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Happy new year everyone! 2020 .. sounds so futuristic and it is!

we pay with our phones and watches,
we have fingerprint scanning technology everywhere that we go,
Neural networks are seeing implementation everywhere,
Quantum computers!
Facial recognition is stronger than ever.
We have cars that drive themselves! (not perfectly mind you :P )

What do you all thing the next decade will be like?

My predictions:
Neural networks and quantum computing will become very big, specially neural network, they're already big but I'm telling you, it'll be on a whole other level. (If you have the chance to invest in a quantum technology/neural network based Index fund do it!)

I also think we'll see the rise of photon based chips/computers.

We may also become cashless in some places by 2030 (hope not)

China will go after Taiwan and maybe take it by force (or try)

Hopefully the Hong Kong protest will be over and Hong Kong will keep themselves out of China's grasp, but knowing china's dirty trick ... they will try many more things to get their hands all over hong kong before the agreed 2047 date.

China's social credit system will make its way out into other countries (scary stuff, if you have the chance to vote against stuff like that: Put all your heart into it)

Analog synthesisers will become more affordable (Look at all this behringer stuff coming out recently!! Yes I'm a behringer shill and I own quite a few :roll: )

A new BoC album maybe? :mrgreen:
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What do I think the next decade will be like?

Ever increasing social and economic division. Hollow words and inaction from the world’s leaders on climate. Increasing demonisation of all dissenting or progressive voices.

In ten years time we’ll know whether we’ve fucked it all up and left it too late to change. Technology is a wonderful thing but it alone cannot save us, and at worst it serves as a pretty distraction from our responsibilities.

Revolution or death.

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Dystopian, absurdly hierarchical, confusing, psychotic, fragmented, alienating, detached from reality. Culture and tradition are being replaced by a weird scientism that’s going to collapse and leave people helpless and confused when they don’t know how to live as a human and express internal emotions and conflicts.

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Sometimes I'm absolutely horrified... Just so many red flags everywhere, greed, anger, hate, confusion, assumptions, distractions and buffoonery... all being exercised and even some with a sort of mob mentality unfounded in previous generations... and yet I am also optimistic... And I know there is hope for humanity. I believe it's possible for us as a species to ascend beyond our own limitations and corruptions... But we alone cannot decide our shared fate I said though.. I have hope.
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In_The_Annexe wrote:I believe it's possible for us as a species to ascend beyond our own limitations and corruptions.

That's where you're wrong, partner.

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Have to say I'm not too optimistic for the next decade. It's now or never if climate change/environmental damage is to be tackled and without being too simplistic, it's a battle between collective action and individualism.
The changes needed are too big for 'free-market' - style individual consumer choices to make the difference, no matter what people would have us believe.
Change will have to be dictated and enforced by international government agreements, at the very moment in history where distrust in politics, individualism and the hunger for simple solutions or flat-out denial is at an all time high.
The vested interests on all sides will either stop this from happening, slow it down or make it extremely painful.
But the alternative is even more painful, by magnitudes - ecological collapse, mass starvation and environmental refugees.
The West will increasingly barricade itself off, turn a blind eye and fight wars to secure resources to ensure our lifestyles continue, which we will see as our 'right', with racism used to justify the process.
Did I say I wasn't too optimistic?

Thing is, we've known for decades how to improve our lives, our physical and mental health, while reducing environmental and economic impact - the buzz phrase is green deal or green industrial revolution, but I was reading about it at least 3 decades ago.
Mass electrified public transport, pedestrianized cities, priority for cycling, public utilities, protection and expansion of countryside and green spaces for common use, modern insulated housing, renewable energy, working from home, a four or even 3 day week, a steady-state economy based on repair and recycling rather than expansion of money and manufacturing.
We even had some of this stuff decades ago, but got rid of it.
Now the neoliberal and press consensus is we can't afford it, it's utopian, and anyway hasn't socialism failed everywhere?

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I think before anything good can happen in our post-modern societies, we first have to ascend past this ridiculous ethos of ever increasing atomization and immolation of communities. We can't keep living as if we don't need the people around us in order to have a human life. The first step would be to stop allowing municipalities to grow and chop down the skyscrapers, as well as the system that led to them. The very existence of these dreadful Towers of Spite is an accusation against our collective philosophy, that of individual growth at the expense of others. The capitalist notion of competition only fans the flames of human passion and allows it to grow out of control. It's an infectious evil machination that has replicated itself across the world and it's inevitably going to drive itself to unbridled combustion, and we will see these ziggurats brought down. I'd rather see it happen in a controlled and careful way than as an unwelcome force of chaos.

