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Dayvan Cowboy
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Sadly, yes. Back to where we were.
The combination of factors combined with them deciding to use June 9th as their 30th anniversary date; Is there a possibility it could have been deliberate?

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TheStatPow wrote:Liking tweets from people asking for new albums "Will you ever release anything new?" / " I am already going crazy waiting to hear even a shred of news about a new album." - Check

They've been doing this for several months.

TheStatPow wrote:Christ listed as "Ex Boards of Canada" when he's creatively distanced himself - Check

This one is self defeating. Why would they use the gig of an ex-band member who hasn't had anything to do with them for decades as part of an ARG?

TheStatPow wrote:The event is on June 9th, one of their song title - Check

Tbh I have doubts they would use the date from a very old track for a new ARG.

TheStatPow wrote:Martin Boulton Annoucing something is coming on BoC fb page - Check
and the list goes on ...

The time window is way too small. If they were to release or even announce something so soon they would have polished the record months ago. This is still promising though that they may be close to finishing an album.

There was nothing significant about June 9th, just another Opothecary-tier date picked out from random speculation.

I still believe that there will be a full album released by Warp to commemorate their 30th anniversary with unheard tracks, I'm thinking the disc given out at the pop-up store was just a taster or gift as part of the pop-up store or something. It also doesn't make much sense for Warp to hype something up this much and obscure it when Japanese publishers have already spilled the beans days before, and have the event happen before you even announce it! So hopefully we might get to see one from BoC's archive like Seven Forty Seven.

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^ You make a lot of valid points, Sixtyniner.
It is just the fact that all of these instances occurred almost simultaneously, alongside the fact that one would might be more surprised if BoC didn't have any involvement with Warp30 than if they did at this point.

As for the note about June 9th, it has become a bit more than that in recent years and is often known by fans as "BoC day" or something similar to that. I think they are certainly aware of it.

In the same way that if lucasfilm announced something on May the 4th, people would assume it was Star Wars related. It was made the unofficial day by fans and since has become accepted as "their day".

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every June 9th I listen to June 9th and every April 14th I listen to Avril 14th lol. Those are the only songs I know of that have dates as titles

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Me too, played June 9th on the day every year for at least 12 years

Don't forgot 5.9.78

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This could only be played once, back in 78.Cant be recurring!or you'll have to wait until 2078,lol.
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Don't think anyone noticed, but there's a new like! It was posted 4 days ago but I'm not entirely sure when they liked the post.
no information at this moment in time

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Roswell wrote:Don't think anyone noticed, but there's a new like! It was posted 4 days ago but I'm not entirely sure when they liked the post.

Yeah, just saw that this morning, pretty random but cool nonetheless

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Wow, I never even noticed, thanks for posting.

For anyone who is wondering or can't see it cause they don't have a twitter acct., it is just a photo of a baby by a BoC album that says "Our one-year-old was given their first record. By ⁦⁦@boctransmission⁩
Already this kid is infinitely cooler than I can ever hope to be."

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I am sorry for my part in getting everyone unnecessarily hyped recently. I don't like causing disappointment. I subconsciously knew that there was a good chance that it was nothing, but I wanted it to be something. I think we all do.

Maybe there will be a new cardigan released before the end of the year. It would be nice if they dropped a new cardigan in time for winter.

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Mozart wrote:Wow, I never even noticed, thanks for posting.

For anyone who is wondering or can't see it cause they don't have a twitter acct., it is just a photo of a baby by a BoC album that says "Our one-year-old was given their first record. By ⁦⁦@boctransmission⁩
Already this kid is infinitely cooler than I can ever hope to be."

Aw, that's really sweet. When I have children I fully intend to have them on a steady diet of BoC when they are a youngster. Music that one is exposed to as a child has a real effect developmentally, I feel.

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Valotonin wrote:I am sorry for my part in getting everyone unnecessarily hyped recently. I don't like causing disappointment. I subconsciously knew that there was a good chance that it was nothing, but I wanted it to be something. I think we all do..

