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Negamuse wrote:That's really interesting, thanks. A song like that I guess it's pretty much impossible to arrive in one lump without things being trimmed and lost along the way. I've always thought it pretty remarkable it holds together as well as it does for all the swerves and changes in tone.

Oh, it's a fascinating song. I adore it either way. It's just very obvious that the studio version (again, if I had to take a concrete guess....probably eight and a half to nine minutes on the dot) was cut down from the jam it was to the six and a half minute version we know.

Radiohead does this for the better sometimes though often I feel it's for the worse. Imagine if Jigsaw ended after ", dance, dance...."

That's Bodysnatchers, IMO. Moment it gets going, you get Thom sort-of yelling and then an abrupt end.

Could not be more anti-climatic in a way that if applied to JFIP would absolutely ruin the song in every way. Anyway, for whatever it's worth, Paranoid Android usually averages about a minute longer played live, which is at the very least some sort of more apropos rendition of the track. When they played in AZ it was roughly 8:15, though they did all sorts of odd stuff at the time too, including the first time ever playing Packt... a la original studio version. for fog machine.

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Nearly came in my own jeans when I first played it all the way through on my Tele, including Jonny's bonkers soloing. Not sure I could do it now mind. The guitar playing that is. As Cole once said in Twin Peaks, still 'got it' where it counts.

Slow down...

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I feel that any Radiohead made after The Bends is a bit cursed, though. I respect it from a musical perspective and a lot of it is very well thought out and intricate, but many friends of mine when asked about it will state the same thing.

OK Computer in particular has a curse about it and it has the ability to fuck with the listener's life quite substantially for the worse.

Craziness aside, I've heard rumors that the original line was "God loves his children, that's why he kills them" instead of the first part being repeated twice as we know now. Can anyone verify/ shed light on this for me?

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Mexicola wrote:Nearly came in my own jeans when I first played it all the way through on my Tele, including Jonny's bonkers soloing.

Haha this is my experience with learning the track a few years ago too.
When you can finally play those rather fast series of bends from the heavier sections it is a pretty nice feeling, a bit of an ego trip.

Oh, and just to keep this thread on track: I F**KING HATE BROWN SAUCE TOMATO SAUCE AND THE LETTER M

(back to Radiohead)

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Valotonin wrote:I feel that any Radiohead made after The Bends is a bit cursed, though. I respect it from a musical perspective and a lot of it is very well thought out and intricate, but many friends of mine when asked about it will state the same thing.

OK Computer in particular has a curse about it and it has the ability to fuck with the listener's life quite substantially for the worse.

can you elaborate on this? what do they mean?

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Echo the Sun wrote:can you elaborate on this? what do they mean?

If music is a drug, what is Radiohead from 1996 onwards?

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Valotonin wrote:
Echo the Sun wrote:can you elaborate on this? what do they mean?

If music is a drug, what is Radiohead from 1996 onwards?

uh . . . acetaminophen?

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Jonse wrote:Why are you still here?
Why are you still here?
(perhaps, doesn't mean a thing; I am sorry, perhaps not as lucid as before though more, even, could be) Why are you still here?

Was this directed at anyone in particular?

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Myself, IIRC. It probably doesn't mean anything. Something I should mention more often. for fog machine.

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Jonse wrote:Myself, IIRC. It probably doesn't mean anything. Something I should mention more often.

Its understandable, I used to do similar when I was in rather unusually bad states of mind and a moment of clarity (whether it was truly one or just the illusion of one is open for debate, in retrospect they probably weren't moments of clarity and rather moments of extreme sentimentality) would occur.

I'm sorry if this seems too upfront, you obviously aren't obliged to talk about it if you would rather not, but you seemed to be in a rather bad place for a while there. Was it caused by anything, nothing at all or a catch 22 situation where one can't identify whether it was the initial negativity that led to a negative stimulus leading to more negativity etc? I think a lot of people are more sincere about their concern than you might think, many just aren't equipped to deal with it and find themselves unable to find anything to say that could be of help so tend towards leaving it alone. Myself included sometimes.

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It was caused by a lot.

Peoples' concerns, worthwhile or otherwise, I can't discern. They always choose to cut me out. Leaves me to the conclusion that I'm at fault or they're tired/not really concerned and to assume I'm at fault is easiest, definitively, now.

I believe a certain amount of people who seem to express concern even if I disagree with how they do it, though you're absolutely right that they do not know how to deal with it. To which I don't try to make them deal with it. Though certain mistakes can't be erased even if you insist "no worries" out of your own best interest and concern for their own obvious problems, be it depression or anger or apathy or confusion or whatever else you want to say.

