Com Truise used to make music more akin to BoC, under (I believe) the Sarin Sunday and Airliner monikers. He used to post on here.
Does anyone have a link to the clip you all are talking about?
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dp wrote:Com Truise used to make music more akin to BoC, under (I believe) the Sarin Sunday and Airliner monikers. He used to post on here.
Does anyone have a link to the clip you all are talking about?
dp wrote:Com Truise used to make music more akin to BoC, under (I believe) the Sarin Sunday and Airliner monikers. He used to post on here.
Does anyone have a link to the clip you all are talking about?
demo wrote:If it's Com Truise, then it's nice to finally get some progression, I get bored of that guys music very quickly but the thing AS posted sound really good! I also get lorn vibes, excited to see whatever it becomes, but... BoC does feel like a stretch, I hear the comparison, but... I'm not 100% convinced.
Geogandhi wrote:Well, it does look like an eclipse, to which there is one Dec 14th.
Could be our date? :0 ... t-18369489
North by North wrote:Having a lot of CT stuff, Sarin Sunday and Airliner (and of course all available BoC), it sounds like TH.
Turning that Adult Swim smiley face upside down would look like a sky with snow flakes falling. Winter??
writetomhatcher wrote:demo wrote:If it's Com Truise, then it's nice to finally get some progression, I get bored of that guys music very quickly but the thing AS posted sound really good! I also get lorn vibes, excited to see whatever it becomes, but... BoC does feel like a stretch, I hear the comparison, but... I'm not 100% convinced.
I never say anything when Com Truise is brought up, but this finally feels like my opening:
I honestly feel Com Truise is the most overrated electronic act. I admire the sounds he gets from synths, but his arrangements often fall flat. I saw him do a “DJ set” that was just him playing different songs from his albums all the way through. Telefon Tel Aviv did a bangin techno set before CT that also involved live vocals, so there was a major drop-off. I know CT gets a lot of love, and I’ve listened to his albums quite a bunch, but that set really brought out the Tycho-ness of his music.
Davism wrote:North by North wrote:Having a lot of CT stuff, Sarin Sunday and Airliner (and of course all available BoC), it sounds like TH.
Turning that Adult Swim smiley face upside down would look like a sky with snow flakes falling. Winter??
I remember during the summer people were guessing that the album would come out in the winter, I forget the reasoning why now, however. It's funny, but what if we should be taking stuff more at face value, eg. "Turning that Adult Swim smiley face upside down would look like a sky with snow flakes falling. Winter??". I used to think that David Lynch movies were incredibly complex/coded and that you had to think deeply to understand what he was getting at, but that's not true, he's actually incredibly straight forward. I know that's a little bit of a tangent, but I thought it was cool that you actually "followed directions" from Adult Swim's post.
I realize I'm making a mountain out of a mole-hill, but what else is there to talk about.
Echelon wrote:
Well how did the Look Sad Reel compare to this? Was it a snippet of music just like this?
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