Don't worry about it man, even if nothing happened in the end it was fun to have something to speculate about :wink:

Valotonin wrote:Aw, that's really sweet. When I have children I fully intend to have them on a steady diet of BoC when they are a youngster. Music that one is exposed to as a child has a real effect developmentally, I feel.

Probably never going to have a kid myself so I'm trying to get my 9yo cousin into my music, so far BoC didn't get that much of a reaction on him but for some reason he loved Aphex Twin 8)

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Valotonin wrote:Aw, that's really sweet. When I have children I fully intend to have them on a steady diet of BoC when they are a youngster. Music that one is exposed to as a child has a real effect developmentally, I feel.

That's pure indoctrination man, the good kind :wink: :D
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fefor wrote:Probably never going to have a kid myself so I'm trying to get my 9yo cousin into my music, so far BoC didn't get that much of a reaction on him but for some reason he loved Aphex Twin 8)

Haha, cool kid. People that age tend towards more exciting music over more atmospheric music, AFX is a mixture of both of course but it tends to be a lot heavier on the beats and changes.

I think bedtime would be the best time to see if a youngster is receptive to BoC. I can certainly imagine that if I had some of the more ambient BoC tracks, Campfire Headphase for instance, on a mixtape to fall asleep to when I was a kid that I would have appreciated it a lot.

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Val, you don't have to apologize for getting people hyped. This is the speculation thread! I probably hyped people up even more, but I don't think it is our fault, seriously, all signs were pointing to new material. At the time it seriously "felt" like we were on the verge of new material. I know how you feel, as I do it often; I see a new twitter like or something of the sort and I get all into the meaning of it and start to think up absurd theories. I think it is part and parcel for me as a diehard BoC fan, and I think it makes it fun during these (extremely) long droughts of new material. At the very least, we got that silly cardigan joke going for us :P

It still would have been a picturesque time for BoC to make an appearance, but then again, I guess I failed to take into mind their method of operation: they are not like "normal" bands or artists whatsoever. Where it would have been great PR for one artist to show up and sell new music, the brothers simply don't abide by that line of thinking. Since they're not in it for the money, they are not beholden to their music label overlords. They can't be told jack and I am sure WARP takes a "hands off" approach with them, it would be in the music labels best interest to do so. The ball is in their court and everyone knows it, and while I am sure WARP put some type of pressure on them to say something/show up in person/release a single (or EP or album or anything), BoC knows that it is ultimately up to them to release things when they see fit.

That being said I still hold the opinion that we'll be getting something within half a year to one year from this point in time.

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Warp just posted new cryptic messages on their Instagram story using the same aesthetic as the first picture.

The messages say:
This will have been happening in the future
Beyond the solstice lies the secret to a new beginning
Once upon a time (IRL)
Through the trees, the forest. Through the forest, a screen.
On the solstice we connected
And the future looked bright

and it ends with both NTS and Warp logos.

My money is on some sort of IRL livestreamed event on the 21th of June, maybe a broadcast of a Warp30 compilation? Possibly with a new BoC track?

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21th? really? :D

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Ottomatik wrote:Warp just posted new cryptic messages on their Instagram story using the same aesthetic as the first picture.

The messages say:
This will have been happening in the future
Beyond the solstice lies the secret to a new beginning
Once upon a time (IRL)
Through the trees, the forest. Through the forest, a screen.
On the solstice we connected
And the future looked bright

and it ends with both NTS and Warp logos.

My money is on some sort of IRL livestreamed event on the 21th of June, maybe a broadcast of a Warp30 compilation? Possibly with a new BoC track?

Only a few hours ago I pulled the hype-train into the sidings, switched everything off, swept the soot out of the furnace and picked up stray crisp packets from the carriages. I deserve overtime pay for this.

Sigh. All aboard, I guess.

This is weirdly similar to "He said he saw the sun. He said it smiled at him" before TH and I am cautiously optimistic, actually. Thank you for sharing :mrgreen:

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I'm perplexed by this "89 to infinity" line that they added in there. As we know, by 1989, the band had been reduced to Sandison and Eoin. 1989 was also the year Acid Memories was released, although not publicly. Maybe my initial thought of us getting an EP wasn't too far off.


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