The problem is that not everyone leaves it alone, by which I mean leaving it alone. Many people just leave it as-is, a huge distinction that I can't really explain.

I am still in that bad place, an answer no one wants to hear. It started with the death of a dog back in August shortly before a friend arrived on the pretense of moving and making music to do nothing but play video games and we'd end each night by watching MST3K before he eventually returned home. Then there was (is, though mostly fine now) an illness. Then there was a close friend dying, which she let me know long ahead of time would happen, though it still hurt tremendously. Then there was my family and I choosing to be together and not getting along + paranoia caused by my own stupid mistakes + those mistakes causing the respect I'd been lucky enough to have to whatever degree from 3-4 people disappearing + dishonesty to myself after trying to atone for those actions + a very close friend and family member who was just about the only person I had left locally that understood me/vice versa completely changing and cutting himself off from the world which happens to include me + more paranoia causing me to break up an otherwise good relationship out of fear that I'd hurt someone. Then, after a very long period of creative stagnation, I chose not to release something. Again. Which I'll throw up here when I get it uploaded as I really don't give a fuck anymore and TheFadeBeta and a few other Twoismers as well as my father liked it a lot even though it's unfinished as far as I'm concerned and the conversations I've had with TFB as well as a persistent outlook of choosing to do the right thing whether it's "good" or "bad" (re: others, not my work, at least not to a certain extent) and finally the labels I've been in talks with and a publisher that's interested in a novel I wrote that constitute a very daunt silver lining. Though try as I can to appreciate it, I am stuck still. In this hole. for fog machine.

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Treefingers wrote:
A_Northern_Soul wrote:^ Gove should be taken out and shot, quite frankly. I was just about to add to this thread with a bit of a tirade about the government after yesterday's announcement about the SAR contract.

I honestly think this lot could be even worse than Thatcher's mob in the 80s - the stripping and selling off of absolutely everything, the ideology-disguised-austerity cuts, the almost gleeful attacks on the weakest members of society (the unemployed, the poor, the disabled, immigrants). Meanwhile lining their own pockets....

Just thinking about what this government are doing makes me genuinely furious.

It's not necessarily just the government that are making it so bad, it's that a lot of people seem to be totally willing for this to go on. People who'd rather let sensationalist corrupt tabloid media do their thinking for them; being critical of human rights legislation simply because it applies also to people they don't like; support for what they're doing to the welfare system because people should "stop scrounging off the government".

The future could be very, very bleak. :(

Very bizarrely (and hello Twoismers, it's been a while since I last posted here), I was directed to this page when perusing my Bandcamp stats and seeing that someone had visited my page from here (thank you whoever you are). Seemed weird reading this pessimism about the UK's future in 2013 considering what's happened within the five years since then.


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I opened an LLC for 2020k in 2016 to coincide with the first record release...bumped my head a few months afterward and had to go on disability, so I've made a grand total of >$100 for the business from 2016-2018. The taxes just for having an LLC in the borough I live in are $300/year & I feel (98%) fine now and just started working a day job three months ago to try to recoup my financial life. I scrapped up money in 2017 for it, but this year I do not have this...I missed the deadline to file and am now penalized an additional $100 owed in a few weeks. I also file quarterly taxes and last year made an average of $0.03 per quarter from streaming...yes, I owed a penny each quarter.


(This is not me asking for money. I don't have the money, but I do have the money; things will just be incredibly tight. This is me, as a bottom-of-the-food-chain-small-business-owner and trying-really-hard-musician ranting about extraordinarily discouraging hurdles. It's bad enough no body buys music anymore).


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I am sorry, RJ. I feel you even though I've not ever asked for anything I released personally - you'd think some people would have the backbone for an honor system - sadly, no. I can't wait until my transfer to PayPal clears, i will very gladly buy one of your releases. for fog machine.

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No need to say sorry, but thank you for empathizing. :)

That post wasn't a sales pitch. The last line about nobody buying music anymore was just a blanket statement on the industry. Buy Burst Mode ([read in sales pitch voice] available on iTunes!) only if you really want it :wink:.

It was more a rant about not being able to work for a year and a half and suffering surprising financial repercussions as I recoup myself. I planned to make most of any financial gain from touring & merchandise sales from the shows. I obviously could not make any appearances during the concussion and I certainly didn't have the mental concentration to prep for future live shows. I could barely get out of bed during that time and until September-ish of last year I was convinced I wasn't going to get any better and was going to have to live my life on disability.

