talking about earlier, how people can believe anything if they are primed for it properly. These news sources sell authoritarianism, misogyny and suffering, and people chose to buy into their easy answers. Ultimately, people want to be looked after, they want those easy answers, so you can drop these "news" sources in the same pile as every religion or cult that's ever been around, where you sell your formerly open mind to become a pawn for someone else's agenda.
I'm sorry to hear about your government problems, and please don't take anything I say personally, people should have strong opinions of all flavors, and you can't expect other people to agree with you all the time. I don't like thinking of it as a left vs right thing, personally I am just against the idea of authoritarianism in general and nothing is going to ever change that. Cheers and let's get back to the number crunching