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Xaugh wrote:Oh and has anybody noticed they have a pic on their warp page? New everybum on the way.

That pic has been up for as long as i can remember, what are you getting at?

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whyte wrote:
Xaugh wrote:Oh and has anybody noticed they have a pic on their warp page? New everybum on the way.

That pic has been up for as long as i can remember, what are you getting at?

Odd, I'm just now seeing it as well.
no information at this moment in time

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Roswell wrote:
whyte wrote:
Xaugh wrote:Oh and has anybody noticed they have a pic on their warp page? New everybum on the way.

That pic has been up for as long as i can remember, what are you getting at?

Odd, I'm just now seeing it as well.

Nah it's always been there. Just never gave it any attention.
this thread is full of shenanigans.

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Xaugh wrote:I thought they ruined the album with the "Jesus was it you indeed?" bit but love every single song they've ever made and holds very sentimental value and will most likely be listening to a song by them every or every other day of my life. They're like food and cigarettes for me. Though it seems I might quit smoking soon.

Oh and has anybody noticed they have a pic on their warp page? New everybum on the way.

seriously?? why would that ruin a whole album for you??

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Gotta say that's my least favourite part of anything boc have ever done. But I can live with it

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If I told you that BoC didn't write that line originally and that the term Jesus is being used metaphorically for "creator" (not necessarily of the world/universe, but the creator of something), would it remove the sting?

At face value, I can see that it would be insulting to Christianity. Even as someone who was raised a Buddhist, I still have certain beliefs when it comes to the divinity of Christ so I know where people are coming from.

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If you're insulted as a christian by something like that you completely miss the point of the core teaching of christianity in the first place... Same with blasphemy and cursing. Would anyone think that God, the creator, would really give a shit about puny little humans ego's saying some random unconscious stuff?
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Lets not turn this thread into a topic of religion... as much as id like to give my two cents. :lol:

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Eh. I have no issue with it. I can see why others do or why others would interpret it differently.
I don't believe that any form of "blasphemy" should ruin your day as it is just someone's opinion and expressing one's opinions transparently and truthfully without everyone getting offended at each other is a nice place to be socially.

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Good points whyte and Valotonin, please disregard my previous comment y'all ;)

Carry on with... yeah with what exactly? :)
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I'm not religious in any way shape or form, I like boc because they aren't involved in politics or religion musically, at least not in a blatant manner.
I was just a bit disappointed to hear that sample. Not a deal breaker though.

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luminousdusk wrote:I'm not religious in any way shape or form, I like boc because they aren't involved in politics or religion musically, at least not in a blatant manner.
I was just a bit disappointed to hear that sample. Not a deal breaker though.

I agree with this one. As someone who has a relationship with God, I wouldn't say I'm bothered by the spiritual content in the speech (especially because I think it's more philosophical than spiritual), but I was more irritated to see BoC using the sample to push the message of that track rather than just letting the title do its job. Calling a song Nothing Is Real says more about your nihilistic tendencies than including a cheesy sample.

Plus everything else on TH was super under-the-radar, so choosing to make that sample so obvious doesn't make sense to me. Kind of like my opinion that Energy Warning doesn't fit on Geogaddi because it's stupidly obvious about its point whereas the rest of the album is not.

So, there's my attempt to take this in a non-religious direction.

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luminousdusk wrote:I'm not religious in any way shape or form, I like boc because they aren't involved in politics or religion musically, at least not in a blatant manner.
I was just a bit disappointed to hear that sample. Not a deal breaker though.

to me, imho, it was them showing us how man has used religion against us... like the church focusing too much on guilt and grief and not allowing us to truly forgive ourselves or others... like the line...” that you indeed?... flirting unkindly with my greed?...” and also the image of the cross that looks like it is crashing.... and considering in lieu of all of the sexual abuse crap going on within the vatican,etc... i never took it as a deliberate jab at jesus... more like exposing how we have not been truly taught to really follow the way that was originally intended.... not claiming this to be truth or anything of that matter... just what I “got” out of it

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It's just a sample. Don't let it keep you up at night!

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Sometimes I wish TH was a bit less gritty and cold.. but they did it well. I miss the rainbows and lens flare though

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luminousdusk wrote:Sometimes I wish TH was a bit less gritty and cold.. but they did it well. I miss the rainbows and lens flare though

I must say.. i do prefer the more dystopian BoC work. I've only just realised this by reading your post.

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More of a Campfire Headphase person myself.
I think TH genuinely changed my perspective on a lot of things, though.
I like the more ambiguous tracks as you can project your own meaning onto them and it can really help you meditate on it. Like a trip through your own mind, varies from listener to listener.

I am pretty convinced I know where the wording (but not the actual sample) from Nothing is Real came from and it has more to do with virtual reality than anything else. Jesus is used metaphorically for the creators of the content. That is if I am right, which I am probably not.

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I also like how the conversation that is turned up in the mix at the end is present throughout the entire track very quietly.
As if you are listening to people talking through the walls.

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I learned it.

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whyte wrote:It's just a sample. Don't let it keep you up at night!



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