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Mexicola wrote:Dearest whiney...

Ye wins thread :)

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Sinewy thread...

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Twoist wrote:Sinewy thread...

Ha! Trendy we is.

Slow down...

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Mexicola wrote:
Ha! Trendy we is.

Yet we sin hard

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This year dewn!?!? :D

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Opothocary. Stop. Go back to numbers. I am quitting twoism and Bocpages to avoid you.

This American president isn't any more of an authoritarian than the last. I don't support him but he is at least slightly more in favor of free speech and against the military industrial complex than his opponent was in this. 1984 is exactly what the people tried and at least partially succeeded to vote against in this election.

Clinton wanted to effectively create the equivalent of a Eurasia. She wanted to ban certain ideas and words. The leaks that where given to wikileaks from within the DNC and not Russia prove that she had been lying through her teeth and her true ties was to a gradual totalitarian state. She had the media tell people that it was illegal to look at the leaks online (untrue) so that they could only inform the public of the less damning evidence. She had the DNC take out one of the only decent candidates, Bernie Sanders, effectively by force and manipulation from the race. The DNC actively want to censor the Internet. And when the shit hit the fan and people realised that she was lying through her teeth, she blamed Eastasia for exposing her lies based on no evidence whatsoever 'We have always been at war with Russia [Eastasia]'.

Also it is funny that you mention David Koresh, the person at the head of the peaceful group that was mercilessly shot down and burned, men women and children, by the order of the last Clinton that was in power. Only to have a propaganda re-enactment showing them as a violent militia-type organization to air several days later.

Hillary wanted to take out Assad, that is the first clear indicator of her being a puppet for the higher agenda of destabilizing the middle east and I won't ever fogive Barack 'I will drone strike your children' Obama for creating the circumstances under which Gadaffi was brutally murdered by 'Brave Rebels' who always turn out to be violent Islamist groups wanting to oppress people under religious laws of a thousand years ago.

America avoided taking one step further towards 1984, voting for the only other available candidate that wasn't Clinton.

People who opposed Trump where the ones violently 'shutting down' and suppressing people's right to free speech.
People who opposed Trump where the ones who made consistent and very violent and bloody attacks on people purely for wearing any trump related clothing, at least 10x in excess of anything that was dished out by Trump supporters (usually in direct self defense) but I guess your television set hasn't told you that.

I am not a 'Trumptard' and I do not support him. I am just trying to inform you that you, the victim of orwellian brainwashing, has ironically come to the conclusion that the candidate that was least likely to lead America into a state similar to 1984 is actually the one you should be carelessly comparing to it. Do you not see past the first layer of that book? Do you not see it is about far more than just an authority figure.

Stop bringing this up. I don't want to talk about specific political figures here. This isn't about my non-existant support of Trump, this is about my hatred of the amount of violence, arrogance and mob mentality directed towards him and his supporters whilst you smugly say what a million other media-brainwashed americans are saying with the same look of utter self satisfaction on their faces saying:

'Uhh itslike nineteenaetyfawr... I am so smart for comparing it to a clever book for clever people'

Brave New World was Better. Stop ruining Tomorrow's Harvest for me.

Bye Twoism.

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Pffft. Not even close to an anagram.

Slow down...

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Well, I'm not close to quitting twoism, but I really wouldn't mind being able to filter out some of the 'math' that I get exposed to on this board :D

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Mexicola wrote:Pffft. Not even close to an anagram.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
There are a lot of different 'me's, you know. There's the mad me, when I get angry.

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I didn't want this thread to become political. There is a place on this forum for music and a place for politics. Unfortunately that can of worms has been opened now

Isn't it ironic when someone name-drops Fox news as a source of propaganda. Showing that they are only conscious of propaganda when it doesn't fit their mental political narrative. The truth is that if you get your information from any mainstream news outlet, you are in a fictitious world.

BBC is propaganda.
Fox is propaganda.
CNN is propaganda.
MSNBC is propaganda.
If it is televised, it is propaganda.

That's alright. We'll show you images of dying children and tell you exactly who to hate, no need to ask us how we know, we just do. We are the creators of truth. If it isn't what we say, it isn't real. Go back to sleep.

Here is a totally unscripted Syrian cat who knows exactly what is going on. You can follow him on twitter too for his daily updates.

Hello Mr.Cat
Do you blame Assad?
'Meow Meow'
And you say that Putin is allowing this maniac to murder his own people??
My god... You heard it here first. Weapons of mass destruction.

Politics is a coverup for an underlying unavoidable agenda. It might happen slower or faster depending on who you vote for, but that is the only choice you get.

Remember that the big orange man with a personality disorder is evil and that you are a sexist racist misogynist if you don't vote for the sulphur scented woman with a personality disorder who will lead us to exactly the same pre-scripted place in the world as the other candidate because they are the puppets of the highest bidders, but remember, you do have a choice between them.

'I thought you where going?'
*slams door*

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....we've all been wondering about Opothecary going full "Beautiful Mind" on us...meanwhile, going to be OK bud?

Not because I'm biased, but Geogaddi's scarier, darker sequel is exactly what the world needs right now.
There are a lot of different 'me's, you know. There's the mad me, when I get angry.

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Opothocary's alright, I don't dislike him.

I appreciate your asking, I am okay, I should take a break from the internet for a while.