Quite scary, so now I'm frustratingly dealing with a lot of backlash that comes with having your life stop for a period of time. Sometimes I'll be out at a grocery store or something and be amazed that I'm doing everything like normal. Finances crumbled, I questioned my faith on a lot of things, relationships were tried because of it too...some came out stronger, some failed. You can stop if you have to, but the things around you do not and playing catch up is hard.

I'm paying that God forsaken tax this week.

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No, I meant sorry as in a general empathy way. I know that feel. A lot of people who are self-sustaining just doing music hitting financial slumps I believe know it even better than anyone here. I have my own qualms with the industry in that I still believe somewhere internally that music should be free seeing as it's a subjective commodity you can't return though we don't live in a society that can take it upon itself to support artists just because it's right in some sort of honor system format. Ultimately, most people who work as musicians end up having to do a lot they might not believe in...such as selling overpriced posters and kaleidoscopes (no one in particular) to their fan base. Though if everyone simply bought their music, or in cases such as Odd Nosdam where I can donate using PayPal or something, chipped in even five dollars, they'd probably be capable of making a humble living wage just doing what they enjoy, not counting live/merch income. Though I suppose that's relative mainly to whether or not what you make can draw in a large audience instead of just the Warp kids.

I digress though. I hope people buy your work. for fog machine.

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Musician-money has gone from underpayed to simply non-existent. I've moved on. Fuck you, music industry. And fuck you fuckers using youtube and spotify to listen to music (myself included). RIP.

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Cupz wrote:Musician-money has gone from underpayed to simply non-existent. I've moved on. Fuck you, music industry. And fuck you fuckers using youtube and spotify to listen to music (myself included). RIP.

I only say fuck 'em re: YouTube if they've got a Red subscription. Otherwise, unless it's the only way they listen to music, they're just using time saving uploads at their disposal often to introduce others to certain things.

I don't think the music industry has become too much worse than it already was in its tremendously shitty state compared to however much you don't have faith in music. You talk about that as though it has to do with the industry itself. It's not as though even before GeoCities/MySpace/YouTube/Bandcamp/Soundcloud enabled people to share their own uninspired work there wasn't already an oversaturation of everything ever done. We reached this before the 21st century. Hell, you want to look at it from the old "right place/time" perspective, Pink Floyd wrote the "essentially first/last song ever future proofed such it's right millions of years ago and will be millions of years from now" as a coda to what was already a serviceable enough closing track to Dark Side of the Moon. The ship has sailed to a certain degree for originality in sound.

This is the exact reason cultivation counts. You'll never be totally original. Your frame, the configuration, a particular pattern might which means unfortunately many computer-made electronic producers without lyricism will be (probably rightfully) ignored unless they have something truly special to bring to the table. You can't discount records such as MHTRTC as being part of why we now feel this way though say it only released now: response would be "generic." Hell, some felt that way then due to Ae. for fog machine.

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No, it's just not sustainable. Do the math.

You'll work 2 years on an album maybe 2000 people are going to actually buy (they're not). (not) selling it for 10 bucks a pop that's earning 833 a month you spent working on it in a perfect world where people still buy music (double the sales and you'll almost have minimum wage!). Not even adding other costs like printing the actual media. Sorry, but it's done. I used to be able to keep my head above the water doing nothing but music, but it's over.

This is why reach for the dead was in that shitty nike commercial. Selling to companies, not to consumers, because they're used to getting everything for free.

I've met a whole bunch of musicians, old-school musicians about 8000x more skilled and experienced then myself, and they all say the same thing. It's over. All of them either need a day-job, gig pretty much non-stop or sell toothpaste on the radio. I wouldn't be surprised and BoC work in some office somewhere. Either be family of X-eliteperson, have X-amount of excess money or get a time-machine and become a household name before the invention of X-daw.

This does not mean I'll stop making music, but I have lost all interest in doing it as a job. I'd rather die of hunger then stop making music of course, but alas, I won't be as prolific as I once was.

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''Guitarist and Songwriter'
That's what I thought I was
I never had no dreams of being a waiter
But these here Helmet rip-offs
They don't buy my lunch
So I will get a real job in the office

And I won't bother to make my music
And I won't bother to sing my songs'

Return of the Jedi, by Reuben (2005)

2005. They knew then.
The days of Led Zeppelin in the Mothership are long gone friends.

Slow down...


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