writetomhatcher wrote:Wasn’t their twitter liking spree a sign they were there? Don’t they make it clear in their interviews that they are constantly making music, so much so that they don’t realize years have passed from a previous release? If their intention was to only wave at us, that would be laying it on pretty thick.
Yeah but despite all of the times they've said in interviews that they're always working on music and always will be, their long silences always lead to people claiming they're retired or getting annoyed at them for being silent.
Also with the all the fake shit recently, it might also be a message to say that anything real going down will be done through a channel that's confirmed as official.
That's what I said throughout all the Rick Roll stuff, yes BoC have done a few "mysterious" things and used hidden codes and stuff before but they have never strung out any ambiguity that it is them behind it when it is them. The mystery is always on solving the puzzle, it's never in working out whether it's actually BoC or not. If they do another ARG, I doubt we'll have to break our backs to confirm it's even them behind it before solving it.
Plus, to all those who think they wouldn't do something like this unless it's leading to something, two words: Red Moon.