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I had internet overload in the Fall - had to take a few steps was bad.

Started reading - since September I've read nearly 30 books. For me, that is the most reading in a (relatively) short time I've ever done. It's helped, tremendously.

Sometimes, I think I should take it upon myself to go a few hundred pages back in this behemoth and try to relive the TH posts - that was quite a time to be alive...
There are a lot of different 'me's, you know. There's the mad me, when I get angry.

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Valotonin, bro, relax, go grab some vodka or any poison of your choise and enjoy your life for fs, it's friday!

btw I'm on your boat, we will get through this together!

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Opothocary, you have my genuine apologies for my overly confrontational and personally targeted message before. I received a rather unpleasant letter from the government today and it put me in a negative state, overindulging in my sedative of choice and looking for somewhere to vent my frustration and I am sorry that the first thing that pushed me was a politically oriented post of yours. You have every right to associate TH with political figures and meanings as they themselves stated that, despite not being directly political, it is their most political work to date. I suspect that this trend will likely continue in future so you may well be right in thinking that a future release could potentially be rooted in current political events and it is entirely your place to speculate as to what events they may be.

Seriously don't let my overreaction stop your flow of thought or instinct to share said thoughts when it comes to this subject. It won't be something that I will get in the way of again.

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And thats exactly how this forum should function. Good on you!

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Big hugs Valotonin. Don't let the bastards grind you down. Now...

Back on topic. Or at least give me an interesting anagram and/or maths. Sheesh people ;-)

Slow down...

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I'm sorry if I upset you, but I feel how I feel, it should not be thought of as a direct attack on anyone. It's okay to be pro-authoritarian, but it's also okay for someone else to point out that they don't agree with authoritarianism. If one's belief system can't hold up to criticism it may not be worth having at all.

To talk about Clinton the First, let's all agree that what happened in Waco was a tragedy, but it was a tragedy in gray. I think the Clintons suck, but they get saddled with a lot of propaganda from authoritarian news sources in order to defuse the idea that anyone but a rich white male should be leader of the free world. I would have much preferred Bernie or Elizabeth Warren, personally.

You can look at Jim Jones, Heaven's Gate, Mormonism, Christianity, Scientology, it's all flavors of the same thing. We all want to belong, we all want to feel connected to something that will let us "phone home" whatever that something may be is what differs. Clinton obviously wasn't perfect, but it seems like a strange thing to pin on him and also a completely different person 24 years later.

The same man who laughs at celebrities getting bilked out of their money through Scientology may put his hand on the collection plate on Sunday to purchase his salvation. The difference is, you were aware of one concept in childhood and the other we learned of later one. The latter seems ridiculous because we didn't learn about it when our minds were in a state that primed to believe in it long term, but taken as a whole, they are all equally nonsensical concepts that involve a few people enriching themselves using a belief system that takes advantage of the many.

I always thought the Branch Davidians were an interesting case for BoC to explore because in many ways they were the same, but also the antithesis of them. You can have one set of people living communally, based on friendship, family and the creation of art. You can then have a similar setup where it's about authoritarianism, polygamy, abuse and accrual of automatic weaponry. You've got militias, you've got mennonites, etc in this country who are basically left to their own devices for dozens or hundreds of years, why isn't the government going after them? It's too bad about how it played out, but Howell did not make it easy for anyone and this is a case of people creating their own problem.

Just like Trump, Vernon Howell was a con man who used tainted information to rule as a cult leader type figure. One man leveraged a special flavor of faith, another leveraged good old righteous white middle class entitlement that's been fed a weaponized form of Fox News, Breitbart and Infowars for 8 years since "the other" took office. It's refreshing to see authoritarians like O'Reilly and Alex Jones exposed for the abusive poor examples of men that they are in recent times.

These ideas go back to what I was talking about earlier, how people can believe anything if they are primed for it properly. These news sources sell authoritarianism, misogyny and suffering, and people chose to buy into their easy answers. Ultimately, people want to be looked after, they want those easy answers, so you can drop these "news" sources in the same pile as every religion or cult that's ever been around, where you sell your formerly open mind to become a pawn for someone else's agenda.

I'm sorry to hear about your government problems, and please don't take anything I say personally, people should have strong opinions of all flavors, and you can't expect other people to agree with you all the time. I don't like thinking of it as a left vs right thing, personally I am just against the idea of authoritarianism in general and nothing is going to ever change that. Cheers and let's get back to the number crunching

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Okay it might have been better had you not said anything there.

I never said that I was pro authoritarian and I never said that it wasn't okay for people to disagree with me, and I always maintained that I keep friends of all political backgrounds and often have casual disagreements.

It might be better to leave this.

I bit the bullet and apologised, I didn't want a condescending reply. I wanted to move on.

I am going to back away from this thread
Last edited by Valotonin on Fri Apr 21, 2017 8:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Dayvan Cowboy
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Valotonin wrote:Okay it might have been better had you not said anything there.

I never said that I was pro authoritarian and I never said that it wasn't okay for people to disagree with me.

It might be better to leave this.

I bit the bullet and apologised, I didn't want a condescending reply. I wanted to move on.

Me too. If you state that you are pro Trump and pro Putin, you are pro-authoritarian whether you choose to think of yourself that way or not. Time to move on...


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