Echelon wrote:I think my one wild, crazy (and probably wrong) prediction for this is that it's going to be an underground release on Skam. Maybe teased in these radio shows via some cryptic snippets about space, building up more and more each week until the band either plays a set or previews an album. The sound is going to be like nothing we've heard before from them and might be very sixties acid space rocky. I must admit that I'd love to see the brother's melodicism featured in a rock context rather than electronica one because I'm primarily a rock fan and BOC are the one outlier for me.
The preview to their new sound in Sometimes makes me think of a planetarium full of artificial stars and constellations before the warm straightforward rock drums come in with that cute piano riff. And a lot of the Societas tracks also seem to feature a rock influence (lots of drum beats that could be played by human hand) and spacey sounds too.
I mean an underground release on Skam might not be too far fetched, especially if it does have literally ANYTHING to do with the broadcasts. I'd wager it does, I'm not sure that it foreshadows a huge BoC release, but I'm sure they are involved somehow. I think it will become clear as more and more of the broadcasts air if this means anything for fans or if it's just a fun Skam stream.
Societas gives us a good idea of what's in store for the future of the BoC sound and tone; honestly, I think TH also gives us a bit of a peek into the future direction as well. If they did a space album and it's pretty likely that they will, based on everything in the past year, it would be a sound mixture of TCH and TH. With the atmospheric/spacey sound of TH interlaced with the guitars/melodic style of TCH. Obviously, I can't just boil an entire BoC album down to one sound, but I think that is the base direction they would take. It won't be as dire and desolate as TH, I definitely think it will be more hopeful and cheerful than previous releases.