Flory wrote:Soul_Slip wrote:here in northern minnesota, BoC became popular here mainly around the time Campfire Headphase came out, and mainly with “skater/stoner” croud... somewhere in between 2005-2007... then fast forward a few years and BoC seems to have spread quite vastly here... kids like them now and where their shirts... they are played often on the streaming radios at our coffee shops.... an hour away from me in Duluth... BoC is everywhere.... there is even a Geogaddi sticker in one of the bathroom stalls at one of the local bars....
I would say they are more popular and loved now than ever.... at least up here...
people seem to “appreciate” what they create much like other music legends from the past
Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) plays them often as bumpers for some of their radio programs
Somewhere on the opposite side of the country I'm yet to find someone who even know's what BoC is.
interesting... whereabouts are ya in this country?