Moderators: mdg, Mexicola, 2020k, Fredd-E, Aesthetics
Geogandhi wrote:check their privileges.
RedMarauder wrote:Geogandhi wrote:check their privileges.
Haha, the absolute state of this.
The Spaniard wrote:The album will be released soon for those who are impatient people.
vonS wrote:The Spaniard wrote:The album will be released soon for those who are impatient people.
Ah. Soon.
That would explain Big Jimmys choice of MBV sample and the Kevin Shields photo. Its coming “soon”.
Sorry. No new rabbit hole intended. Just joking (and, anyway, the concept of soon in BoC seems to be measured in years).
drixlin wrote:It's what I suspected, but not what I wanted...crap.
Ahh well. Back to the waiting game.
Mansin wrote:Wait a minute. Did people believe in that thing?
Negamuse wrote:"does this even sound like BoC" with both arrows going to "it's not"
But seriously the main thing is just rationally asking "what resources are needed to pull this off" at any stage and seeing if it requires anything more than an average internet Schmoe has access to. Everyone conveniently forgets that the arg for tomorrow's harvest started with pressed records turning up in record shops around the world. Yes, anyone *can* press a record if they have the money but you have to admit its a barrier to entry beyond "someone made a Reddit post"
Dropping the records on multiple countries requires more people to be in on the secret. Keeping a secret is hard.
Harder is getting a national radio station to playlist your unknown white label. Or get a gallery space to run your film and tweet about it. Or set up a listening party at a derelict water park in a desert.
So yeah, starting from It's Not BoC until they *do something that a bored redditor couldn't do in an afternoon* seems smart
All of which isn't to say that it was no fun even assuming going in that it was all for fun. It was fun! And the music and the videos were kinda creative, so far as they went. Just don't get your hopes up, is all
Echelon wrote:Also just to put things back on track, this came from the Instagram a day or two before the stupid hoax started:
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