Furthermore, our age, probably more than any in the past, has been afflicted with a ubiquitous lack of love. Somehow people in our current age have been allowed to grow up thinking that one can and must turn off the switch of empathy when associating with certain people. Wherever I go, I see almost everyone do this. Whether it's in traffic, at a bureaucratic facility, in a store, at the workplace, or even at home, people are always turning away from their hearts and looking their fellow people in the face as if they were a cold, lifeless demon. This is most vicious when it's from a distance, especially through the internet, where one can very easily and casually wish death on another person without a stain on the conscience. Video games and action movies help immensely to engrave this idol into the modern human ego, and they provide a plenitude of convincing polemic to tell us that it's completely OK to have this attitude toward others, and that it's perfectly normal to wish for the blood of another human being just as long as that person has disqualified himself from the privilege of compassion. This, in my view, is the problem of our generation, and I don't believe I've ever seen it addressed in a serious way by anyone, because it's so pervasive that it's extremely difficult even to question it.

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I just want to say that what Drillkicker wrote above was pretty comprehensive in terms of putting into words what a lot of us struggle to on the current era.

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It will be way louder and way faster.

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mechanismj wrote:It will be way louder and way faster.

It's the longest decade and fastest decade we've done in probably the last two years, actually.

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Valotonin wrote:
mechanismj wrote:It will be way louder and way faster.

It's the longest decade and fastest decade we've done in probably the last two years, actually.

Yup. I will have to come up with more ways to tune most of it out. I cannot keep up anymore.

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phpBB [media]

Thought this fits drillkicker's excellent post.
"What you are looking for, is where you are looking from."

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Social face recognition, you only need to be distracted. We're home before the void and that, implies gathering...

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It's gonna suck! :lol:

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Being a science nerd (I once went on a road trip to see the Large Hadron Collider) I'm interested in discoveries. I read yesterday that somebody has managed to make metallic hydrogen, for example, which is interesting because it might be an enabling technology for a bunch of things. A room temperature semiconductor, that lets us do power storage way more cleanly and efficiently, has usages in space travel...
I mean space is another thing, we're just about on the edge of maybe going multi planetary as a species. AI is cracking open a bunch of hard problems. In medicine, we're understanding how the body actually works on a more fundamental level all the time. Our understanding of genetics is improving all the time with gene editing becoming possible, we've even managed to see inside the human brain non destructively letting us map it as a network we have access to rather than a zoomed out, closed off blob with areas of interest but a lot of questions about how things work at a fine grained level. In medicine we're kind of again poised right on the edge of understanding how so many things that kill us work, kinda apropos in a pandemic. But in talking about conditions we couldn't touch before, shit there's even people saying we could end some of the problems we have with aging. Not living forever in a body that keeps deteriorating but won't die, but in stopping the things that make old age so bad for so many people. We could be active and useful and capable for longer, and ok yes maybe live longer too.

It's all just slightly beyond where we are now. A decade is a long time to do a lot of this stuff in. Though I admit at the moment I'm reading these things with a feeling of "wow I hope were able to survive long enough as a species to see that happen". And none of it will matter unless we change things to make the benefits available to everyone. Everyone knows my political views, I'm not going to import them into another thread. But I'm basically an optimist: a lot of this stuff is exciting *because* it has a huge opportunity to make life better for everyone. To bring us into the post-scarcity time where the problems and divisions of the past don't matter any more.

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It takes ten years to finish a decade, but another ten years to realize anything happened.

I just wanted to say that somewhere.
In here is a tragedy, art thou player or audience?
Be as it may, the end doth remain:
all go on only toward death.
There is nothing which cannot become a puppet of fate
or an onlooker, peering into the cage.

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Negamuse wrote:Being a science nerd (I once went on a road trip to see the Large Hadron Collider) I'm interested in discoveries. I read yesterday that somebody has managed to make metallic hydrogen, for example, which is interesting because it might be an enabling technology for a bunch of things. A room temperature semiconductor, that lets us do power storage way more cleanly and efficiently, has usages in space travel...
I mean space is another thing, we're just about on the edge of maybe going multi planetary as a species. AI is cracking open a bunch of hard problems. In medicine, we're understanding how the body actually works on a more fundamental level all the time. Our understanding of genetics is improving all the time with gene editing becoming possible, we've even managed to see inside the human brain non destructively letting us map it as a network we have access to rather than a zoomed out, closed off blob with areas of interest but a lot of questions about how things work at a fine grained level. In medicine we're kind of again poised right on the edge of understanding how so many things that kill us work, kinda apropos in a pandemic. But in talking about conditions we couldn't touch before, shit there's even people saying we could end some of the problems we have with aging. Not living forever in a body that keeps deteriorating but won't die, but in stopping the things that make old age so bad for so many people. We could be active and useful and capable for longer, and ok yes maybe live longer too.

