Echelon wrote:writetomhatcher wrote:
Have you though about what the significance of this circle is? ROYGBIV. The Warp purple takes up 1/3 of the circle. And the blue dot is right before turquoise. That metal (vinyl press?) thing might represent the end of the year, like, we are close to something big.
Happy Cycling did make an interesting suggestion that it could be a definitive BOC repress collection. I see they're doing an AFX repress with bonus tracks so maybe we're going to see some BOC reissues with bonus tracks?
I'm down. We did get the clearance for XYZ last year so maybe there's been a few more tracks freed up to be attached as bonus tracks!
Hey, maybe that's to tide us over until next year's album!
Yeah, I think it's more likely that for now we'll get something like a BoCset, previously unreleased stuff, or some kind of repress collection. I'd bet we're still a year or two out from a new album. Again, like all BoC speculation I could be 100% off base.
On the topic of BoC/, I think it is unlikely Skam owns all the stuff that plays on the stream. It's so vague there wouldn't be a way to tell anyways. It's a free stream which seems to be purely for appreciation and artistic purposes. It's also aesthetically right up the BoC alley and super mysterious in nature. On the Warp side of things; the TH campaign had several outlets unrelated to Warp in it's promotion like Adult Swim. BoC still has older music on Skam's label and have been involved with them since the beginning of their career. So, it's not a stretch at all to think that BoC might be involved with Saying that "They are exclusive to Warp" doesn't really mean anything to me imho.