'tween my sophomore'n'junior years'f college, I subletted in a rainforest-humid apartment with an old friend who was very into bong rips and watching deepdark-YouTube UFO conspiracy videos (Not the beginner shit ... you basically have to watch days worth'f UFO vids to access these prophecies. [And this is what he did.])
Anyway, (our other roommate collected his unwashed beer bottles atop a cabinet and we had to bushwhack through fruitfly clouds), I noticed within me a subtle rumble: a belief that some sort'f planetary moment was impending and I just knew this, somehow ... only to realize my roommate's videos had wormed into my mind (even though I was mostly disinterested in said videos).
I bring this up 'cause I've been majorly rediscovering BoC's work with fresh eyes (a peak experience of life, rediscovering) and so visiting Twoism and other BoC-related forums more than average ... and I've come to feel like the world is portending that a new BoC release is imminent ... but it's just like the UFO thing!
"We are what we read."
And isn't there a funny lesson here about perception?
Also: I'm not sure I appreciated fully, as a high-school and college student, how cool it is that this forum exists. A bunch of people "gathering" in a "place" just to appreciate this work and see how our lives align otherwise. 'Cause BoC's impacted me almost certainly more, musically, than any other artist. So we're all here trying to figure that out. It's twisty.
"Fall in love with some activity, and do it! Nobody ever figures out what life is all about, and it doesn't matter. Explore the world. Nearly everything is really interesting if you go into it deeply enough." - Richard P. Feynman