It's all just slightly beyond where we are now. A decade is a long time to do a lot of this stuff in. Though I admit at the moment I'm reading these things with a feeling of "wow I hope were able to survive long enough as a species to see that happen". And none of it will matter unless we change things to make the benefits available to everyone. Everyone knows my political views, I'm not going to import them into another thread. But I'm basically an optimist: a lot of this stuff is exciting *because* it has a huge opportunity to make life better for everyone. To bring us into the post-scarcity time where the problems and divisions of the past don't matter any more.

I know it's been a while since you wrote this but since this thread was bumped I felt to react to this because I missed it the 1st time. All the "solutions" you talk about that are supposedly fixed by science are not really solutions at all, yeah maybe on the surface but soon or late old problems arise in a new jacket. They just create more of the same problems because consciousness, the root of all existence, is ignored in all this. Despite all technological advances, they are more of the same mind created solutions that do not fix any root problems. Moreover, those solutions are only necessary because the mind created these problems in the first place. If we cannot evolve out of this duality we will always be stuck in this loop of problems > solutions > new problems > new solutions > etc. End this is literally eternal (suffering).

Why go multi-planetary if we cannot even take care of our Earth in the 1st place? Even if this would happen, we would end up creating the same problems on those other planets, because fundamentally nothing changed, we did not evolve consciously, only technologically so we end up re-creating the same dysfunctional patterns. This "technology is gonna save us" is such a naive view. I mean, a permanent technological solution always seems to be just around the corner. THIS time it will really save humankind, but did one ever really work in the long run? It's a classic carrot and stick example. Only recognizing the peaceful and fulfilled nature of our own Being will save us.

The body is a magnificent creation of natural intelligence, but how many people truly know and feel their energy-body, instead of living in their mind all the time, which is stuck in a prison of dualistic language? People are so driven off from their body and stuck in their illusionary world inside their head that this creates all kinds of mental and physical illnesses. And that is obviously a problem. But instead of addressing this by bringing attention inside the body, ultimately realizing we are not a body with consciousness, but rather Consciousness having a body (a fundamental difference), solutions are trying to be found outside of it trough the mind, technology, gene modification, etc. It's all totally a waste of time and energy if consciousness, which is fundamental to all existence, is ignored. It means ignoring the nature of oneself, that is what is meant by sin in the bible. To miss the mark of existence.

When you stop identifying with your body and mind, you will see that problems actually don't even exist because nothing is personal on the deepest level. Everything is just happening and there is One that is just experiencing of all this, as Oneness. And there is nothing that opposes Oneness, because it has no opposite, it just is. Even death is seen as a duality between the birth and death cycle. Problems and conflict arise when one sees oneself as a person, a separate fragment, cut off from the Source of Being. Therefore, especially now in this time, it is more important than ever before to start recognizing ones true nature. If not, it is going to be a hell of a ride, and it will be too much for many.

The real problem for the ego is the question "who or what am I?". And the answer to that question is to be found when you divert attention inwards, towards That which even exists before attention. And rest attention there in the peace and stillness of your true Self. Then the rest will come naturally.
"What you are looking for, is where you are looking from."

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Funny cos you bumping it made me reread that and I have no memory of having written it. Then I look at the timestamp and I see it's just before I had my second of two nervous breakdowns I had that year. So I reread it thinking "where was I coming from when I wrote that, did I say what I mean to say, and do I still agree with it?" And underneath all the grandiloquy...

Technology is not a solution in itself it's just an enabler. I do believe that. It can enable good and bad things depending who's wielding it and what they have in their hearts. I get frustrated by the problems of the world same as anyone and I don't have answers, but I look at the problems and it seems to the bit of me that wants to believe that people are essentially good and have other people's interests at heart that if we could just find a way of doing more somehow we could make people's life better and fairer. I read into what's coming down the pipe and I think of all the good things people could do with it and maybe it's naive my mind goes there instead of thinking of what happens if people use it to divide and repress.

I don't disagree with a lot of what you're saying, I think. We have to find a way to be kinder to each other, kinder to ourselves. Or it means nothing. I'm not spiritual. I want to believe in things like that, but I just don't. I can't even say it works especially well for me, in the long run, but I can't make myself believe something I don't. All I can do is put my hope in people finding ways through the problems we all have one way or another. But hey if it works for you I'm not going to tell you you're wrong.

It feels like a lot of people are just doing what they can to survive and it's hard to find communal consciousness when you're dodging falling rocks the whole time. "We should find a way to stop the rocks falling, really" "We should look out for people who can't dodge the rocks quick enough by themselves... I think the world needs both types of people.

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Damn, I totally forgot about this thread. It aged ... not well/not bad but damn, way more happened so far than I thought would ... and it did involve china but not in the way I thought it would :D
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Valotonin wrote:
mechanismj wrote:It will be way louder and way faster.

It's the longest decade and fastest decade we've done in probably the last two years, actually.

I see what you did there.


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