Moderators: mdg, Mexicola, 2020k, Fredd-E, Aesthetics
Opothecary wrote:
A screenshot for posterity's sake. The track time of Jynweythek Ylow as helpfully pointed out on mobile is 2:35.
john fonda wrote:explanation about the matador site seems odd tbh
john fonda wrote:it has been taken down now
Techboy wrote:from the perspective of someone who makes websites profesionally matador's explanation is 100% plausible, almost unbelievably so, because even the most basic of diligence finds this:
they have a database, it has data in it which is messy, c'est la vie
even if the youtube/twitter stuff, which is quite interesting, lead to anything, this matador thing wll not have been a part of it.. why would they take part in a promo campaign for an artist thats not even on their roster anymore? just madness. come on.
Opothecary wrote:
The thing is, the entry didn't exist before. I mean, doing what you do, you know that creating and deleting an entry like this in the name of generating a little mystery on behalf of an old partner takes up a trivial amount of time.
I would agree with you if the entry appeared in the past, but it didnt.
It's a little like the Soundcloud thing, they may not have set out to have this as an option, but you might as well leverage it if you can. Nothing in this campaign lives or dies based on this tertiary activity, Twitter is still the main focus, but keeping people engages until June doesn't hurt. I could see a video playlist entry 147 (14+7) sometime between now and then too.
Cyclosa wrote:@ lichtenberg94
I dont see it.
IABPOITC (title, cover) screams spring for me
Peacock Tail wrote:I agree. Campfire has the strongest Summer open-road vibe too.
BOC are responsible for many a case of apophenia.
I don' think TH has a seasonal vibe of any kind. Gloom is gloom in sunshine or snow.
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