Echelon wrote:Actually I think what annoyed me more than Societas (which is a really fun listen and reflects some great esoteric music tastes) was the WXAXRXP EP. Every Warp anniversary their releases got less and less great. We went from a fully new contemporary song (Orange Romeda) to an old outtake (Seven Forty Seven) to now a track that every big BoC fan has heard bootlegged. (XYZ)
You're probably right about how cynical the whole thing is. I think I'm just giving them the benefit of the doubt because I'm a fan. But yeah, this recent Wxaxrxp rerelease smacks of a cash grab.
Thanks for shedding light on the whole thing because I was clearly mistaken!
I was quite disappointed too at the EP, Echelon. I was disappointed at the EP and also the Societas tape. We were all expecting to hear either a new album release or new tracks or a live show or something like that. There was so much expectation here! I remember I even installed Discord on my laptop to chat with other people from this forum and discuss the set. Well... it turns out they came up with a music set that had no tracks of their own at all.
Yes, we all swallowed it and said: "Ok; it is cool. Thanks, Bros!" but I don't think anybody in here thought this music set with no new tracks was what we were going to receive from them. I mean, after so many years without an album, gimme some new tracks!
In my case, I remember I was with my parents in law on a trip in friggin Hawaii and as I was listening to the set, walking on the beach, not talking to anybody, like an idiot, just focusing on my Boc set with my headphones, I was wondering if this was really BoC or if I was listening to some Dj set by an Indie artist from Warp. Yes, I know that some tracks share the same negative message of Tomorrow's Harvest, and now I like the set (especially the Victrolla Track), but this was not what I was expecting. And again, I like it, it is very good, I have listened to it a good amount of times, but I wish it contained new tracks of their own.
Then I purchased the EP and thought the $ame thing. So many years waiting and nothing new (apart from two remixes and maybe they have released them just because Odd Nostram and The Sexual Objects asked them).
Anyways, hopefully another album will be released soon. But man, 02 20 2020 was such a good date!